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Time Traveler Who Spent 2 Years in The Future 2749 Tells All. Al Bielek discusses what he remembers from his 6 weeks spent in the year 2137 and 2 years he spent in 2749.

Time Traveler Who Spent 2 Years in The Future 2749 Tells All

One thing that I should stress is that many of the events he described as having happened, is happening now in our present time. The New World Order takeover and devastating climate change to name a few. The Montauk Project was a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel. Jacques Vallée describes allegations of the Montauk Project as an outgrowth of stories about the Philadelphia Experiment. Al describes what he remembers after he jumped off the U.S.S.

Time Traveler Who Spent 2 Years in The Future 2749 Tells All. (Before It's News) Al Bielek discusses what he remembers from his 6 weeks spent in the year 2137 and 2 years he spent in 2749.

Time Traveler Who Spent 2 Years in The Future 2749 Tells All.

One thing that I should stress is that many of the events he described as having happened, is happening now in our present time. View topic - Fonoteca MISA - ediţie revizuită şi adăugită. Valentina Garlea. Faceţi cunoştinţă cu Boriska, băiatul care a uimit savanţii. Povestea unui băieţel neobişnuit din Rusia, pe nume Boris, a atras atenţia lumii întregi acum câţiva ani.

Faceţi cunoştinţă cu Boriska, băiatul care a uimit savanţii

Născut pe 11 ianuarie 1996 în oraşul Volzhsky, şi-a uimit părinţii încă de la naştere. Mama lui, Nadejda Kipriyanovich, un dermatolog într-o clinică de stat şi tatăl băiatului, un ofiţer pensionat, au fost surprinşi să constate că în familia lor venise un băieţel care nu era ca toţi ceilalţi. Mama lui povesteşte despre venirea pe lume a băiatului: "Totul s-a întâmplat atât de repede, nici măcar nu am simţit vreo durere. Când mi-au arătat copilul, acesta se uita la mine cu o privire de adult. Ca medic, ştiam că bebeluşii nu-şi pot concentra privirea asupra obiectelor. Când s-a întors cu el de la maternitate, femeia a început să observe lucruri foarte curioase la copil. "Aveam un sentiment foarte ciudat că eram, pentru el, ca nişte străini cu care încerca să stabilească un contact", a precizat mama băiatului, potrivit Project Camelot. "Boriska este unul dintre ei. The Story of David Lang - Historic Mysteries. Did David Lang mysteriously vanish in 1880?

The Story of David Lang - Historic Mysteries

It started out as an ordinary day. On September 23, 1880, on a farm near Gallatin, Tennessee, David Lang was walking across the fields of his farm. The area where he was walking was large and flat. There were no trees or stones or fences in the area. Lang’s wife and children were watching him from the house. The first conclusion by those who had been watching him was that he had fallen down a hole in the ground. One year later, Lang’s daughter stood in the spot where Lang had vanished and called out to her father several times.

One source says that in the spot where David Lang vanished the grass grew unnaturally well, although no insects would go near it and livestock refused to graze there. Namagiri Thayar. Namagiri Thayar (Tamil: நாமகிரித்தாயார்) or Namagiri Amman (Tamil: நாமகிரியம்மன்) is a form of Hindu goddess Lakshmi worshipped in Namagiri (Namakkal) in modern Tamil Nadu, India.[1] In Hindu mythology she is the consort of Narasimha, the lionman incarnation of Vishnu.

Namagiri Thayar

Namagiri Thayar was the favourite deity of Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan's family. Namagiri and Srinivasa Ramanujan[edit] Srinivasa Ramanujan credits his mathematical findings to the Goddess of Namagiri. Myths and Legends - Myths and Legends from E2BN. Mysterious Places. There is a tradition in Tibetan folklore of beyul -- secret or hidden lands, usually described as valleys.

Mysterious Places

The tradition of the Himalayan Buddhist Elders -- the Nyingmapa -- says that Guru Rinpoche empowered 108 of these havens, places where there was peace and prosperity, and spiritual progress was facilitated. This article deals mainly with Pemako, Shambhala (or, Shambala) and Shangri-la. The Roots of Coincidence. The Roots of Coincidence, written by Arthur Koestler, is an accessible introduction to theories of parapsychology, including extra-sensory perception and psychokinesis.

The Roots of Coincidence

It postulates links between elements of quantum mechanics, such as the behaviour of neutrinos and their interaction with time, and these paranormal phenomena. It is influenced by Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity. [citation needed] Appearance in popular culture[edit] "The Roots of Coincidence" is also the name of a Grammy Award-winning song by Pat Metheny Group, featured on their 1997 album Imaginary Day. The youth fiction book Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett references this work in chapter 14. Xenoglossy. Xenoglossy (/ˈziːnɵɡlɒsi/ or /ˈzɛnɵɡlɒsi/), also written xenoglossia (/ziːnɵˈɡlɒsiə/ or /zɛnɵˈɡlɒsiə/), is the putative paranormal phenomenon in which a person is able to speak or write a language he or she could not have acquired by natural means.


For example, a person who speaks Swedish fluently, but who is not a native Swedish speaker, has never studied Swedish, never been to a Swedish-speaking country, and never associated with Swedish speakers or had any other source of exposure to the Swedish language, would be said to exhibit xenoglossy.