Unlikely Chapter 12: N4rd, a 100 fanfic. *Bellamy* "What Is Love?
I have met in the streets a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, the water passed through his shoes and the stars through his soul" - Victor Hugo We had no idea how we made it to the bookshop but I think we were both glad we did. "Destiny? " "Maybe. " "Probably because next door to this is a gym, which is gross, and a Starbucks and you don't like coffee. " I sighed and pulled a book from its shelf, pretending to read its synopsis when really I just watched Clarke over the top of it.
"Or you're just trying to hide your love of bookstores with some crap about fate. " "Why would I hide my love of bookstores? " Clarke rolled her eyes. "Are you saying you don't like books? " "You caught me. " "Wow," I yelled after her, "that was low, Griffin. It was still down pouring as I wandered out into the rest of the bookstore.
"How long has this place been here? " "As long as I can remember. " "I can see why. " Clarke was right. "Thanks. " "Oh my God. " "No. " La Sélection (version the 100) chapter 1, a 100 fanfic. Hello tout le monde!
Ceci est la réecriture des tomes 4 et 5 de La sélection, une série écrite par la talentueuse Kiera Cass avec les personnages de The 100. Les tomes 1, 2 et 3 racontent l'histoire d'America Singer (ici Abby Griffin). The Space Between Chapter 1: Far Away, a 100 fanfic. I do not own any characters, plots, or anything else pertaining to "The 100".
Here's another Bellarke fanfiction I'm writing post season 4 finale. I'm really excited to see what happens with our favorite couple in the new season. I hope everyone enjoys the story and reviews. Thanks for reading. Jumping Ahead - these_dreams_go_on - The 100 (TV) New Ark- Day 1 “No!”
John grabbed her from behind, his hands covering her eyes and she immediately freezes, “What’s wrong?” She demands, trying to listen for sounds of distress from the others. “Keep your eyes closed.” He orders, “I want to show you something.” “Hey,” he continues, his body pressed against her back, pillowed by the hazmat suits they hadn’t taken off yet, “Raven, blindfold Echo.” Who's scruffy looking? - twilightstargazer - The 100 (TV) As with most things, Raven is partially to blame.
(“I don’t understand why you’re also blaming me ,” mutters Miller mulishly, “ She’s the one who made the bet with him. I had nothing to do with their bullshit ideas.” Lumos - space0bongo - The 100 (TV) Clarke never asked for any of this.
She needs to remember that. She never asked to be a pureblood, never asked to go to Hogwarts, or get bitten by a werewolf. She never asked for her dad to be killed, for her house to be burned down, or for her mother to go missing. She certainly never asked to spend the summer in Octavia's very muggle street, in her very muggle house, sharing the same space as her gorgeous but very muggle brother who Clarke's been half in love with ever since she first saw them at Kings Cross. Clarke's putting everything at risk by just being here. "Home sweet home," Bellamy Blake sounds friendly enough, but Clarke doesn't miss the flash in his eyes as he glances at her.
Breakaway - squidnie - The 100 (TV) To say that the bunker is chaotic would be the biggest understatement Bellamy has heard in his life.
Once the hundred are chosen from each clan there are fights that break out, injuries and deaths and hatred and Bellamy is just done. He’s done with dealing with death, with clan traditions and old grudges. 100 One Shots Chapter 1, a 100 fanfic. 100 One Shots #1 Disclaimer: I do not own The 100 nor do I own anything on CW.
A/N: I had this uploaded before but it wasn't beta'd, now I have an awesome beta and I give my thanks to her for editing this! Peaceful In The Rain Clarke sat under the thin, brightly colored fabric of the canopy they'd constructed from some of salvaged parachutes. It hovered over the opening of the drop ship, lending a cover from the elements, but also allowed them an unobstructed view of camp. It was raining, not heavily, but enough that puddles were quickly forming. A cold wind blew, whipping her blonde hair and tickling her cheeks. This was one of her favorite things about earth, how the rain would fall and cleanse the land. The smell alone makes her feel clean, even though not one drop has touched her skin. Il faut qu'on parle Chapter 1, a 100 fanfic. Locked Chapter 1, a 100 fanfic. Chapitre 1 : Elle ne savait même plus comment elle s'était retrouvée là.
