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Problem loading page. Anza Mk-II MANPADS in Libya « The Rogue Adventurer - Pale Moon. Government-allied Libyans seize militia bases in Benghazi after protest, clashes. Magariaf, president of Libya’s General National Congress, spoke at a news conference just before midnight, after meeting with officials and militia leaders in Benghazi.

Government-allied Libyans seize militia bases in Benghazi after protest, clashes

A day earlier, clashes between protesters and militias left four people dead and dozens injured. Those clashes followed a large-scale protest Friday in which thousands of people marched through the city demanding the dissolution of the militias that have run Libya’s streets in the absence of a strong central government and police force since a revolution ended the 42-year rule of Moammar Gaddafi last year. Many Libyans have blamed extremist groups for the attack on the U.S. Consulate here on Sept. 11 that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador. More details emerge on U.S. ambassador's last moments. Local official says he warned U.S. diplomats about security in the area"The situation is frightening, it scares us," the official says He says it was not the first time he warned foreigners about the worsening security Benghazi, Libya (CNN) -- Three days before the deadly assault on the United States consulate in Libya, a local security official says he met with American diplomats in the city and warned them about deteriorating security.

More details emerge on U.S. ambassador's last moments

Jamal Mabrouk, a member of the February 17th Brigade, told CNN that he and a battalion commander had a meeting about the economy and security. He said they told the diplomats that the security situation wasn't good for international business. Azelin : RT @Hesiod2k11: @azelin... MustafaAG : I condemn these barbaric acts... Dr.Mustafa Abushagur (MustafaAG) sur Twitter. Libya bans religious, tribal or ethnic parties.

After Qaddafi, Tripoli is a violent city of armed fiefdoms. TRIPOLI // After not hearing from her brother Mahmoud for several hours earlier this week, Amal Ali Ibrahim dialled his mobile phone number in dread.

After Qaddafi, Tripoli is a violent city of armed fiefdoms

He had gone to Tripoli's Gargour neighbourhood to help his brother Ibrahim. There was word of a turf war between forces of the interim government and members of a civilian militia from Zintan, a city in the Nafusa Mountains, 136 kilometres south-west of the capital. The phone rang once. It rang again. Then before the last ring, the phone was finally picked up. Global Security Newswire - U.S. Seeks to Renew Contacts With Libyan WMD Scientists.

PrintShareEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedIn The United States is attempting to renew contacts with Libyan WMD experts in order to continue steering them toward civilian jobs as a means of ensuring their unique expertise is not used by hostile nations or terrorists to create new unconventional weapons, the Associated Press reported on Thursday (see GSN, March 10).

Global Security Newswire - U.S. Seeks to Renew Contacts With Libyan WMD Scientists

The former regime of Muammar Qadhafi at one point employed hundreds of scientists in the research and development of weapons of mass destruction.

Les armes du CNT

What Do We do about Libya NOW. With the U.S. and NATO's thumb firmly on the scale, the balance of power in Libya seems to be shifting steadily toward the rebel forces.

What Do We do about Libya NOW

Libya: Three rookie errors. In March, when China and Russia refused to veto UN Security Council resolution 1973 (authorising the use of force against Libya), alarm bells should have been ringing in Washington. The arch-realists in Beijing and Moscow were no converts to the lofty liberalism that suddenly overtook US foreign policy, nor keen to embrace a more elastic conception of sovereignty. NATO's Decline over Libya. Interviewee: Robert E.

NATO's Decline over Libya

Hunter, Senior Advisor, The Rand CorporationInterviewer: Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor, April 19, 2011 President Barack Obama and the leaders of France and Britain have in effect called for the ouster of Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi, yet the failure to apply sufficient military force is a blow to NATO and U.S. credibility, says Robert E. Hunter, an ambassador to NATO in the Clinton administration. Libya’s Lessons for North Korea. Sans titre. There are parts of the world that should be declared Zones of Total Bullshit.

sans titre

Take Libya.

From the no-fly zone to the Western intervention

International reactions to Gaddafi's actions against his populat. Kadhafi - Gaddafi - Gadhafi. Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs. THE ROVING EYE Gaddafi goes Tiananmen By Pepe Escobar "The unity of China was more important than the people of Tiananmen Square.

Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs

" Libya. Matières premières : Fermeture d'un gazoduc reliant la Libye à l'Europe. Le géant pétrolier et gazier italien Eni, qui exploite ce gazoduc, a décidé de fermer les robinets en raison des violences.

Matières premières : Fermeture d'un gazoduc reliant la Libye à l'Europe

L'Italie assure que cette suspension n'aura pas d'impact sur l'approvisionnement en Europe. Après le pétrole, le gaz. Ce mardi, le pétrolier et gazier italien Eni annonce avoir coupé le seul gazoduc reliant la Libye à l'Italie et à l'Europe en raison des violences. Une décision prise dans la foulée de l'arrêt des activités pétrolières en Libye. Le gazoduc Greenstream est long de 520 kilomètres et à une capacité de huit milliards de mètres cubes par an.

Pas de panique. Libya’s Oil Money Let Qaddafi Buy Support in Africa. Des milliers de Tunisiens quittent la Libye - Monde. Libya unrest: UN urges mass border evacuation. 2 March 2011Last updated at 07:58 The BBC's Jim Muir: "There are thousands upon thousands of people waiting desperately to cross that border" The UN has called for a mass humanitarian evacuation of people fleeing Libya for Tunisia, saying the border situation is at "crisis point".

Libya unrest: UN urges mass border evacuation

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said thousands of lives were at stake. Some 75,000 people have fled to Tunisia since unrest began and 40,000 more are waiting to cross, the UN says. The organisation has voted to suspend Libya from its Human Rights Council. Beleaguered Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi has rejected calls to leave. Libye: les Français rapatriés raconte. Stressés, les yeux fatigués, les Français rapatriés dans la nuit de Tripoli ont raconté la tension, l'attente et la peur dans la capitale libyenne où ils ont "tout laissé derrière eux", aujourd'hui à l'aéroport de Roissy, au nord de Paris. Débarqués, dans le froid, de deux vols militaires affrétés mardi, les quelque 500 rapatriés ont été accueillis à leur descente d'avion par une quarantaine de bénévoles de la Croix Rouge ainsi qu'une cellule d'urgence médico-psychologique. "Nous sommes soulagés", souffle une jeune maman avec sa fille dans les bras.

Libye : "C'était un carnage absolu", actualité Monde : Le Point. Gérard Buffet, 60 ans, a été pendant un an et demi anesthésiste-réanimateur au Benghazi Medical Center. L'hôpital - 1 200 lits dont 300 opérationnels, 16 blocs opératoires - est le plus moderne de Benghazi, la deuxième plus grande ville de Libye, où est née la contestation. En compagnie d'une dizaine d'autres médecins français, Gérard Buffet y travaillait dans le cadre d'accords de coopération. Avant de parvenir à rentrer en France, lundi, il a assisté, pendant plusieurs jours, à la répression féroce des manifestants par les forces de sécurité libyennes. LIBYAN PROTESTERS ATTACK S.KOREAN & CHINESE COMPANIES. Resentment over the comfortable life-style of foreigners working in Libyan projects as compared to the poverty of Libyan workers seems to be playing a role in the current turmoil in Libya.

This resentment has led to a number of attacks on South Korean and Chinese companies in Libya. 2. Even before the unrest began in Egypt, there were reports of attacks on South korean construction sites. On January 14 and 15, hundreds of Libyans raided four South Korean-run construction sites, destroying heavy equipment and setting vehicles and other facilities on fire. According to the South Korean Foreign Ministry, on February 21, about 500 Libyans stormed and looted a South Korean construction site west of Tripoli, injuring South Korean and Bangladeshi workers.It said about 15 Bangladeshis were hurt along with three South Koreans when the mob invaded the site about 30 kilometres west of Tripoli. 3. 4. Kadhafi n'a plus qu'à se pendre. L'écrivaine saoudienne Wajiha Al-Huwaidar dresse un portrait au vitriol du dirigeant libyen qui a réussi l'exploit d'être haï par son peuple, les autres dictateurs et les pays occidentaux.

La Libye et son armement