Re: Die Arbeiten von Burkhard Heim *sind* veröffentlicht... | Das 14-dimensionale Universum des Eric W... | Telepolis-Artikelforen. Forschungskreis Heimsche Theorie - Research Group Heim's Theory. Startseite. Burkhard Heim. Burkhard Heim (February 9, 1925 – January 14, 2001) was a German theoretical physicist . He devoted a large portion of his life to the pursuit of his unified field theory , Heim theory . [ 1 ] One of his childhood ambitions was to develop a method of space travel, which contributed to his motivation to find such a theory. [ 2 ] During World War II, Heim was conscripted into the air force. However, a previous essay about explosives led to his working briefly in a chemical laboratory as an explosives technician, instead. An explosion in the laboratory caused by the mishandling of unstable compounds left him with debilitating handicaps . The accident left him without hands and mostly deaf and blind when he was 19, forcing him to use Krukenberg hands .
His behavior subsequently became progressively eccentric and reclusive . [ 1 ] Eventually, he retreated into almost total seclusion , concentrating on developing and refining his theory of everything . Academic and work history [ edit ] Eric Weinstein may have found the answer to physics' biggest problems | Marcus du Sautoy | Science. Two years ago, a mathematician and physicist whom I've known for more than 20 years arranged to meet me in a bar in New York. What he was about to show me, he explained, were ideas that he'd been working on for the past two decades. As he took me through the equations he had been formulating I began to see emerging before my eyes potential answers for many of the major problems in physics. It was an extremely exciting, daring proposal, but also mathematically so natural that one could not but feel that it smelled right.
He has spent the past two years taking me through the ins and outs of his theory and that initial feeling that I was looking at "the answer" has not waned. On Thursday in Oxford he will begin to outline his ideas to the rest of the mathematics and physics community. One of the things that particularly appeals to me about the theory is that symmetry, my own field of research, is a key ingredient. The heavier version of the electron is called the muon. Heim-Theorie – DDR. Die Heimsche Theorie versteht sich als „einheitliche strukturelle Quantenfeldtheorie der Materie und Gravitation“. Sie steht im Widerspruch zu gängigen Theorien und Grundannahmen der Physik. Sie soll unter anderem den inneren Aufbau der Elementarteilchen beschreiben und Vorhersagen über ihre Massen und in der erweiterten Form auch über ihre Lebensdauern machen.
Entwickelt wurde die Theorie von Burkhard Heim und später von Walter Dröscher und Jochem Häuser. Den Ausgang nimmt die Theorie bei einer Quantisierung der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie (ART), welche dann auf die anderen Grundkräfte der Natur erweitert wird. Hierzu bedient sich Heim eines 6-dimensionalen Raumes, in dem es neben Ort und Zeit noch zwei weitere Ordnungsparameter gibt, die Organisationszustände betreffen. Die beiden weiteren Dimensionen erhält man als Resultat der erweiterten ART, da diese nur noch Lösungen in einem 6-dimensionalen Raum hat.
Die Heimsche Theorie wurde noch keinem Peer Review unterzogen. Bearbeiten . Heim-Theorie – DDR.