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Basses danses de Marguerite d'Autriche = [ms. 9085] - Détail. Musica Ficta: Non così falsa, dopotutto… - Andrea Angelini. Read Time:11 Minute, 8 Second Alterazioni scritte ed implicite Sin dall’inizio dell’XI secolo i musicisti europei hanno avuto a loro disposizione tutto ciò che era necessario per segnare l’altezza delle note senza alcuna ambiguità.

Musica Ficta: Non così falsa, dopotutto… - Andrea Angelini

Nonostante ciò, sino alla fine del Rinascimento ed anche oltre, i compositori di polifonia vocale, non si preoccupavano di annotare ogni alterazione richiesta. Sapevano che alcune alterazioni potevano essere lasciate fuori dalla notazione, dal momento che i cantanti le avrebbero eseguite in maniera giusta ed appropriata in ogni caso. Sappiamo dell’esistenza di questa pratica dalle rare ma esplicite dichiarazioni dei teorici del tempo, come ad esempio quell’autore che verso la fine del XIV secolo affermò che ‘in generale, non è necessario annotare [le alterazioni]’.

I teorici ci spiegano comunque perché alcune alterazioni sono state annotate mentre altre no. JRP Browse. OnMusic Dictionary -


TTA - The Traditional Tune Archive. Fred Wilson's Clog Played by : William DunlapSource : SoundcloudImage : Fred Wilson (The oldest living minstrel) Fred Wilson's Clog is a prominent member of a very large and popular hornpipe family that includes the titles listed above, and undoubtedly some others as well.

TTA - The Traditional Tune Archive

Cliff Hornpipe <div class="mw-ext-score" data-midi="/w/images/lilypond/p/r/prk8h6p20bglhar5fecne709ulmak6e/prk8h6p2.midi" data-source="/w/images/lilypond/p/r/prk8h6p20bglhar5fecne709ulmak6e/"><img src="/w/images/lilypond/p/r/prk8h6p20bglhar5fecne709ulmak6e/prk8h6p2.png" width="757" height="146" alt=" X:1 M:C L:1/8 K:F c>A|F>Ac>A F>Bd>B|A>cf>c a>fc>A|B>dg>b A>cf>a|(3gaf (3efd (3cdB (3ABG| "/></div> and Clog du vieillard and its closest variants are related to "Fred Wilson's" in the distinctive 'B' part, or second strain, with the first parts being either distantly related or unrelated.

Edward Le Roy Rice, in his book Monarchs of Minstrelsy (New York, 1911), gives this bio of Fred Wilson: FRED WILSON. IMSLP: Free Sheet Music PDF Download. Music : Cosens lute book. The lute book Add.3056 lacks a title page bearing an owner's name and so it is now called the Cosens lute book after its nineteenth-century owner Frederick W.

Music : Cosens lute book

Cosens. However, the initials C.K. occur in about half a dozen of the titles to music known to be by other composers, suggesting that they are the initials of the owner and scribe. Although the initials do not match any likely candidate from the records, the neat tablature, uniform throughout, as well as the level of difficulty of much of the music suggests the lute book is more likely to have belonged to a professional musician, rather than an enthusiastic amateur nobleman like many of the other surviving examples. Several of the popular English pavans and galliards by known composers, including 3 by John Dowland, are accompanied by a distinctive personal style of division writing, indicative of the owner making their own arrangements of the standard repertory which a professional would be expected to do. John H. Lute Society of America - Tab Facsimiles. Historical Works for Lute and Related Instruments Available Online.

Lute Society of America - Tab Facsimiles

Des chansons reduits en tabulature de lut à trois et quatre parties, livre deuxieme. Music : Mathew Holmes lute books. Dd.2.11 is the first and largest of the four Mathew Holmes lute books, copied probably 1588-1595.

Music : Mathew Holmes lute books

Nine music manuscripts in Cambridge University Library were shown by Ian Harwood in the 1960s to have been copied by Holmes who was Precentor and Singingman of Christ Church in Oxford from 1588 and then in Westminster Abbey in London from 1597 until his death in 1621. Four of the manuscripts, with the shelfmarks Dd.2.11, Dd.5.78.3, Dd.9.33 and Nn.6.36, form a chronological series largely devoted to tablature for the renaissance lute.

The four comprise the most extensive and important source of English lute music to survive in the world, totalling over 650 separate items, some duplicated within or between manuscripts, crammed into all available space of more than 300 folios (600 pages) in total. Many lute solos in the Holmes manuscripts have titles with the names of dedicatees, including royalty, nobility, members of the merchant class, academics or actors from the London theatres. John H. Search results - Biblioteca Digital Hispánica (BDH) Records per page: Order by: 3.

Search results - Biblioteca Digital Hispánica (BDH)

Los seys libros del Delphin de musica de cifras para tañer vihuela Narváez, Luis de - Música impresa - 1538 The URL link to the bibliographic record has been copied correctly The url to access the bibliographic record is: The URL link to the document has been copied correctly The url to access the document is: 6. Manuscrito - 1593. Sarge Gerbode Lute Page. Music. The music collections at Cambridge University Library play an important role in the preservation of musical heritage, both on a national and international level.


From printed and manuscript music scores and texts on music to ephemera and concert programmes, archival materials documenting the life and work of composers, music scholars and performers, a huge variety and breadth of material has been collected over several centuries. There are close links between music collections at the University Library and the Pendlebury Library of Music at the music faculty. Within the printed music collections a large section is devoted to music published in the British Isles, much of which has been received under the provisions of the various Copyright Acts since 1709. As a result the library holds, for example, an amazing collection of Victorian songs.