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Chakras & Subtle Body

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Что такое человек?| Издательство АНС. - Видеть или знать? - Особенности восприятия и анализа внешнего мира- Три составляющих человека- Проявления телесной составляющей человека- Проявления душевной составляющей человека- Проявление духовной составляющей человека - Мышление - Сознание - Воля - Стремление к истине - Совесть - Развитие духа - Суть духа- Гипотеза о существовани двух миров - материального и духовного - Пространство - Время - Материя, энергия, информация - Духовное или ментальное поле Передача и приобретение знаний, особенно принципиально новых, требует огромного труда и больших усилий как со стороны того, кто дает, так и со стороны того, кто получает. Человек должен быть готов к восприятию новых знаний.Электромагнитные поля объективно существовали и до того, как были открыты наукой.

Они постоянно воздействовали на людей, хотя никто об этом и не подозревал. Всего сто с небольшим лет назад об их существовании знал лишь небольшой круг ученых и инженеров. Видеть или знать? Три составляющих человека Мышление. Энергоинформационная модель человека| Издательство АНС. - Физическое тело человека- Жизнеобразующее (или эфирное) тело- Тело ощущений- Тело рассудка или характера- Тело сознания- Духовное тело - Человек - уникальный представитель двух миров - Особенности духовного тела- Сущность человека - Неповторимое личное "Я" - Духовная частица человека - вечное "Высшее Я"- Православные иконы и "тонкие тела" человека - Икона и картина - Фаворский свет - Нимб - Особенности изображения ликов святых - Трехслойные нимбы на православных иконах- Аура или совокупность тонких тел - Что видят "внутренним зрением"? - Многомерная модель человека- Энергоинформационная "связь Миров" В предыдущей главе мы предположили, что на протяжении всей своей жизни человек представляет собой триединство реальных (материальных или энергетических) структурных частей, которые мы условно назвали Телом, Душой и Духом.

Физическое тело человека Материальной основой человека является его физическое тело. Жизнеобразующее (или эфирное) тело Тело ощущений Тело рассудка или характера Нимб. Л.Г.Пучко. Многомерная медицина. Система самодиагностики и самоисцеления человека | Многомерная и народная медицина. Многомерная медицина - это сплав знаний западной и восточной медицины, древних и современных эзотерических знаний и агностического опыта всех основных мировых религий, давших возможность системно описать многомерную структуру человека, состоящую из семи тел - физического и шестислойного энергетического каркаса, окружающего физическое тело. Именно в этом энергетическом каркасе находятся глубинные причины (чужеродные вибрации) большинства хронических болезней, устранение которых дает эффект мгновенного исцеления.

Эти знания были зашифрованы в трудах Посвященных, составляли основу магических техник Востока и молитвенных практик монастырей и действующих церквей Запада. Автору удалось разработать алгоритм, с помощью которого и с применением радиэстезического метода (биолокации) можно у каждого человека выявить индивидуальную матрицу записи в волновой форме хронических болезней, вызванных глубинными причинами, и устранить их с помощью метода вибрационных рядов, не имеющего аналогов в мире. Sacred Wheel Teachings and Self-Development Techniques | Church of the Cosmos : Temple of Light. By Swiftdeer The Deer Tribe Metis-Medicine Society, through the auspices of the Shamanic Lodge of Ceremonial Medicine has chosen a select set of Sacred Wheel Teachings and Self-Development Techniques from the vast amount of knowledge found in the Inter-Tribal, Native-American Traditions.

Specifically, the information and knowledge contained in this Training Manual and the further teachings found in our Apprentice Teaching Manuals comes from a “Body” of Sacred Knowledge of Traditional Native American Elders called “TWISTED HAIRS”. These Twisted Hairs were all “WARRIORS” and came from many different tribes from all of North, South & Central America which was called Turtle Island. A Twisted Hair Warrior was also, usually, a Elder and respected Medicine Man/Woman, Shaman, Sorcerer, Magician or Wizard and was a member of these particular tribes “secret” Medicine Society or Magickal Lodge. Therefore, they were considered to be a Man/Woman of Power and Knowledge.

