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Global Shakespeares. PT Cine 2000-2010: Realizadores e Lista de Realizadores Portugueses. Nascido em Lisboa, em 1972, é formado pela Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema.

PT Cine 2000-2010: Realizadores e Lista de Realizadores Portugueses

Papa dans maman (2014) 24 Life Lessons for Filmmakers from Werner Herzog. Werner Herzog has dedicated his life not only to creating uncompromising films, but uncompromising filmmakers as well.

24 Life Lessons for Filmmakers from Werner Herzog

In a career that spans over half a century, the Munich-born director has made it his duty to help guide filmmakers as they navigate the wilderness of their creativity, from eating a shoe for a young Errol Morris to teaching students how to hack film at his Rogue Film School seminars. Still, there's so more to glean from him; just take a look at author Paul Cronin's book Werner Herzog: A Guide for the Perplexed, which features new interviews discussing Herzog’s films. Of course, the pages in-between the covers offer incredible insight into a perplexing cinematic mind, but the back cover contains a wealth of knowledge all on its own. On it Herzog lists 24 pieces of advice for filmmakers that should probably immediately be printed out, blown up, and tacked to your wall. Centro de Língua Portuguesa – Camões. 200 filmes para quem ama psicologia. Lista de duzentos filmes com temas e histórias relacionados com psicologia.

200 filmes para quem ama psicologia

Veja mais filmes, livros, textos e psicologia em: 10 horas até o Paraíso: O fisiculturista Dennis, de 38 anos, gostaria de encontrar o verdadeiro amor. Ele nunca teve uma namorada e vive sozinho com sua mãe em um subúrbio de Copenhagen. Quando seu tio casa com uma moça da Tailândia, Dennis decide tentar sua própria sorte em uma viagem para Pattaya, já que, supostamente, o amor é mais fácil de encontrar na Tailândia. Cómo ha cambiado la fotografía a lo largo de la historia. La fotografía ha cambiado muchísimo a lo largo de la historia, no siempre fue tan sencillo como sacar tu dispositivo del bolsillo del pantalón, apuntar, hacer click y compartir tu instantánea en un par de segundos.

Cómo ha cambiado la fotografía a lo largo de la historia

Atrás quedan los años de películas y revelados, y antes de ello muchos otros procesos más costosos (en todos los sentidos). Desde los daguerrotipos hasta los primeros experimentos con la cámara oscura. A continuación les dejamos con una serie de videos producidos por la George Eastman House cómo se tomaban fotografías en otras épocas de la historia, ideal para entender cuánto ha cambiado este arte a lo largo de los años. De todos modos, da igual el dispositivo que utilices, la técnica es lo que realmente importa.

Una buena fotografía se puede conseguir con un iPhone 5 o con una Canon de miles de dólares. (Visited 1.865 time, 192 visit today) 7 filmes incríveis que foram inspirados em fatos reais e você nem imaginava - Fatos Desconhecidos. 7 filmes incríveis que foram inspirados em fatos reais e você nem imaginava Conheça alguns filmes que são baseados em fatos reais e você não sabia.

7 filmes incríveis que foram inspirados em fatos reais e você nem imaginava - Fatos Desconhecidos

9 Terrifying Old Movies That Put Modern Horror To Shame. Don't be fooled by stories about 19th-Century movie audiences losing their shit because they thought that footage of a moving train was going to run them over.

9 Terrifying Old Movies That Put Modern Horror To Shame

Early cinema could get bizarrely hardcore and hardcorely bizarre, even by today's standards. In fact, many of the very earliest films still manage to put modern horror movies to shame. For instance ... #9. 6 Important Problems That Famous Movies Forgot To Solve. If it was legally possible, every movie would end with Porky Pig popping out of the screen to say "That's all, folks," assuring that that the characters' problems are over.

6 Important Problems That Famous Movies Forgot To Solve

However, as we love to point out, that stuttering swine is a fucking liar -- plenty of famous movies have unresolved plot points that will inevitably come back to bite the protagonist in the ass, either because the writers forgot about them or because they thought no one would notice. Well, we did, so ... #6. Pulp Fiction -- Marsellus Will Quickly Find Out That Butch Killed Vincent Miramax Films Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis) is a boxer who gets paid by crime kingpin Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames) to lose a fight, only to literally punch his opponent to death and run off with the money.

After Butch breaks free, he makes the honorable decision to go back and save his arch-enemy and his butthole. Miramax Films"Actually, this is so improbable that no one would believe you, so go right ahead. " But They Forgot About ... #5. 5 Brilliant Jokes Almost Everyone Missed In Famous Movies. Just because you can't see something, it doesn't mean it's not there.

