Microsoft is getting slammed for these Windows 10 icon designs. There's a lot to like about Windows 10, with one very big exception: its icon sets. For many, the first glimpse at the icons produced a sort of visceral disgust. The design had regressed notably, with some likening it to Windows XP-level quality, except worse because they were paired with Windows 10's otherwise beautiful design.
Users were quick to voice their harsh criticism about the icons, so much so that Microsoft has pushed out some revised versions about which it is actively seeking feedback. The problem is that they're not much better. At the heart of this icon-design rage is the Windows 10 Recycle Bin, which in its first iteration was round and flat, being similar enough to the Windows 8 version to feel old while also being ugly enough in general to evoke incredulous responses from early users.
Of course, things are still early in the Windows 10 world, and so there's nothing to say that these were the final icons intended to be in the final Windows 10 build. Notification Area. The notification area provides notifications and status. Well-designed programs use the notification area appropriately, without being annoying or distracting. Is this the right user interface? Design conceptsUsage patternsGuidelines General When to show Where to show Icons Interaction Context menus Rich tooltips Notification area flyouts Options dialog box Minimizing programs to the notification areaTextDocumentation The notification area is a portion of the taskbar that provides a temporary source for notifications and status.
It can also be used to display icons for system and program features that have no presence on the desktop. Items in the notification area are referred to as notification area icons, or simply icons if the context of the notification area is already clearly established. The notification area. To give users control of their desktop in Windows® 7, not all notification area icons are displayed by default. The notification area overflow. Is this the right user interface? Icon size for displaying in the tray. .ICO Files and How They Work. Use the Right Tool For Icon File Design and Icon File Editing - Creative Human. I was recently asked by a good friend how to edit .ICO files with clean and smooth alpha channels generated from files like .PNG or .TGA and so on. .ICO files are icon files as you either have figured out by now or already knew from experience.
Most everyone nowadays knows that they are icon files and most everyone has probably done some graphic adjustments in one way or another to these .ICO files. Wether it was for a FavIcon for your web page or for a desktop icon. "Favicon is a little custom icon that appears next to a website's URL in the address bar of a web browser at 16 x 16 pixels. " This seems to be common knowledge for most web developers and designers. ! Before we go any further, one major thing about .ICO files I think you should now about up front is that they can contain more than one image.
The full set of standard icon sizes which should be provided for full Windows Vista compatibility: Here is the Full .ICO format description: I found it here: Examples: Icons - How to make/get a multi size .ico file.