The Cult of Outstanding™: the problem with ‘outstanding’ lessons. First of all I need to come clean. Up until pretty recently I was a fully paid up member of the Cult of Outstanding™. Last January I considered myself to be a teacher at the height of my powers. In the spirit of self-congratulation I posted a blog entitled Anatomy of an Outstanding Lesson in which I detailed a lesson which I confidently supposed was the apotheosis of great teaching, and stood back to receive plaudits. And indeed they were forthcoming. I was roundly congratulated and felt myself extraordinarily clever. And then Cristina Milos got in touch to tell me that there was no such thing as an outstanding lesson.
The more I’ve read and the deeper I’ve delved into this, the more convinced I’ve become that in our efforts to cast teachers in the mould supposedly preferred by Ofsted we are unwittingly, but actively, undermining our pupils’ ability to learn. But are they wrong? Now the truly mind-bending bit of all this is that sometimes (often?) Sustained & rapid progress Related posts. Pixar Cofounder Ed Catmull on Failure and Why Fostering a Fearless Culture Is the Key to Groundbreaking Creative Work. By Maria Popova Why the greatest enemy of creative success is the attempt to fortify against failure. “Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before,” Neil Gaiman urged in his commencement-address-turned-manifesto-for-the-creative life.
“The chief trick to making good mistakes is not to hide them — especially not from yourself,” philosopher Daniel Dennett asserted in his magnificent meditation on the dignity and art-science of making mistakes. And yet most of us, being human and thus fallible yet proud, go to excruciating lengths to avoid making mistakes, then once we inevitably do, we take great pains to hide them from ourselves and the world. Ed Catmull (Photograph by Deborah Coleman, Pixar) Catmull begins by pointing out that failure, for most of us, is loaded with heavy baggage — a stigma that failure is bad and a sign of weakness, engrained in us early and hard.
We need to think about failure differently. Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr. Flipped classroom. A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom.
It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. In a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research at home while engaging in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor. In the traditional model of classroom instruction, the teacher is typically the central focus of a lesson and the primary disseminator of information during the class period.
The teacher responds to questions while students defer directly to the teacher for guidance and feedback. In a classroom with a traditional style of instruction, individual lessons may be focused on an explanation of content utilizing a lecture-style. History[edit] In practice[edit] Flipped mastery[edit] Teachers "Doing The Flip" To Help Students Become Learners.
"The way we were taught is not necessarily the way we should be teaching students. " - Stacey Roshan, HS Algebra Teacher, Bullis SchoolLearning for Mastery3 Quick Videos Below It's called "flip teaching" and "reverse teaching" or a "backwards classroom" (who knew?) , and "reverse instruction. " Here's how it's happening, for real: Kids watch lectures and videos at home Class is for hands-on work and face-to-face interaction with teacher/peersSo why has this method become such a booming topic in education? This is called "mastery", not unlike advancing in sports or the arts . . .one advances to the next step after having proven mastery of certain skills and proficiency, not just based upon age or grade level. Who else thinks "being flip in education" is a good thing? ". . . teachers who help students become learners, who can learn FOR themselves and BY themselves.
Frank Coffield criticises Michael Portillo - Newbubbles National FE Conference 2013. Frank Coffield – on embedding e-learning. FrankCoffield1. FrankCoffieldInauguralLectureDec06%20_3_ 2 Minute Talk Frank Coffield NCD. Just suppose teaching and learning became the first priority... Excellence Gateway - Offender Learning. Prisoners’ Education Trust. EQM0312. ETF Research Conference 2015, Offender learning theme: HMP Dovegate. ETF Research Conference 2015, Offender learning theme: The Manchester College. ETF Research Conference 2015, Offender learning theme: The Manchester College. 201575-offender-learning-and-skills-issue-20-winter-2014-15. Adapting the Thinking Skills Programme for inmates with learning disabilities. Many people in the prison population have a learning disability, and 60% of inmates have problems with communication.
We know that they don’t receive the support they need to adapt to life in prison, and much of the help offered to prevent reoffending is not adapted for people with learning disabilities. The Thinking Skills Programme helps people in prison to understand the reasons for their behaviour, manage their emotions and develop positive relationships. The programme is known to be effective, but until now the course wasn’t suitable for people with learning disabilities.
With a grant from the Department of Health the Foundation worked with the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) to adapt the Thinking Skills Programme for people with IQs below 80. We adapted the course structure, sessions and resources to make them accessible and piloted the adapted programme in three prisons. Thinking-skills-prisoners-learning-disabilities.pdf. From Andragogy to Heutagogy. Author: Stewart Hase and Chris Kenyon (2001) Southern Cross University Keywords: Southern Cross University, pedagogy, andragogy, heutagogy, higher education, vocational education, self-determined learning. Article style and source: Peer Reviewed. Original ultiBASE publication. Original URL: Contents Abstract In something of a landmark for education Knowles (1970) suggested an important change in the way in which educational experiences for adults should be designed. Heutagogy Education has traditionally been seen as a pedagogic relationship between the teacher and the learner.
The distinction Knowles (1970) made between how adults and children learn was an important landmark in teaching and learning practices in vocational education and training, and in higher education. This revolution recognises the changed world in which we live. Beyond pedagogy and andragogy Knowles (1970, p7) defined self-directed learning as: Conclusion References. Multimodal Action Research and Reporting. ETF Research Conference 2015, Research activity and professional practice. ETF annual practitioner research conference 2015. ETF Research Conference 2015 Comment and reflection. ETF Research Conference 2015 Q&A. Action Research. SPSS for newbies: questionnaire data entry. Color Scheme Designer 3. eChalk Preview: Optical illusions. Benoit Mandelbrot: Fractals and the art of roughness.