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Crop Circle Coloring Book – Scott Onstott. Man Arranges Leaves, Sticks, And Stones To Create Magical Land Artworks. Scottish sculptor Andy Goldsworthy creates transitory works of art by arranging leaves, sticks, rocks or anything else he can find outside.

Man Arranges Leaves, Sticks, And Stones To Create Magical Land Artworks

Most of Goldsworthy’s art is considered transient and ephemeral, causing people to perceive it as a criticism on the Earth’s fragility. However, for Goldsworthy, the meaning is more complicated. What’s Wrong with Crop Circle Reporting Today? What’s Wrong with Crop Circle Reporting Today?

What’s Wrong with Crop Circle Reporting Today?

It was a crystal clear summer day in 2014, driving through Germany on our way to Switzerland when we overheard a radio interview about a recently discovered crop circle, just two weeks prior. The mysterious formation was formed near Lake Ammer, Germany, steps away from one of Europe’s largest satellite arrays. The report was discussing how people were flocking to the site from different parts of Europe. Ironically enough, we were on our way to alternative history pioneer- Erich Von Daniken’s Jungfrau Mystery Park in the Swiss Alps. 1945 crop circles. Historic Crop Circle Research Crop circles in the Google Earth England 1945 Overlay Historic Crop Circles in Aerial Photographs. by Greg Jefferys MA, BA, Diploma Ed.

1945 crop circles

Copyright 2012. The Deadly Data Science Sin of Confirmation Bias. Confirmation bias occurs when people actively search for and favor information or evidence that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses while ignoring or slighting adverse or mitigating evidence.

The Deadly Data Science Sin of Confirmation Bias

It is a type of cognitive bias (pattern of deviation in judgment that occurs in particular situations - leading to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, or illogical interpretation) and represents an error of inductive inference toward confirmation of the hypothesis under study. Data scientists exhibit confirmation bias when they actively seek out and assign more weight to evidence that confirms their hypothesis, and ignore or underweigh evidence that could disconfirm their hypothesis. This is a type of selection bias in collecting evidence. Note that confirmation biases are not limited to the collection of evidence: even if two (2) data scientists have the same evidence, their respective interpretations may be biased. Dr. Crop circle center. Colin Andrews-The Truth. Crop Circles: The artistic view? The 2010 crop-circle season opened last week with a military-badge-like piece near Old Sarum, and a piece just this past weekend about as close to Stonehenge as the makers might get.

Crop Circles: The artistic view?

Obviously, that has sent many’s a heart a flitter, and the talk of ley-line connections between the two, etc., has already begun in earnest. Below, I’ve tried to write a piece offering the Old Weird Albion point of view on the phenomena. The OWA stance is that man-made circles are far more interesting than any alien-made phenomena; that contemporary art criticism and ethnological folklore studies give us the appropriate tools to not only view crop circle’s through a more fascinating prism, but to appreciate the aesthetic and conceptual beauty of what must be the art world’s most radical practice.

The 2014 lowdown on crop circles. Crop Circles — Messages in the Fields. By Foster Gamble Thousands of extraordinary geometric patterns have appeared in crop fields in more than 50 countries throughout the world.

Crop Circles — Messages in the Fields

The crops are not cut or broken, but are laid flat, sometimes six inches above the ground, and swirled into a precise and exquisite pattern. My Thoughts Regarding Dr. Charles F. Gritzner’s Lecture. When I am listening to a lecturer, I do not usually find myself thinking “Is it possible that this man works for the CIA?”

My Thoughts Regarding Dr. Charles F. Gritzner’s Lecture

I acknowledge that such a thought sounds paranoid. I can honestly say that this thought had really never before occurred to me during a live lecture until the evening I sat listening to Distinguished Professor Emeritus (SDSU) Charles F. Gritzner’s presentation at the Jesse A. Marcel Library on April 1, 2014. Dr. Photos of Robbert van den Broeke »Skepsis Blog. Ooggetuigen verklaren dat het medium Robbert van de Broeke geesten, engelen en aliens kan fotograferen.

Photos of Robbert van den Broeke »Skepsis Blog

Zij geloven dat hij over buitengewone gaven beschikt, want hij gebruikt vaak een camera die hij ter plekke van iemand heeft geleend. Maar met een simpel trucje kan nu iedereen zijn wonderen evenaren. De bovenstaande foto is niet van Robbert. The Photography Tricks of Robbert van den Broeke » Pepijn van Erp. Dutch medium Robbert van den Broeke rose to fame in the Netherlands in the early 2000′s with his discovery of crop circles and contacts with deceased people.

The Photography Tricks of Robbert van den Broeke » Pepijn van Erp

He made his appearance in several programmes on national TV. In 2005 he was exposed as a fraud by Rob Nanninga, board member of the Dutch Skeptical foundation Skepsis, when he used a non-existing word to describe the job of a deceased person from around 1800. This word, ‘genverbrander’, was found on a genealogical website as a typo for ‘geneverbrander’ (= someone who makes brandy), something Van den Broeke obviously had missed. He also made some photos in which images of deceased people appear. Introduction. The location of the find was a field south of the Yatesbury turn-off on the A4 in Wiltshire, England.


The fields in the area are strewn with chalk brought to the surface by ploughing. There are also a great many nodules of flint (flint is almost pure silica and occurs naturally in chalk). The farmer stated that it had rained immediately prior to his noticing the damaged crop and, soon afterwards, he had harvested the field. He only noticed the deposit during harvesting.

