Alan Watts Animated, by South Park Creators. Dharmata Foundation. Tenzin Tulku - Home. Welcome ! This is my personal website, and I am thrilled to be able to share my life story and thoughts with you. In the pages that follow, you will be able to read about my experience as one of the first Westerners recognized as the reincarnation of a Tibetan Buddhist monk, you can also read about the Buddhist doctrine of rebirth and about the Tulku tradition.
The Media section lists a number of articles both by and about me, some of which are available in .pdf format, a couple of recent videos, and a 52-minute documentary about my experience living in a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in South India, which you are free to watch at your leisure. There is also a discussion section for those of you who would like to ask me questions, or discuss issues relating to Buddhism, reincarnation, etc. You must sign up (free) in order to be able to use this section, and I ask that everyone respect each other, which means no trolling and no rude remarks. With many smiles and sincere thanks, Tenzin Tulku. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche talks about relationships, profession and hobbies. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche on Love & Relationships. Kagyu Office: the Website of His Holiness Gyalwang Karmapa.
Teaching on Not Eating Meat. Depression's Truth. We are normally charmed by the world, under the spell of samsaric entertainment. But it's when we're depressed, says TRALEG KYABGON RINPOCHE, that we can see through that. Depression is something we all experience. For some people depression is mild, while for others it is very intense and debilitating. For some people it lasts for a short time and then disappears, while for others it may persist over many years, or even an entire lifetime.
We generally think of depression as a terrible state to be in: it is something we think we have to overcome, and we go to great lengths to hide it from others. This is probably because when we suffer from depression, our energy levels and motivation go down and we become withdrawn, uncommunicative, irritable, resentful and basically very difficult to be with. Western psychotherapists say that you can learn a person's reasons for experiencing depression if you look into their biographical or biological history. Prayer Flags.
Tibetan and Buddhist Themed Products, Books, CDs, DVDs, Thangkas, Malas, and much more! Jamyang Buddhist Centre.