“Wrapped” Book Display | Getting to Ta Da. Posted by beckiejean on April 4, 2012 in displays | ∞ Last summer during our strategic planning meetings, I decided I wanted to take charge of putting up book displays on the first floor of the library. I’m pretty sure when I said I was going to do it, some of my coworkers thought I was crazy. It is a time commitment to put something up every month (or twice a month depending on how ambitious I am).
Most of the displays have been pretty traditional. Graphic novels, YA books for Adults, March Madness (and other sports for the non-basketball fans). But the second display I did was homecoming. I ended up pulling books that had blue and white covers. This month, we stepped it up. We tweaked it a little: colored wrapping paper, cutting the paper around the barcodes so we didn’t create more work for the tech services or circ people, and numbers and a corresponding spreadsheet in case someone tries to track down a specific title we had wrapped up. I’m pretty proud of it. Teaching Approaches | Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning. Engagement is essential for learning. In order to maintain interest, manage a working knowledge, and eventually master a topic, skill, concept or idea, students need opportunities and environments that support reflection, practice, constructive feedback, and collaboration.
The results from the 2011 National Survey for Student Engagement can give you an idea of how UD students are engaged in the university. It describes multiple levels of engagement that keep students studying and motivated to complete their degrees. One principle site is the classroom. So, we ask: What might an engaged classroom look like?
Students are efficient and productive during class activitiesStudents actively participate in class discussionsStudents pay attention during lectures How can I engage my students? On-Campus Resources Off-Campus Resources. TV recordings - Library - The University of Queensland, Australia. We can provide access to free-to-air and Foxtel pay TV content to support teaching, learning and research at UQ. Strict copyright regulations apply Television recording is governed by the Screenrights Australian Education Licence. Only UQ academic staff or research higher degree students can request a TV recording Only UQ students and staff can view TV recordings provided by the Library What can be recorded Recordings must be for teaching or research purposes When requested in advance, content from any free-to-air or Foxtel pay TV channel can be recorded Up to 14 days after broadcast, content from ABC1, ABC2, Seven, Nine, Ten, NITV, SBS1, and SBS2 can be obtained.
We'll make our best effort to obtain recordings from other channels after broadcast but it may not be possible. Requesting a recording Complete the online form. Request a new TV recording Recordings made for teaching will be available as a video stream within 10 working days of the broadcast date (we'll email you a link). DIY: Kids Learning & Entertainment on Pinterest | Face Painting Tutorials, Face Paintings and Mask Face Paint. Event Planning Tips.
A special event is a one-time event focused on a specific purpose such as a groundbreaking, grand opening or other significant occasion in the life of a library. Special events may also be created for other targeted purposes such as a jobs fair; awards banquet or logo contest. These one time special events are different from "programs" offered on a continuing basis such as a lecture series, summer reading club or story hour. The following steps are offered to help guide your event planning: Develop strategies for successMake sure the purpose for the special event is important enough to merit the time and expense needed to properly stage, publicize and evaluate the event.Carefully match the type of event that is selected to the purpose that it serves. Do you want to reach out to new users or thank your supporters? Ensure that the library staff fully supports the special event. Planning for a Successful Library Event – Tips for Librarians | Sisters in Crime, New England. Through our Speakers’ Bureau, Sisters in Crime authors do about thirty library events a year, throughout the New England states.
Most of these are excellent, but sometimes the turnout is discouragingly small for speakers who may have driven an hour or more to present a program. Many of the following ideas are from Tina Swift, who has arranged a number of events for the Amherst, Massachusetts, library; others are from our writers. Tina not only always rounds up a large and enthusiastic audience, she even cooks dinner for her Sisters in Crime beforehand. Target your audience Librarians know who reads mysteries. Mostly women. Many retirees.
How do you broaden the appeal of the program to a wider range of mystery readers? Consider who else might be interested in a program of mystery writers. Consider notifying town boards and employees. Pick a good time and place Obviously, if this is a library program, you want to have it in the library. Help people attend your program Always serve food.