Meteorite masquerade Part II – Stardust on a shingle? Micrometeorites collected from a South Pole water well in Antarctica photographed at high magnification in a scanning electron microscope. Credit: Taylor, Herzog and Delaney Two weeks ago Brandon Dunovant, who lives in a Chicago suburb, got the idea to collect the grit that had accumulated on his roof in hopes of finding micrometeorites. Maybe you’ve heard of this experiment or even tried it yourself. As you might guess, micrometeorites are tiny extraterrestrial particles, most under than 2 millimeters in size. They derive from comets, asteroids and even the moon and Mars, entering the atmosphere gently enough to avoid vaporization. Crop Circle Video Oliver’s Castle Fraud LW Colette Dowell CT97. Reprint Permission Granted Circular Times WebMag 1997 Dr. Colette Dowell Inquiring Minds Need to Know: John Whaley (Wheyleigh/Wabe) and the Oliver's Castle Video Hoax Exposed -- United Kingdom, October 1997 By Lee Winterson; containing excerpts from Colette Dowell's 96 report.

On August 11th, 1996 at the Barge Inn in Alton Barnes a telephone call was received by the bar staff inquiring the whereabouts of Peter Sorensen and Colin Andrews. With in minutes after receiving the phone call, others and myself left for Oliver's Castle. UK 1934 Great Eversden - Old Crop Circles. : The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map: Crop Circles - Balls of Light. Wisconsin Crop Circle, Mayville Crop Circle, Clyman Crop Circle, Burlington UFO and Paranormal Reseach Center, Wisconsin Crop Circles. Crop Circles in Ohio. I recently learned from soon-to-be IMU instructor Ross Hamilton (via Freddy Silva) that there have been more crop circle sightings in Ohio in 2012 than there were in England!

I can’t tell you how shocked I was when I heard this! I can’t tell you whether or not it was true, but it is intriguing information nonetheless. If anyone has an information on this topic, please let us know here at IMU. We would be very interested in seeing these crop circles, helping in the investigations as to their legitimacy, and in getting the word out to the masses. Physiologia Plantarum. Physiologia Plantarum is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society. The journal publishes papers on all aspects of all organizational levels of experimental plant biology ranging from biophysics, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology to ecophysiology.

According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2012 impact factor of 3.656, ranking it 24th out of 197 journals in the category "Plant Sciences".[1] References[edit] External links[edit] Charles Mallet examined. The Photography Tricks of Robbert van den Broeke » Pepijn van Erp. Dutch medium Robbert van den Broeke rose to fame in the Netherlands in the early 2000′s with his discovery of crop circles and contacts with deceased people. He made his appearance in several programmes on national TV. In 2005 he was exposed as a fraud by Rob Nanninga, board member of the Dutch Skeptical foundation Skepsis, when he used a non-existing word to describe the job of a deceased person from around 1800. This word, ‘genverbrander’, was found on a genealogical website as a typo for ‘geneverbrander’ (= someone who makes brandy), something Van den Broeke obviously had missed. Crop Circles - The Truth & The Lies. Crop Circle Wars! Fake Video Shakes Credibility of One of Thrive’s Main Sources. (UPDATED TWICE!) « Thrive Debunked.

This blog, originally published June 20, 2012, was updated June 22 and again July 16. Scroll to the end for the updates. A bizarre little drama is going on right now in the world of crop circles. A fake video designed to bolster belief in the supposed paranormal origin of crop circles has been making the rounds on the Internet, igniting both indignant recriminations and spirited defenses. This matter may seem extraneous to issues involved in Thrive—until you realize that the fake video controversy directly concerns a website called, which is one of the Thrive movie’s go-to sources for the crop circle nonsense that appears so prominently in the first part of the film. Just a brief recap.

Crop circles have also proven, much to my surprise, to be the single most controversial subject we’ve ever covered on Thrive Debunked. What’s the Controversy? Here is what happened. And with regards to Dave Chorley, the key bit is here: Circles of Antiquity Searching for circles in crops from the air in the southern counties is nothing new by Jack Sullivan. CIRCULAR REASONING Assessing the Mystery of Crop Circles By  R.J. Vigoda. Norsk Kornsirkelgruppe. “Fairy Circles” From the book “A natural History of Shropshire”.   Part 1. by Jack Sullivan. “Fairy Circles” From the book “A natural History of Staffordshire”. Part 1. The first recorded true scientific investigation into the phenomenon of Crop Formations by Professor Robert Plot LLD. UK 1966 onwards Warminster - Old Crop Circles. Crop Circles history and how they are made.

Text © Freddy Silva "Suddenly, I heard a noise. It seemed as if something pushed down the wheat. That night the air was completely still. I looked around. Old Crop Circles - Home. THE ASSESSMENT. New Tab. Crop circle. A crop circle is a sizable pattern created by the flattening of a crop such as wheat, barley, rye, maize, or rapeseed. Crop Circles : Terje Toftenes & Suzanne Taylor. The ‘REAL’ Hoaxers about to be Exposed – an Exercise in Mind Control – all STAR Cast! An act intended to decieve or trick. Human Beings who create circles are not decieving or tricking anyone. Are they not just expressing their artistic talents for the enjoyment of themselves & others as any artist in any medium does.

So how can any crop formation be described as a Hoax when there clearly is no intention by the creators, be they human or whatever, to decieve or trick anyone into believing that they are either more, or less than what they are, which are beautiful pictographs. Being or occuring in fact or actuality, true and actual, not imaginary. Wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Crop-Circles-Legitimacy.pdf.

Crop Circles: Nancy Talbott at BLT got it wrong and should admit it. Crop circle center.