Easily Make a CD Case from a Sheet of Paper. Origami Heart Bookmark Video. Corner Bookmark. Sweet origami hearts. To be honest, I was never keen on origami hearts (or roses for that matter) for a fairly long time because it was hard to accept the way they look — I find them too edgy and not very loving.
Well that’s all in the past. My perception has changed (and I’m so glad). I have embraced their looks and I will admire them as they are. I’ve been on a folding spree over the new year break, particularly enjoying making heart after heart, starting with: 1. The ring design is by Hiroshi Kumasaka [熊坂浩氏]. Make bigger rings to use as napkin ring, bangle, scroll tie, bottle tag, etc. Little guiding stars. Since the new year has started I’ve been trying to think of ways to be more kind to my self.
Especially when that nasty gremlins try to creep in and stump me. Monster Page Corner Bookmarks. This project comes to you at the request of Twitterer @GCcapitalM.
I used to believe that a person could never have too many books, or too many bookmarks. Then I moved into an apartment slightly larger than some people’s closets (and much smaller than many people’s garages) and all these beliefs got turned on their naïeve little heads. But what a person can always look for more of is really cool unique bookmarks. Placeholders special enough for the books that are special enough to remain in your culled-out-of-spacial-necessity collection. Page corner bookmarks are cute, practical and deeply under-represented in the world.* They’re easy to make, easy to customize, and will set you apart from all those same-same flat rectangular bookmarks.
If you like this tutorial, here are a couple others that might be up your alley. For the monster-loving adults in the room, try some googly-eyed paper monster wine charms. What you’ll need: Putting it all together: Square Pillow Gift Box. Wrapping gifts yourself is half the fun of giving them.
If this claim doesn’t convince you, there’s another, more down to earth, reason to prepare DIY wrapping - it’s so much cheaper than the bought one. Let the shops keep their pricey boxes and make one yourself just as we did! All you need is an old CD, triangle, scissors, sheet of thick paper, a pencil and a piece of soft fabric. Oh, I forgot about empty pen for scoring, but this doesn’t seem to be a scarce tool, huh? Easy Tiny Envelopes. Guest tutorial by Ruth Bleakley I discovered this envelope making method completely by accident when pulling soggy rain-soaked mail out of my leaky mailbox - I had a total *eureka* moment when the envelope I gingerly opened up completely unfolded at the seams revealing an envelope "template" perfectly.
I've seen many envelope tutorials online, some offer downloadable templates, some show fancy paper folding techniques and some suggest specific measurements to create your own D.I.Y. envelopes. Origami Nut. Lucky Wishing Stars. You’ve probably seen these little puffy origami stars before.
They are really quick to make, and you don’t need any special materials to make them. You can buy lucky star pre-cut strips from origami stores, but you can just as easily make your own from medium weight coloured paper, e.g. scrapbooking paper, or even strips cut from magazine pages – as the strips are so narrow, the original text or image won’t be obvious in the finished star. Anti-clockwise from top left: pre-cut strips, paper cutter, scrapbook paper, magazine page. Lucky Paper Stars. Origami Box. The origami box is simple to make, and can be used to hold other origami pieces.
Or important stuff, like candies. This origami box is also called Masu, which is Japanese for a square wooden box. Origami Envelope. Cake Treat Boxes. Finally, as promised, the tutorial!
Yes, it really did take me two days to get this ready. I hope you enjoy it. Be sure to create a FREE studio on eWillow.com and upload photos of your cakes when you are finished. You can even sell them, too! Flying Pigs. My first ever DIY post on the blog was this Little Paper Bird Mobile - and it's actually still my most popular post to date!
Sadly all of my paper birds got lost when I was moving house (I was definitely more than a bit sad!) So I decided to make some more paper friends... How to Make a Flying Pig Mobile You will need: Some light-weight card, pretty paper, white craft foam, glue, needle and thread. Corner Bookmark. Magazine Envelopes. 18K+ Well I got this idea from our friend Nina.
She was making these super cute envelopes out of scrapbook paper and I really wanted to make some! So I came home and made some! They are so so SO simple and add a personal touch to your envelopes. You will need: An old magazine, scissors, an envelope, a glue stick and a Sharpie. Tear out some magazine pages that you like. Carefully pull the envelope apart. Cup Cake Box. Pretty CUP CAKE Box Tutorial. I used a heavy weight scrapbook paper/ card stockScissors, Cutting Mat, Metal Ruler, Double Sided Tape, Grey Lead Pencil, Kindy Glitz 1.Depending on how big your bases are cut circles for lids(mine are about 11cm across) Fold/ score into quarters and cut one whole quarter out. But be sure to leave just enough edge on one side for the tape to stick on and neatly tuck under at the end. 2. Score evenly around your box dividing each quarter into 4 again. 3. Paper Lanterns.
Looking for instructions on how to make paper lanterns? My husband designed an easy template for making paper lanterns in a cute round shape. They look a bit oriental, don’t you think? These “lanterns” are purely decorative and aren’t designed to have a lamp inside them, but they do make great festive decorations. In fact, they started out as a design for Christmas baubles. Packaging Templates. I’m not sure how I discovered this awesome collection of packaging templates but I’m glad I did!
Some professor or student at a japanese univeresity was nice enough to share all their packaging templates with the world! These are a few of my favorites and you can see all of them on their website. Every situation is covered! You sell Bon Bons? Origami Crafts. Create your own galaxy of origami stars! You can find complete instructions for each star in this fantastic post by Bloomize. Here’s a lovely little origami heart page marker, perfect for your kids as they head back to school. Get the tutorial here. Newspaper Gift Bags. Rolled Paper Flowers. Welcome to flower week – five days of simple and delightful flower projects.