Elle se souvenait vaguement d'un appel, auquel elle avait immédiatement répondu. The Pirate's Princess Chapter 1, a 100 fanfic. Hey guys!
Here's a steampunk-y pirate slowburn bellarke au that I couldn't get out of my head, and who doesn't love pirates? So little background I guess, Clarke is the runaway princess and Bellamy is the pirate "king" so yay!
The Valentine's Day Story, by Kass Morgan - Traduction, a 100 fanfic. Salut tout le monde ! Eh bien voilà, je me lance dans la traduction de la nouvelle écrite par Kass Morgan, l'auteur des livres de cette série que nous aimons tant The 100, à la demande d'une de mes lectrices Kahoko.S. Ce n'est pas ma première traduction de Bellarke donc n'hésitez pas à aller lire les autres même si, bien évidemment, ce ne seront pas des traductions d'œuvres de Kass Morgan, elles valent vraiment le détour ! Comme toujours, j'attends de voir ce que vous en pensez ! Je vous fais de gros bisous et vous souhaite une bonne lecture ! Nuances de Bellarke Chapter 9: Chapitre 9 - Le bain, a 100 fanfic. #9 J'ai envoyé un selfie de moi dans une baignoire au mauvais numéro et tu m'as répondu avec un selfie de toi. Papa et Maman se sont encore disputés !, a 100 fanfic.
Hello, Me revoilà avec une nouvelle histoire. J'espère qu'elle vous plaira. Preamble Chapter 1: Prologue, a 100 fanfic. Summary: Bellamy and Octavia meet Clarke on The Ark. How does this change their lives? Bellark. Walk With Me, a 100 fanfic. Campus is pretty dead after midnight on week nights. Most people have given up studying, and the library shuts at midnight anyway. Anyone who's going out or staying up to party is unlikely to be alone, so it's rare for someone to call up the security office for a safe walk. Usually Bellamy and Raven and whoever else is working that night just hang out in the security office once midnight passes, waiting for their shift to end at two. It's quarter after twelve on a Tuesday night and the phone startles the four of them from their lazy conversation. The receptionist has gone home and it's just Bellamy, Raven, Murphy and Harper, plus an actual security guard, manning the office.
"Shotty not," Murphy says, and Bellamy notices Raven roll her eyes. "This is what you get paid to do, Murphy," she reminds him. "You also get paid so how about you get off your ass and do your job," Murphy points out while Harper answers the phone. Froid, a 100 fanfic. Les pieds dans la boue, a 100 fanfic. Salut, salut, je suis ravie de vous présenter ma toute première histoire sur The 100 qui sera en réalité un two-shot. Cette première partie traînait depuis quelques temps dans mes dossiers et je me suis dit qu'il était enfin temps de lui offrir un petit quart d'heure de gloire, ahaah.
Ivresse Chapter 2, a 100 fanfic. Le chemin du retour jusqu'au camp s'était fait dans le silence, du moins presque. Hush, My Friend - OhLookMoreFanFiction - The 100 (TV) They lean forward on Clarke’s cot, elbows on their knees and heads hung low. The exhibition routes for the next day are finally done. It’s so late, and Bellamy needs to be awake even earlier than her. But they sit side by side, relishing a rare but exhausted moment where there’s nothing more to do. With no warning, Bellamy briefly shares Gina with Clarke. She shakes her head slowly, wondering if this world will ever give them peace. He thought the moment had passed, but a glance at Clarke reveals a broken woman. A brief kiss on the temple is all it takes to hush Clarke. She pulls away from his collarbone, close enough to feel his hot breath on her nose.
