US Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Number Declassified: Only 309 Warheads Cut By Obama Administration. The Obama administration has yet to make a visible dent in the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile.
Click on graph for larger format. By Hans M. Kristensen After a transparency hiatus of four years, the Obama administration has declassified the size of its nuclear weapons stockpile: 4,804 warheads as of September 2013. The new stockpile size is 309 warheads fewer than the 5,113 warheads that the administration in 2010 reported were in the stockpile as of September 2009.
The new number of 4,804 warheads is 154 warheads more than Norris and I have in our latest Nuclear Notebook, in which we estimated a stockpile of 4,650 warheads. Obama signs bills on defense, budget - Nation. More inmates join Guantanamo hunger strike - Americas - Al Jazeera English - Pale Moon. The number of detainees taking part in a hunger strike at the US-run Guantanamo Bay military prison has grown to 77, an increase of 25 in just the past few days, according to a US military spokesman.
Lieutenant Colonel Samuel House said in a statement that of the detainees refusing food, 17 are receiving "enteral feedings," a process involving being force-fed via tubes. Five of the inmates have been admitted to hospital, although none faces "life-threatening conditions," House said. The facility, which houses 166 detainees, has been hit by hunger strikes since February 6, when inmates claimed prison officials searched their Qurans for contraband. Officials have denied any mishandling of Islam's holy book. Bertrand Badie : "La diplomatie d'Obama, c'est de l'hégémonie passive" {*style:<b>Andres : Peut-on conceptualiser ou du moins catégoriser l'expression <i>"hégémonie passive ? " </i> </b>*} The education of President Obama at the U.N. - The Fact Checker.
(Seth Wenig/AP) “We continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.” — President Obama, speech to the U.N.
General Assembly, Sept. 23, 2009 “Israel’s settlement moratorium has made a difference on the ground and improved the atmosphere for talks. And our position on this issue is well known. We believe that the moratorium should be extended.” — President Obama, speech to the U.N. “Peace is hard work. . — President Obama, speech to the U.N. Call it the education of President Obama. What Hath Obama Wrought? Not much. If I were a Republican Party leader, and I didn't care a whit about the welfare of the United States (and no, those two descriptors are not synonymous), I'd be feeling pretty good right now.
My party will almost certainly pick up a lot of seats in Congress come November, which is the normal midterm pattern after a big swing the other way, and this shift will make it even easier for the GOP to obstruct future Obama initiatives. More importantly, I'd be increasingly confident about regaining the White House in 2012 too.
One big reason is the economy, of course. A new START (2010-2011) Global Voices Online » China: Obama, can you? Obama has been sworn in as the first African American president, with a popular support peaking at its high.
His inauguration summoned as many as two million people, and his address occasionally interrupted by thunder-like claps and acclaims. The rhythmic incanting “O-ba-ma!” Oftentimes burst out of the packed and vital throng, people singing and dancing to salute to their new leader with tears in eyes. Though it is in the the depth of winter, swirl pool of crisis, the man has been charged with great hope and authority, thought as the first change people need.
This is astonishing to many Chinese. It is not that the scene is foreign to us. Memo to the President: Renew Diplomacy in the Middle East - Broo. Peace in the Middle East remains an elusive goal and an expanding arc of Iranian influence has empowered extremists throughout the Middle East.
The Status Report: Obama's Challenges in the Middle East "However, across the board, the results have yet to match the promise of its ambitious rhetoric. USA 2008 : Dallas se souvient de JFKet prie pour Oba. L'anniversaire de l'assassinat de John Fitzgerald Kennedy ravive les inquiétudes avec l'arrivée à la Maison-Blanche d'un jeune élu noir qui lui est souvent comparé.
Pour Kenneth Salyer, le souvenir de l'assassinat de John Fitzgerald Kennedy le 22 novembre 1963 n'a jamais été si vivant que depuis la victoire de Barack Obama. Il partageait ses impressions cette semaine au 6th Floor Museum de Dallas, le musée érigé à la mémoire de JFK dans l'entrepôt de livres, d'où Harvey Lee Oswald tira depuis une fenêtre du 6e étage sur le président. Obama ferme les prisons secrètes de la CIA. Le président américain a ordonné la fermeture des centres de détention où les États-Unis faisaient torturer les personnes suspectées d'appartenir à al-Qaida.
INCARCÉRÉ à Guantanamo, Benyam Mohammed al-Habashi, un Britannique d'origine éthiopienne, est passé par les prisons secrètes de la CIA. Arrêté à Karachi en 2002, il a été torturé dans une geôle marocaine puis dans les cachots de la « prison de l'obscurité », un centre pénitencier de Kaboul en Afghanistan. Oussama Nasr, dit Abou Omar, un extrémiste égyptien issu des rangs du mouvement insurrectionnel de la Jemaah Islamiyah, a été enlevé dans une rue de Milan par la CIA en 2003 avec la complicité des autorités italiennes et transféré au Caire, où a débuté son calvaire.
Farhan Janjua's Blog. Barack Obama tells Africa to stop blaming colonialism for proble.