The Twelve Magical Worlds 1. The 18 Chakras of Healing. Chakras. C(h)akra is a Sanskrit word for 'wheel'. The description is an old one and infers motion, a spinning, especially in three [or more] dimensions. This page will draw info from around the world to try to describe and expand upon the qualities and structure of the chakras and their functions. Muladhara / Mooladhara / Base / Root / Huiyin / 1st Muladhara chakra is at the coccygeal point at the base of the spine, in the area of segment II of the coccyx (tailbone). This chakra is seated at the base of filum terminale, a threadlike connective tissue that links the bottom of the spinal cord to the coccyx (the spinal cord does not extend all the way down to the coccyx - it terminates in the lumbar region).

Muladhara is just above kanda mula (root bulb), the base of the major nadis that run up the spinal column. Svadishthana / Sacral / Spleen / 2nd / Lower Tan Tien (Sanskrit sva = vital force/soul + adishthana = seat/abode {abode of the self}) Situated above the organs of generation. How to Open Your Spiritual Chakras: 8 Steps. User Reviewed Community Q&A According to Hindu and/or Buddhist belief, chakras are vast (yet confined) pools of energy in our bodies which govern our psychological qualities. There are said to be seven main chakras in all; four in our upper body, which govern our mental properties, and three in the lower body, which govern our instinctual properties.

They are: The Muladhara (root) chakra. Read on to discover the art of becoming aware of the chakras, as well as a very reliable technique designed to open them. Steps <img alt="Image titled Open Your Spiritual Chakras Step 1" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn" onload="WH.performance.clearMarks('image1_rendered'); WH.performance.mark('image1_rendered');">1Understand that if you are opening your chakras, there is no need to try to make over-active chakras less active.

Community Q&A Ask a Question Tips. Astral Body Healings | Intuitive Mind. The Astral Body is a lighter than the physical body. It is the light body that you travel in to the Astral plane while you are sleeping or day dreaming. The Astral plane is another dimension of existence where we work out circumstances and experiences that we are unable to work out in our physical life. Examples can be, when a loved one has passed and you have unfinished business, or relationships in your current life that cannot be resolved in conflicts. It can be fears, doubts, insecurities or inspirations, creativity that you can do in the dream world to practice before experiencing here on earth in your human life. It can look like a Christmas tree full of ornaments trying to fit back into the body. This appointment is 45 minutes to 1 hour in length, and will be full in focused healing. Click Here to View Upcoming Courses on our Calendar. Your 13 Chakra Centers | Karen Rainwater.

Your physical Chakra Centers are gateways that receive and transmit energetic frequencies. These frequencies are transmitted primarily by the governing Auric Bodies, yet they also receive frequencies from other Auric Bodies and other Chakra Centers too. These illustrations depict the physical locations for both the traditional and the New 13 Chakra Centers. You will notice that the New 13 Chakra Centers are not situated in a logical numerical sequence, as were the traditional 7 Chakras. Since 2004 there has been a re-activating process occurring, and five chakra centers have been lowered from the higher spheres and integrated into your physical body. The Components of a Chakra Center This illustration describes the internal mechanics of a Chakra Center. You will eventually want to know what they are and how to repair them. Those same frequencies are then distributed to all the other Chakra Centers and Auric Bodies using the Top and Bottom Vortices.

Your 13 Auric Bodies | Karen Rainwater. Mastering your Vibrational Frequencies Each Auric Body, combined with its physical chakra center contains inherited gifts and abilities that become activated upon recognition. The first nine levels awaken your consciousness and help you understand “who you are.” The remaining four levels offer further empowerment as you discover “what you are.” As you consciously acknowledge these gateways, you will want to establish intimate and loving relationships with each auric dimension, as these 13 dimensions make up the authentic you! Your physical body is the SUM TOTAL of all energetic frequencies resonating within your 13 Auric Bodies.

I AM, WE ARE, ONE. This image illustrates the hierarchal order of your 13 Auric Bodies, the Physical Chakra Centers each one governs and the resonating Vibrational Theme. How Energy is Transmitted and Received The frequencies resonating within the collective of your 13 Auric Bodies make up your Auric Field. Components of an Auric Body Bodies. Auric Bridges: 1. 2. 3. Energy Reality: The Astral/Emotional Body. - in recognition that matter is energy and that many higher levels of energy exist in reality. By changing energy, miracles occur. Tour of Your Energy Bodies As Seen with Higher-Vision (The Human Constitution In Its Healthy & Awakened State) You are more than the physical body that you sense.

