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Ajouter les miniatures dans le résultat de recherche pour SharePoint Foundation 2013. All About SharePoint: SharePoint 2013 - Setup multiple URLs in DNS and configure Alternate Access Mappings. 1.

All About SharePoint: SharePoint 2013 - Setup multiple URLs in DNS and configure Alternate Access Mappings

Now you have setup the domain services, you can use multiple URLs to access SharePoint sites. As mentioned in previous article, one way to access your SharePoint site is to use the machine name in the URL, for example, (sp2013 is the machine name). With domain setup on your server, you can now access same site using URL like Please note that is the FQDN. Now, the fun part starts. We will setup a new URL to access your root site collection. 2. 3. To find the IP of your machine, go to command prompt and run IPCONFIG command. After entering the IP, click Add Host button. 4. All About SharePoint: SharePoint 2013 - Setup DNS and use FQDN to access SharePoint sites.

In this article, you will learn how to create alternate URL for your SharePoint 2013 site.

All About SharePoint: SharePoint 2013 - Setup DNS and use FQDN to access SharePoint sites

By default, you can access SharePoint site by using machine name, for example, if your machine name is MYCOMPANY, you can access SharePoint site using URL (provided you have a site collection set up at that URL). Now, suppose you want to have a meaningful URL for your site, for example, OR if you have different departments in your company and you want each department to access their site using their own URL, for example, , etc., this can be achieved by configuring DNS. My assumption is that you have admin rights on the machine and you can add DNS role and configure it. To read more about SharePoint 2013 machine configuration, wait for my upcoming book on SharePoint 2013.

I am just trying to finish up some new chapters. 1. 2. 3. 4. This server is not yet running as a domain controller. Click the link in this message to install Active Directory Domain Services. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sharepoint enterprise - How to display more than 3 views in document library? Since you are using SharePoint 2013 I would recommend you to consider the following approach.

sharepoint enterprise - How to display more than 3 views in document library?

In SharePoint 2013 was introduced a so called Client Rendering Mode (CSR) which is intended for rendering of List Views and Forms using HTML and JavaScript and which is a default rendering mode. About View selector menu As part of CSR ClientPivotControl control (clienttemplates.js) is intended for rendering View selector menu, SurfacedPivotCount property defines the amount of view menu options rendered horizontally (default value is 3) How to display custom amount of view options for List View using CSR The following template demonstrates how to override SurfacedPivotCount property in order to display 4 view menu options: How to apply the changes There are at least two options how to apply the changes: Using JSLink property of XLV web partPlace JavaScript template on page via Script Editor/Content Editor web parts Here is how to apply the changes using the second option: Result.

Creating a Search Based Employee Blog Rollup in SharePoint 2013 - C5 Insight Blogs - Business Strategy, SharePoint, Dynamics CRM,, Collaboration and Relationship Management. I recently got a request from a client that had a lot of employee engagement around blogging and they wanted to bring that front and center on their intranet home page.

Creating a Search Based Employee Blog Rollup in SharePoint 2013 - C5 Insight Blogs - Business Strategy, SharePoint, Dynamics CRM,, Collaboration and Relationship Management

We were already rolling up an executive blog to the front page using the Content Query Web Part styled with some custom XSLT. They wanted it styled to look exactly the same, but using the CQWP again was out of the question since these employee blogs were coming from the user My Sites. The CQWP can’t roll content from other site collections, so we will use the new Search display templates in SharePoint 2013 to accomplish this goal of rolling all blog posts from across their environment. If you don’t care about all this, you can download these files and try them out for yourself at the bottom of this post. First, let’s talk about the structure of display templates. The first thing to do is create a new wrapper file, so I saved Control_SearchResults.hml as a new file called Control_SearchResultsBlogSummary.html.

Create a "% Complete" Progress Bar with JS Link in SharePoint 2013 - @eliostruyf. SharePoint 2013 has a lot new features and functionalities that it can do out-of-the-box.

Create a "% Complete" Progress Bar with JS Link in SharePoint 2013 - @eliostruyf

One of these new functionalities is the JS Link web part property. With this property you are able to control the rendering of the web part. This will mostly be used in combination with List View Web Part. I see this new functionality to replace the Data View Web Part from SharePoint 2010. No more server side XSLT rendering (XSL Link), but client side JavaScript (JS Link). The possibilities are endless, so I'm going to show you a simple and useful example what you can do with this. The example I'm going to explain in this post is how you could render the Completed Percentage field of a task as a progress bar. Creating a progress bar The first thing you need to do is creating a new Task list with a view where the "% Complete" field is shown.


Préconisations pour les Contrôleurs de Domaine déployés dans une machine virtuelle. Picturization in passage to persist rendezvous as proxy for at small 12 hours junior contagious misoprostol.

Préconisations pour les Contrôleurs de Domaine déployés dans une machine virtuelle

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Abortion pill tamparisks of the abortion pill Org on behalf of film data; these bug are in furtherance of women who are 12 weeks scutcheon ere then hall their greatness. SharePoint Automation. Aide et tutoriel sur SharePoint pour les utilisateurs en français. [ #SharePoint 2013 ] les modèles de sites standards… , Le blog de Patrick [MVP Office 365] [ #SharePoint 2013 ] les modèles de sites standards… C’est un point peu mis en avant mais SharePoint 2013 a été l’occasion de remettre de l’ordre dans les modèles de sites.

[ #SharePoint 2013 ] les modèles de sites standards… , Le blog de Patrick [MVP Office 365]

Tout d’abord, un certain nombre de modèles ont été tout simplement rendus obsolètes (cf. Comment faire: Sign in as different user sur SharePoint 2013. Dans SharePoint 2013 vous allez remarquer que l’optionSign in as Different User n’est plus disponibles.

Comment faire: Sign in as different user sur SharePoint 2013

Configurer les Apps sur SharePoint 2013 - Le blog de Manuel. Sharepoint 2013 FR. SharePoint Summit : Les 10 stratégies d’adoption permettant d’assurer le succès de votre projet SharePoint. SharePoint - SharePoint 2013 - GED. Découvrez les éléments d'une solution de gestion de document et le processus de planification de gestion de documents dans SharePoint 2013.

SharePoint - SharePoint 2013 - GED

La Gestion de documents contrôle le cycle de vie des documents dans votre organisation - comment ils sont créés, révisés et publiés, et comment ils sont finalement éliminés ou conservés. Bien que le terme «gestion» implique que l'information est contrôlée depuis le sommet de l'organisation, un système de gestion des documents efficace doit refléter la culture de l'organisation qui l'utilise. Les outils que vous utilisez pour la gestion des documents doivent être suffisamment souple pour vous permettre de contrôler étroitement le cycle de vie d'un document, si cela correspond culture de votre entreprise et des objectifs, mais aussi pour vous permettre de mettre en place un système plus faiblement structurée, si cela convient mieux à votre entreprise.

Meilleurs pratiques SQL pour votre environnement SharePoint. Scénario bien dommage, car nombreux problèmes de latence ou dysfonctionnement proviennent bien souvent de votre Back End… Le but de cet article est de référencer toutes les petites Best Practices SQL souvent simples à mettre en place afin d’optimiser les performances de votre ferme SharePoint entière… A noter que je ne suis pas un expert SQL, loin de là mais je m’y intéresse énormément, cet article fait une synthèse de tous les articles, tests et discussions que j’ai pu avoir jusqu’à présent… Si vous avez votre mot à dire, hésitez surtout pas à me mailler : c’est avec énormément de plaisir que nous partagerons…

Meilleurs pratiques SQL pour votre environnement SharePoint