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Ice cream, sorbet & parfait

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BBC Food - Recipes - Bûche de Noël (Yule log) Dairy Free Black Forest Popsicles. It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Dairy Free Black Forest Popsicles

No, it ain’t xmas, it’s Popsicle Week 2014! Organized by the one and only Billy of Wit and Vinegar. This week has been FILLED with amazing recipes from a bunch of harcore foodies and today’s my turn to share the goods: Dairy Free Black Forest Popsicles! You know black forest cake, right? That delicious german creation stuffed with chocolate, cream, and cherries. Side note: I used some local cherries for styling purposes and my house ended up looking like a murder scene from Dexter! Full recipe after the jump! Makes 10 pops Ingredients. Soufflé ghiacciato al cappuccino. Possibile che a me ancora nessuno mi ha chiamato per un'intervista da foodblogger?

Soufflé ghiacciato al cappuccino

Che ne so, per Cucina Top, o per Cucina con noi, o anche Cucina tu, che io ti guardo. Insomma una rivista a caso, una rivista regionale, o del paese che mi faccia un par di domande . No, nessuna. Caramel Apple Shortbread Parfaits. Caramel Apple Shortbread Parfaits The ultimate seasonal parfait.

Caramel Apple Shortbread Parfaits

Layers of homemade whipped cream, tender cinnamon apples, sweet caramel sauce and shortbread cookie crumbs. My apple obsession doesn’t stop with just pies, cookies and bread. Nope. There is always plenty of apple love to go around. How To Make Pumpkin Ice Cream Sandwiches. Try a non­tra­di­tional approach to dessert this Thanks­giv­ing with these super yummy, easy-to-make Pump­kin Ice Cream Sandwiches!

How To Make Pumpkin Ice Cream Sandwiches

Thanks­giv­ing is just around the cor­ner, so that means it’s time to pull out Grandma’s recipe box and old church cook­books and stock up on cans of puréed pump­kin. My fam­ily enjoys pump­kin pie, bars, and bread just as much as the next fam­ily, but my Pin­ter­est boards were full of not-so-typical pump­kin treats: ice cream, pop­si­cles, and cin­na­mon rolls, and I decided it was time to be untraditional. No-churn pump­kin ice cream was whipped up quickly and graham-cracker cook­ies gave it a deli­cious base that reminded me of a frozen cheese­cake.

Even Grandma gave them a big thumbs up, and she decided to leave her cook­books on the shelf until next year. Upside Down Mini Gelato Cakes. Staying out of the kitchen has been hard, especially since I went berry picking this past weekend with one of my best childhood friends and we ended up with quite the assortment of fresh fruits that appeared (at least to me, anyway) to be begging to be put into a pie or cake of some kind.

Upside Down Mini Gelato Cakes

So I maybe might have baked a cake this morning in my half torn down kitchen. Whoops! It felt good though, the house actually smelled like a home (and by that I mean cake), and I got to have a little zen time away from the dozens of thoughts that are normally buzzing around my brain. Plus I got to eat something sweet at the end of it all, which y'all know how much I enjoy. But I am not sharing that cake today, not yet anyway. Sweet meets salty meets summery meets miniature with these frozen cutie patooties. Upside Down Mini Gelato Cakes 1 1/4 c pretzel crumbs* (approximately 140g) 2 tb sugar1/4 c unsalted butter, melted 3 pints gelato, any flavors 8 ounces dark chocolate chips 2 tb coconut oil makes 12-16.

Peach Bourbon Ice Cream Sandwiches with Lemon Cornbread Cookies {vegan/gf} How can this be the first time I’ve ever made ice cream sandwiches?

Peach Bourbon Ice Cream Sandwiches with Lemon Cornbread Cookies {vegan/gf}

I love cookies. I love ice cream. This makes no sense. Food - Recipes : Coffee granita. Recipe: Easy Lemonade Pops. Aug 23 Rachel Faucett It’s already late August. School starts soon, we’ve picked almost every rasp­berry off our sprawl­ing bushes, and the kids are tired of side­walk chalk and sand­boxes. But one thing we never seem to get tired of: trips to the beach. Bellini Popsicles with Edible Flowers Recipe. They cut down our trees, so I made popsicles. It’s a long story, but let me just say that our house went from being a cabin in the woods to a camp at Burning Man in a matter of hours. Seriously, I feel like I’m living in a microwave over here. Popsicles to the rescue! For me, Bellinis were the obvious choice – delicate white peaches paired with cold, crisp prosecco. Add a few edible violets from the garden and these popsicles are simply perfect for entertaining. Ingredients (makes ~10 popsicles):15 oz prosecco5 oz simple syrup5 oz lemon juice2 large white peaches3 dashes peach bittersedible flowers for garnish (optional) Chop the peaches, removing the pits, and add them to your blender.

Transfer 5 oz of peach puree to a mixing bowl. Wash and dry the edible flowers and add them to the popsicle molds. Pour the peach mixture into the popsicle molds. Place the popsicle molds into the freezer for approximately 30 minutes or until partially frozen.