Your mind, emotions, and soul have their own bodies. The Astral/Emotional Body For a much larger image, Click Here. Function: The Astral Body gives you the ability to have desires, emotions, imagination, and psychic abilities. Range of Consciousness: Astral consciousness includes the full range of emotions from fear, hate, and sorrow to love, happiness, and ecstasy. Astral experiences include dreams, fantasies, out of body experiences, near death experiences, hallucinations, imagination, and visions. Astral consciousness and the Astral Universe includes anything imaginable, from the worst possible hells to the most glorious heavens. It has a total of 4 spatial dimensions. The Solar System. The Solar System by Lieut.

-Colonel Arthur E. Powell Tables of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13.Fourth Dimensional Connection between Sun and Planets Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. Figure 23. Figure 24.The Inner Round: Retrogression Figure 25. Figure 26. Figure 27. Figure 28. Figure 29. Figure 30. Figure 31. Figure 32. Figure 33. Figure 34. Figure 35. Figure 36. Figure 37. Figure 38. Figure 39. Figure 40. Figure 41. Figure 42. Figure 43. Figure 44. Figure 45. Figure 46. Figure 47. Tables of Figures. 1 The Lipika and the devarajas. 1 The First Chain. 1 The First Five Rounds. 1 THE FOURTH ROUND: GLOBES A, B and C.. 1 The Second Sub-race.. 1 The Third Sub-race. 1 The Fourth Sub-race. 1 The Fifth Sub-race. 1 The Sixth Sub-race. 1 The Seventh Sub-race. 1 The First Sub-race: the Rmoahal. 1 The works of H. 2 lower mental globes.

First. The Imperishable Body by E.L.Gardner. Transaction of the Theosophical Research Center, London 1948 Theosophical Publishing House, London 1948 Other books by the same author The Web of the Universe The Play of Consciousness This World and the Next A Mystery Scroll and Its Key The Mysteries The Nature and Function of the Soul Fairies: The Cottingley Photographs and Their Sequel [Page 4] An ' imperishable body' seems at first to be something of a contradiction in terms for, it may well be asked, how can a material body be imperishable and thereby immortal ?

One answer is that everything depends on the subtle properties of the body used since it is a leading tenet of occultism that spirit and matter are in essence homogeneous. Purusha (Spirit) is spoken of, in the Sankhya Philosophy, as something impotent unless it mounts on the shoulders of Prakriti (Matter) , . . Union is the explanatory key-word in the making of Perfect Man and implies that an immortal spirit is then using an imperishable body.

In Mrs. St. ИНДИГО: ШЕСТАЯ РАСА правит миром? - МНЕНИЕ - Форум-Учебный Центр"Вознесение" Цвета ауры С лёгкой руки американского педагога и адвоката Нэнси Энн Тейп, в 1982 году написавшей книгу «Осознание жизни через цвет», выпорхнуло слово «индиго». Этим словом она называла детей, рождённых с фиолетовой, синей и голубой аурой. Вышедшие на Западе и переведённые у нас книги Ли Кэрролла и Джейн Тоуберг «Дети Индиго» и Дорин Верче «Забота о детях Индиго» не дают точного и вразумительного ответа, кто же такие дети-индиго и каковы их отличия от детей с другими цветами аур. Дети с аурами цветов индиго, зелёного, красного рождаются больше перед определенными планетарными или техногенными катастрофами с быстрой активизацией своей программы и назначения. За 18 лет практической деятельности автора статьи из статистического материала на более чем восемь тысяч человек сделан некоторый обобщающий анализ.

Жёлтые (5 раса) Зелёные (6 раса) Красные (6 раса) Индиго (6 раса) Из данного процентного соотношения видно преобладание шестой расы. Жёлтая аура Красная аура 1. Аура Индиго Зелёная аура 1. 1. Teorie. Význam enioanatomie Znalosti anatomie jemnohmotných těl dávají každému člověku možnost: nalézt individuální cestu duchovního poznání, vývoje a projevů v sociálně-biologickém životě vytvořit informačně-energetický základ vývoje jemnohmotných těl dosáhnout přírodní informačně-energetické podstaty a čistoty jemnohmotných těl přeorientovávat a měnit charakter informačně-energetického obsahu jemnohmotných těl realizovat všestranné, harmonické a vyvážené fungování všech těl ve svých jemnohmotných tělech vytvořit informačně-energetické podmínky pro projev duchovních vlastností lidstva, přírody, Země, Vesmíru, Panny Marie, Ježíše Krista, Ducha svatého a Stvořitele vyvíjet celkovou extrasenzorickou citlivost, duchovní informačně-energetické vědomí, schopnost rozumět charakteru informačně-energetických polí vnějšího prostředí (Země, biosféry, noosféry, morfogeneze, Vesmíru, duchovního Bytí Stvořitele, Ducha Svatého, Ježíše Krista, Panny Marie a jakéhokoliv objektu).

