Backward design. Backward Design Model Backward design is a method of designing educational curriculum by setting goals before choosing instructional methods and forms of assessment. Backward design of curriculum typically involves three stages:[1] identify the results desireddetermine acceptable levels of evidence that support that the desired results have occurreddesign activities that will make desired results happen Backward design challenges "traditional" methods of curriculum planning. In traditional curriculum planning, a list of content that will be taught is created and/or selected.[2] In backward design, the educator starts with goals, creates or plans out assessments and finally makes lesson plans.
The idea in backward design is to teach toward the "end point" or learning goals, which typically ensures that content taught remains focused and organized. Curriculum Design, Instructional Design and Backward Design[edit] History[edit] Ralph W. Advantages[edit] ADDIE Model of Design Dick and Carey Model. Backward design. 1 Definition Backwards design (or backward design) is an instructional design method invented by Wiggins and McTighe and is part of their larger Understanding by Design framework. . “ Backward design begins with the end in mind: What enduring understandings do I want my students to develop?” ([1]). It is particularly suited for teacher designers who think in terms of what they wish to achieve. 2 The model The model has 3 stages: Identify desired results (learning outcomes) “ What should students know, understand, and be able to do?
Wiggins and McTighe insist a lot on enduring understandings and that go beyond simple facts and skills to include larger concepts, principles or processes. 3 Variants There exist other variants, e.g. below is a set of steps adapted to specific schoolteachers in a specific environment (see Backward Design Overview & FAQ: Decide on the themes, enduring understandings and essential questions for the unit. 4 Links 5 References. Backward Design Model - Educational Learning Theories. Watch the video and read the information below to understand more about this very effective model of curriculum design. A good explanation of Backward Design in 9 minutes. Basic Design Start with the end goalsDecide on assessments Plan the activities All parts are focused on the Big Ideas Essential Questions guide students to Understanding When designing curriculum based on Backward Design the teacher begins at the end, those skills and understandings that students are to learn by the end of the unit, and works backward to where most teachers start; engaging class activities.
A reasonable place to start when setting the end goal, or big ideas, of the unit is the state standards. When a concept is truly understood it can be explained and is transferrable, or applied to problem solving. The next piece of the Backward Design model is to plan the assessments. Finally, the designer is ready to plan the activities. Design & Teach an Online Course Using a Backwards Design Approach | InstructureCon 2011. Backward design process. UbD.