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Moral behaviour of health professionals

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UK's worst GP? Dr Jane Hornsey convicted of drink driving and biting police officer. By Martin Robinson Updated: 11:18 GMT, 12 August 2011.

UK's worst GP? Dr Jane Hornsey convicted of drink driving and biting police officer

Tougher ethical code imposed on doctors. A code published yesterday holds doctors to the highest standards of moral behaviour in their private life, with their right to practise at risk if they form sexual relationships with former patients or view pornography.

Tougher ethical code imposed on doctors

The guidelines from the General Medical Council, which licenses and disciplines doctors, demand ethical behaviour both on and off duty. In the updated version of Good Medical Practice, being sent to 240,000 doctors nationwide, they are told they must be honest and open, act with integrity, and avoid letting down the profession even in their own homes. Doctors have long been told it is unacceptable to have sexual relations with their patients. Dr Grant Ingrams had sex with depressed patient and prostitutes but keeps job. By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 01:47 GMT, 3 December 2010 Sex-mad: Dr Grant Ingrams had an affair with a depressed patient but was let off with a warning by the General Medical Council A respected GP who admitted a six-year affair with a patient and was caught kerb crawling has been allowed to continue working – to the fury of his patients.

Dr Grant Ingrams had sex with depressed patient and prostitutes but keeps job

Grant Ingrams, a British Medical Association representative who has advised the Department of Health, was cautioned by police after being caught cruising the streets for prostitutes in March. But the 46-year-old GP, a senior partner in a practice in Coventry, kept the incident quiet for a month before confessing all to local health bosses, who then informed the General Medical Council.

Kerb-crawling GPs are allowed to keep jobs if they promise it was a 'one-off' By Sophie Borland Updated: 07:37 GMT, 12 September 2011 GP: Grant Ingrams was allowed to keep his job despite soliciting a prostitute Doctors guilty of kerb crawling are being allowed to carry on treating patients as long as they promise it was a ‘one-off’.

Kerb-crawling GPs are allowed to keep jobs if they promise it was a 'one-off'

GPs, consultants and surgeons are also staying in their jobs despite being convicted of taking class A drugs, stealing or possessing child pornography. One doctor was merely given ‘advice’ and allowed to carry on looking after patients despite being found guilty of owning an offensive weapon, which may have been a knife or gun. The General Medical Council is routinely letting convicted doctors escape with warnings as long as they promise it won’t happen again. Doctors fear monitoring of private beliefs as 'praying GP' faces hearing.

Leading article: Protecting patients, not doctors - Leading Articles - Opinion. Yesterday, Sir Donald Irvine, former president of the General Medical Council, called for the disbanding of the GMC and its reforming with new members, medical and lay, who can give it "a convincing fresh start".

Leading article: Protecting patients, not doctors - Leading Articles - Opinion

Sir Donald was giving his enthusiastic backing to the report 10 days ago by Sir Liam Donaldson, the Government's chief medical officer, which proposed the biggest shake-up of medical regulation in 150 years. Letter to President of the GMC, re changes in its code or pactice. Home GMC's response Code of practice Professor Sir Graeme Catto President.

Letter to President of the GMC, re changes in its code or pactice.

DEA BIRKETT ON DOCTORS' PRIVATE LIVES. Suspension for drink-driving GP. Suspension for drink-driving GP 10:27am Sunday 21st August 2011 in News By Keighley News reporter.

Suspension for drink-driving GP

Management in Practice - GMC monitoring sparks fears. DOCTOR, HEAL THYSELF - Life & Style. It was the operation on Christine Laverty, a 42-year-old mother of three, on 31 January 1996, that was to prove Mr Ledward's undoing.


The inquiry it triggered exposed a pattern of incompetent practice going back seven years, and led directly to the charge of serious professional misconduct found proved by the General Medical Council last week. What remains unexplained, however, is why a surgeon whose errors were so gross that patients almost bled to death, and whose behaviour was so cavalier that colleagues were left to patch up his mistakes, was allowed to continue in practice, unchecked, for so long. Mrs Laverty was due to have a routine hysterectomy at the private St Saviour's hospital run by BUPA in Hythe, Kent. The operation almost cost her her life. Mr Ledward perforated her bladder and damaged one of her ureters (the tubes linking the kidneys to the bladder) but despite clear evidence of the injuries he had caused - blood in her urine - he stitched her up and left the hospital.

Stonewall And The General Medical Council Join Forces To Combat Health Care Concerns Of Lesbian, Gay And Bisexual People. GMC says dating ex-patients wrong. Sexual relationships between doctors and former patients are "usually inappropriate", guidance published by the General Medical Council states.

GMC says dating ex-patients wrong

The GMC said this was the case no matter how much time had elapsed since the doctor had treated the patient. The report, Good Medical Practice, also sets standards for providing good practice and care for patients. Patients' groups said the guide was "laudable", but it should have set out requirements, and not expectations. The document says doctors "must not pursue a sexual relationship with a former patient" if the patient was vulnerable, such as suffering mental health problems or showing a lack of maturity, at the time of the professional relationship. "Pursuing a sexual relationship with a former patient may be inappropriate, regardless of the length of time elapsed since the therapeutic relationship ended," it adds. Dear GMC, I am an average British GP.

Dear GMC,

I am Caucasian/Afro-Caribbean/Indian/Chinese/Australasian /mixed race. I am male/female. Why Morality Matters to Medicine. « Moral musings. There are several reasons for acting morally which could be said to ground moral behaviour. Individual agents can choose to act ethically in accordance with their own values, for example by donating to charity, trying to be kind and a good friend and so on, in order to become ‘a better person’. Doctors to get mandatory training on sexual boundaries - News - OnMedica. Adrian O'Dowd Tuesday, 22 May 2007 All doctors and other registered health professionals are to be educated about the potential dangers of forming sexual relationships with patients or their relatives, it has been confirmed. The Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence (CHRE), which oversees the nine bodies that regulate health professionals including the GMC, has confirmed that some form of training will be given on this issue.

Examples of poor personal conduct - Chapter 12 Ethics Booklet - MPS UK. Unfortunately, the problem did not go away, leaving the doctor facing a police investigation and the possibility of referral to the GMC. Just when I thought the GMC couldn’t sink lower… » Hospital Dr. I seem to recall using the words “just when you thought the GMC couldn’t sink any lower” in one of these blogs some time ago. The hearing of fitness to practice cases by the General Medical Council: Current trends and future research agendas - Health, Risk & Society - Volume 13, Issue 6. Over the last three decades a risk-based model of medical regulation has emerged in the United Kingdom. To promote a risk-averse operational culture of transparency and professional accountability the regulatory state has intervened in medical governance and introduced best-evidenced practice frameworks, audit and performance appraisal.

Against this background the paper analyses descriptive statistical data pertaining to the General Medical Council's management of the process by which fitness to practice complaints against doctors are dealt with from initial receipt through to subsequent investigative and adjudication stages. Regaining Trust in Medicine. Professional and State Strategies Abstract. The Virtues in the Moral Education of Nurses: Florence Nightingale Revisited. Sexual relationships between doctors and former patients. Dear Editor,