But she shifts on the cot, gripping his large forearms for support as she stands. They share the silence for a beat, pupils large as they wait for the other to move. A Tunnel From My Window to Yours - Chash - The 100 (TV) It starts on Octavia's Facebook wall. Bellamy's theory about Octavia's entire Facebook experience is that because they don't have much of a family, she feels like she's missing out on arguing with her racist relatives, so she friends bigots just so she'll be able to fight them, and that's why there are so many dicks with bad opinions in her posts.
"That's just, like, half true," Octavia tells him, when he shares this theory. "But I can't actually unfriend asshole customers who add me because of work, so I'm trying to scare them away with my liberal politics. Seen By Everyone, a 100 fanfic. I hate the formatting on this site. If you want to read it how it's SUPPOSED to be, go read it on my AO3 account (I have the same username) Raven, Nathan, O… 8:42pm Raven created the group. You Hurt But Learn - Chash - The 100 (TV) Since the two of them became actual friends, Clarke can count the number of real, genuine arguments she and Bellamy have had on one hand.
They bicker, they disagree, they turn teasing each other into a sport, but they don't actually go after each other like they used to. So it's really upsetting, when a fight really does come along. The first time, it was when Clarke decided to give Lexa another chance. Bellamy thought she didn't deserve it, after how she left Clarke during the first breakup, and Clarke was firmly of the opinion that it was none of his fucking business, and that caused a falling out about what friends were allowed to care about and how much Bellamy was allowed to talk about her love life that didn't resolve fully until she and Lexa broke up again. "This had absolutely nothing to do with what happened before," she told Bellamy, petulant. Café, inconnu et écriture Chapter 1: Chapitre 1, a 100 fanfic. Bonjour Bonjour les amis ! Me voila de retour avec ma nouvelle fiction Bellarke qui est un Modern AU.Clarke est une jeune étudiante de 21 ans à Paris qui a ses habitudes, peu d'amis et aime sa petite routine mais un jour un jeune inconnu correspond avec elle via son carnet, et une nouvelle aventure commence...
(Je suis nulle en synopsis)J'espère vraiment que cela va vous plaire, donc bonne lecture et on se retrouve en bas ! L'invité, by shippershape - Traduction Chapter 1: Chapitre 1, a 100 fanfic. De A à Z, a 100 fanfic. Show Chapter. New York, New York Chapter 1, a 100 fanfic. Le Squat Chapter 1: Collocation, a 100 fanfic. Clarke Griffin à l'école des sorciers Chapter 1: Chapitre 1, a 100 fanfic. Cap ou pas Cap? Chapter 1, a 100 fanfic. Même après toutes ces années, by shippershape - Traduction, a 100 fanfic. Sers-moi en un autre, by shippershape - Traduction Chapter 12: Chapitre 12, a 100 fanfic.
Allez viens s'il te plaît, by shippershape - Traduction, a 100 fanfic. Le réconfort de ses bras Chapter 1: Prologue, a 100 fanfic. Protection rapprochée Chapter 1, a 100 fanfic. Le Prince des Pirates, a 100 fanfic. Secretary Chapter 1: Prologue, a 100 fanfic. Saute ! Chapter 1 : Un début, a 100 fanfic. The host Chapter 1: les règles, a 100 fanfic. Partenaires Chapter 1: Prologue, a 100 fanfic. The 100: L'université Chapter 1, a 100 fanfic. Tends la main, je suis là, a 100 fanfic. In Our Children's Eyes Chapter 1, a 100 fanfic. Lost Chapter 1, a 100 fanfic. Un moment d'égarement, a 100 fanfic. Bellarke - Deux cœurs qui se cherchent et se trouvent Chapter 1, a 100 fanfic.
Une Attirance Flagrante Chapter 1, a 100 fanfic. Maybe, you. - aprilswanxx - The 100 (TV)