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By clicking on any of these headings you get records that contain the selected MeSH heading. Zboží > Knihy …pro Vaši duši a tělo. Tituly. The POINTS of The MICROCOSMIC ORBIT in More DETAIL - NO WAY Neo-Duddhism .ORG! The Human Atmosphere Index. What Is Human Aura? - BioField Global Research Inc. COURSE XXXVIII: ASTRAL AURA. Contemporary Mystic Christianity | Diagrams. Conciencia de Ser. Valentina Garlea | derzela. Fenomenul Valentina Garlea. The 12 Chakras. Collection of Human Frequencies - Reflexology - Chakra Charts - Energy Meridians - Hands, Feet, Tongue, Neidan et Dantian le champ de cinabre. Our New Energy System. Your Body & Yourself :: PTE Mystery School. The Hara Line Chakras - Reiki Heidi: Reiki Healing in Norwich. The Eagle and The Serpent | Two souls sharing their spiritual experiences. The Dravidian varman model #1 | Mark Phillips Acupuncture.

Levels of the Spirit and Chi. A Guide to the Subtle Energy Bodies & Points. Shila Moa: Holistic Healer | Chakras Defined. Universal Tao: Three Minds. Unire le nostre 3 menti (del cervello, del cuore, del intestino) in una - Risveglio di una Dea. Opening and Activation of the Stellar Gateway. A Different Approach to the Chakras by Angela Burr-Madsen, TNP. WAVE X Archives - Universal Life Tools. O_Perispirito_E_Suas_Modelações_(aura,_bioenergia,_chakras) Aura. Human Aura. Despre fiinta umana  Corpurile Subtile ale Fiinţei Umane - Dimensional Consciousness - Dr. Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians on # Astral projection & OBE guide how to do it in the astral planes.

Magic Part # 1. Magic Part # 4. The Etheric Double by A.E.Powell. Group Soul, Not fully incarnated, Astral Bodies and more | Frances Fox. Effects of Occult Development: Lecture X. Chios Energy Healing ( Aura and Chakra Healing ) - Alternative Medicine / Holistic Health. All articles | CoSozo. Diagnosticare şi tratament prin vizualizarea aurei energetice | Evenimentul. SOMAVITA :: Energetica si Anomalii. Spiritum Infinitum: Curatarea campului energetic,tehnici de intarire si protejare. The human bio-field project. Se connecter à Facebook. The true-Self, the false-self and the ego. "The Taoist Approach of the Three Dantians" By Te-Hsin Lo & Joseph Zeisky. Ming-Men: An acupressure point with power-full implications - Tai Chi Basics | Tai Chi Basics. Cultivating Qi Energy in the Hara & Its Energetic pathways.

Pranic Scanning & Healing Treatment - Prana World. The Chakras and Their Functions. The Chakras and Their Functions. Differences in view about the chakras. NSW Pranic Healing - Home. Compare Dan Tien to Chakra? - General Discussion - The Dao Bums. Kindred Works. Theosophy : The Chakras by Mahatma C. W. Leadbeater : : The Rainbow Body. Sacred Anatomy - CoreIndividuation. Layayoga: The Definitive Guide to the Chakras and Kundalini: Shyam Sundar Goswami: 9780892817665: Books.

Nadis - The Healers Bible. Yoga Sutra Study – 3.32 | Yoga Bijaa. The Chakras and their Petals - A Technical Overview. The Chakras and their Petals - A Technical Overview. Synchronometr: Human as a Resonant Number Model - Galactic Spacebook. New Page 2. The Q'ero Energy System. Merging with Siva, Chapter 42: The Evolution of Consciousness. Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Chakra Distortions - healing forum. Healing Energies. "The Secret Behind The Chakras"

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