Tutos - Parvatishop créations. Tuto taille ajustable sur sarouel. - Le blog de fanfan. 30 juillet 2009 4 30 /07 /juillet /2009 08:00 Comme promis ici, un petit tuto pour vous montrer comment je m'y suis prise pour faire la taille ajustable de mon sarouel papillon.
Et pour cela, j'ai fait un autre sarouel, orange (tissus IKEA), encore plus classsssse ! Notez que ce système ajustable est valable pour n'importe quelle jupe ou pantalon. Alors, d'abord il faut modifier le patron réalisé avec les instructions de PDC : Personnellement, je fais un demi patron et je plie mon tissus en quatre. Je replie pour garder cette partie au cas où j'en aurais quand même besoin pour un autre sarouel... Ensuite il ne me reste plus qu'à tracer sur mon tissus puis à découper.
Puis je couds l'entrejambe en premier Et les côtés jusqu'à la hauteur des hanches : Des hanches jusqu'à la taille je fais un ourlet pour séparer le devant du dos. Je positionne deux rectangles d'un autre tissus (mais on peut prendre le même si on veut) entre le devant et le dos. Et j'épingle le tout. DIY: The Grunge Corset T-shirt. PS1: Let me know what you think!
PS2: If you need any gift inspiration for Christmas, check my post about Christmas Gift Ideas! T-Shirt Weaving DIY. Crafty / Large t-shirt to a fitted tee. No sewing needed (but if you can sew, it might be faster). How to make a manly shirt less manly. :) DIY - Husbands Large T-shirt to fitted. I have been married for four years, all of which my husband has been a coach for the Eagles.
I will embarrassingly admit that I do not own one single Eagles T-shirt. Why? Honestly I'm not really sure other than the fact I have no idea where to find a cute one, and the ones my hubby brings home are all larges. For the game against Camden Fairview I borrowed my future sister in law's beautiful cute shirt, which obviously wasn't an option to wear the next consecutive day (for clear reasons that it's just tacky and I'll admit I was going to try and pull it off but I'm pretty sure Baby Dotson did a drooling number on it). So what am I supposed to do? I began researching "no-sew" fitted t-shirts and didn't like all the fringe exposed on the sides or how tacky they made the necklines. Hence the DIY project came into action. Upcycle: T-shirts to Summer vest tutorial. Sweetheart Ballet Tee Tutorial. Here’s yet another way to spice up your t-shirts when you get a little bored with the plainness of them all.
I did this a few weeks ago to two of my plain tees. I’m threatening to do this on all of the t-shirts I own. Seriously. Watch out! This little ruching technique takes literally 2 minutes; the perfect way to jazz up an outfit on your way out the door. Materials: Fitted Tee Sewing Machine Coordinating thread Elastic thread Scissors Magic Erase Fabric Pen (not pictured) Cut the collar off: only cut a little around the back & cut more around the front to make a deeper neckline. Find the center of the front collar.
HAND wind your bobbin with elastic thread. Turn your tee inside out and pull on the elastic thread until your shirt is as rouched as you’d like. Trim loose ends after securing the thread in place with a square knot. Dab the front of your shirt with water and a Q-tip to erase the magic marker line. FINI! Easy as 1 2 3. So you guys know that I'm a big dork right?
Yeah like it's a big secret or something... this chick here (pointing at myself)... she's a DORK!! I was talking with Jeanne the other day.... ok by talking I mean emailing... John goes nuts when I say "I was talking to so and so" he always responds... "oh really, you were on the phone?? " (he knows I don't like talking on the phone) "umm no I mean I was ichatting, or emailing" "that's not talking... " So you tell me dear readers... is ichatting and emailing talking ... or is talking only on the phone or in person??? OK that was totally not where I was heading with this post... back to me being a dork and talking with Jeanne.
Her response: "The vest sounds... interesting. So Jeanne... this one is for you!! Slice your tshirt straight across right under the arm pits (lay flat on a table and cut through both layers). Simple Bow Tie Top. I'm so happy about how this turned out.
This is one of those projects that's been on my to do list forever and now that I finally got it done, I wish I had done it a long time ago. This is such a simple project. [TUTO]: transformer un t-shirt. Transformer un tshirt homme en tshirt pour femme. How to Modify Your T Shirt: 5 Methods. How to Make a Lace–Up "Corset" T–Shirt: 11 steps. Edit Article Edited by Puddy, Lillian May, Caroline Ashley Kershaw, Grandpa_129 and 7 others Want to wear a sexy corset but low on cash?
Well you're in luck because this will teach you how to make your own corset out of a regular T-shirt. Ad Steps 1 Align the underarms of the smaller shirt with the larger shirt and trace the outline with chalk or a pen, depending on the color of the larger shirt.Ad 2 Remove the smaller shirt and pin the front and back of the larger shirt together (it doesn't matter where you place the pins). 10 Thread the loose end of the strip in a zigzag through the shirt's "corset hooks.
" Custom T-shirt Reconstruction Gallery. Tut-offshoulder.gif (Image GIF, 585x522 pixels) Transformation de tee-shirt en... 259027416037481762_fh6gvp9V.jpg (Image PNG, 233x680 pixels)