5 Brilliant Jokes Almost Everyone Missed In Famous Movies

I thought everyone understood that (especially the dangerously overweight men out there). And yet I somehow keep hearing people moan about how movies don't try to appeal to the intelligent viewer, when that's clearly not the case. It's just that most of us aren't smart enough to notice when a film is trying to tickle our brain bone, which is how we missed these obscure movie jokes that have been staring us right in the face for years, like how ... #5. Oh My Rockness New York City: Your Indie Concert Calendar. Nove expressões que devemos a Herman José. The Verge. Cinemateca - Entrada. 1946 New York Subway Photographed By 17-Year-Old Stanley Kubrick.

Before he went down in history as one of the greatest film directors of all time, 17-year-old Stanley Kubrick was known for something else – New York City subway photography.

1946 New York Subway Photographed By 17-Year-Old Stanley Kubrick

Over two weeks in 1946, Kubrick worked for LOOK magazine to capture the everyday lives and intimate moments of the people of a bygone era. While working for LOOK, Kubrick completed 129 assignments for a total of 15,000 photos. His photos captured the mundane and everyday side of an era often heavily romanticized in the U.S., giving us a closer and more identifiable look at their lives.

They commuted just like us! For more awesome New York street photography past and present, check out these photos by Vivian Maier and Matt Weber. More info: (h/t: mymodernmet, ufunk) 8 Arquivos fotográficos portugueses online - Fotografia Portugal. Hoje em dia já existem recursos que nos permitem de uma forma prática conhecer o que já foi feito em fotografia no nosso país.

8 Arquivos fotográficos portugueses online - Fotografia Portugal

Referimo-nos aos arquivos digitais de várias instituições que possuem espólios fotográficos. Sou contra avaliação de fotos. O segundo tipo de mensagem que mais recebo de leitoras/es é pedindo uma avaliação de suas fotos. (O primeiro é “qual câmera ou lente comprar?”) A pessoa me envia uma foto, ou um link para seu flickr/500px/facebook/etc, e pede uma opinião sobre ela. Rare Photos Of Chicago In 1949 Taken By Stanley Kubrick. Rare Photos Of Chicago In 1949 Taken By Stanley Kubrick If you hadn't already guess we're huge fans of director Stanley Kubrick, best known for creating celebrated classics such as 'A Clockwork Orange', 'The Shining', 'Dr. Strangelove' and even the controversial 'Eyes Wide Shut'. But whether shooting a film or photographing everyday life, his unique style and evocative imagery shines through.

We've previously featured 18 of his most candid & personal photographs along with a mesmerising collection of 24 cinemagraphs, but today we're highlighting Kubrick's documentary work. Fæðingarsaga frelsarans. Levitation & Alien Forces: How to Create Big Practical FX with Little Everything Else. Have you ever wanted to just make a "quick and easy" film? That was filmmaker Joey Ciccoline's intention for his first narrative short, a sci-fi film entitled 88:88, which has now gone on to win a handful of awards (including a Vimeo Staff Pick) and screened at festivals all around the world.

But his idea for a "simple short film" turned into an exercise in creating stunning and clever practical effects without a small crew and an even smaller budget. Now Ciccoline wants to let you in on how he captured (almost) all of those effects in-camera. This is a guest post by Joey Ciccoline. In the summer of 2011 I had a conversation with my best friend, Sean Wilson. The initial idea for the story of 88:88 came from Sean. Nice and simple, and easy. However, by the time we finished writing, we had a script that involved levitating a person, throwing a room into chaos, custom-made models, and a lot of visual and special effects. The Setting. Inkult Magazine – Rebeldía Ilustrada. Las ilustraciones políticamente incorrectas del artista británico Boneface están llenas de detalles e intensidad, donde la rebeldía es la protagonista detrás de cada personaje.

Sus brutales obras de arte inspiradas en la depravación humana, cultura pop, video juegos y música, también llamó la atención de una de las bandas de rock más grandes del mundo: Queens Of The Stones Age, quienes contactaron a este artista underground de Liverpool para crear la portada su último álbum Like Clockwork. Wonderful Vintage Color Photos of Life in New York. 9 Movies That Prove Animation Isn't Just For Kids. This weekend Ari Folman's half-animated film The Congress opens in New York City, his first since his innovative 2008 film Waltz With Bashir. Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language, Waltz With Bashir is an animated documentary film that tells the story of Folman's wartime experiences in Lebanon.

His newest, The Congress, is a sci-fi feature that has Robin Wright playing...Robin Wright. Things go awry when she retires from acting work, sells her screen image to a movie studio, and allows them full creative control of her visual aspect. Check out the trailer: Unlike Folman's first film, The Congress regularly alternates between live-action and animation, making it a dreamy - almost nightmarish - viewing experience.