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La NBA va diffuser ses matchs en réalité virtuelle. Fastcocreate. Chuck Palahniuk’s mind is a one-way depository for debauchery.


Ideas, aberrant as they please, enter and never find their way out again. "I think my greatest talent is that I have this imagination that allows me to keep all these ideas over years and years," Palahniuk says. "For Guts, two of the stories I heard in college and one was even before college. So I ended up carrying those stories in my mind for 30 years, at least, before I heard the last detail that allowed me to put them together thematically. " Palahniuk’s meticulous execution is leading him to territories beyond his culture-defining short stories and novels, namely a comic book sequel to Fight Club, an adult coloring book titled Bait: Off-Color Stories for You to Color, and cowriting his first screenplay for a film adaption of his 2002 novel Lullaby. "I would love to write a play. Palahniuk’s visceral prose fully utilizes a book’s potential to be a vessel for narrative misdirection and deconstructed plot lines.

Aja KONA 3G : Carte d'acquisition 4K/2K - 3G/HD/SD-SDI. Canal+, iTélé et D8 vont lancer des programmes en 360° réalité virtuelle dès le mois prochain. Canal+ va lancer à partir du mois de mars des contenus en 360° et en Réalité Virtuelle, en exclusivité sur myCANAL (Contenus disponibles sur le Player 360°myCANAL, sur l’appli D8 et le Facebook d’iTELE, sur smartphone et tablette, Android et iOS, avec ou sans lunettes.

Canal+, iTélé et D8 vont lancer des programmes en 360° réalité virtuelle dès le mois prochain

Pour la première fois en France, seront notamment proposées des expériences en live issues des programmes de CANAL+ et des autres chaînes du groupe. Avec le lancement du nouveau Player 360°de myCANAL c’est la promesse pour le spectateur de s’immerger au cœur des contenus de Canal+ : plonger dans les coulisses d’un match, sur le plateau ou dans les coulisses d’une émission, se « téléporter » au cœur d’une série, dans la salle de cinéma de Canal+» ou encore dans une salle de concert. Exemple de vidéo 360° Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas la vidéo 360°, vous pouvez découvrir en découvrir sur YouTube par exemple, comme celle ci-dessous (il est bien sûr préférable de la regarder avec un smartphone ou une tablette) : Front Pictures and the FULLDOME Experience. Front Pictures, a studio founded in Kiev, Ukraine in 2003 has been perfecting Fulldome environments with TouchDesigner to create some very convincing immersive experiences.

Front Pictures and the FULLDOME Experience

The studio's work was recently brought to our attention by digital artist Andrey Yamkovoy who is also a TouchDesigner specialist at Front Pictures. The team of sixteen led by Yuri Kostenko (Head of Studio) and Vitaly Slyusarenko (Technical Director) are driven by a love for high-tech creativity which has led them to specialize in developing "next media solutions" which includes programming, interactive design, video production, and hardware engineering. For recent projects Front Pictures produced a true 3D environment for fulldome projection using TouchDesigner. First the team developed their own GLSL shader generating an angular fisheye camera.

This setup is used to make impressive real-time visualizations for shows, presentations and performances in planetariums around the world. Astropilot360 Show Network SOP tests. Front Pictures and the FULLDOME Experience. VisionStation - Virtual Reality Dome. The 2.0 meter VisionStation is designed to deliver the maximum in single user immersive viewing.

VisionStation - Virtual Reality Dome

The VisionStation's ulta wide 180° field of view (FOV), great sense of immersion and ease of use make for a terrific, low-cost alternative to large, unwieldy multi-projector systems. The VisionStation is designed to be deployable--one person working alone can set up the VisionStation in less than fifteen minutes! With a range of projectors available, the VisionStation is the perfect solution for many different projection challenges. VisionStations are affordable, low- maintenance and easy to use.

The standard VisionStation can be used for reviewing buildings, automotive and aerospace designs or as a low cost driving simulator. Specifications: Studio Bullet Time 360° Astronaut Charlie Duke plays Apollo 11 VR on Oculus Rift. Vrse. Newest VR Games & Experiences - WEARVR. Le CINQ. Une « cave virtuelle » à Quimper - Economie. Né à Laval, l'Idome, coupole d'immersion dans un film en 3D, va entamer un tour de France. Live 360° - Streamakaci. ATEME at CES 2015 - LiveSphere. LiveSphere : A high-quality live 360° television experience.

Finwe Ltd. – 360° Introduction 360° panorama video is an immersive video – a recording of a real world scene, where the view in every direction is recorded simultaneously and stitched together into a single video covering complete 360×180 degree view.

Finwe Ltd. – 360°

During playback, the viewer has control of the viewing angle, being able to look at any direction, even straight up and down. Equipped with proper software, mobile handsets can be applied to play panoramic videos in such a way, that simply by moving the device, the user controls the viewing direction in the immersive video space. Recent development in mobile devices also enables truly immersive experiences to smartphone users via affordable virtual reality (VR) goggles. High resolution displays, fast processors, built in sensors, high speed wireless communications and built in storage make all the required elements built in a compact form that can be easily coupled with a head-mounted display frame (HMD).

Product Offering Features Test images and videos. ATEME. 360 VR Video Playback On Apple TV World Premiere Using Finwe Ltd. Orion 360 Engine - Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Trend News & Reviews - Virtual Reality Reporter.