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Ankita Sehgal

Ankita Sehgal is a freelance writer and blogger based in New Delhi. She covers topic like lifestyle, fashion, and education stuff with fun. She's continued blogging and keep on inspiring other bloggers for the living.

Best SEO Company India, SEO Services in Delhi, India, SEO Firm India. At RepIndia, we deliver one of the best SEO services in India and make sure that your content occupies the first page of any search engine result.

Best SEO Company India, SEO Services in Delhi, India, SEO Firm India

After all, that is where all the magic happens. Our strength lies in analytics and connecting the dots for your online content and web property, contributing to our prominence as the best SEO Company in India. Whether it is keyword research and targeting, broken links, non-optimized content, structural glitches,coding errors, or on-page and off-page issues, our team of SEO experts has you covered. Enterprise SEO Have an enterprise-level website? Local SEO The need of the hour for local businesses is to be visible in local online searches, and turn up via industry-relevant keywords. E Commerce SEO For an online e-commerce platform, consistently growing traffic is paramount.

Google Recovery Services Recover your website rankings from Google's Penguin penalty through our proven recovery services. Multilingual & International SEO Web Analytics. Advantages of website designing services for enterprises. The services of website design and website development hold key importance for any business attempting to build a favorable online presence.

Advantages of website designing services for enterprises

Here are some benefits that these two key services offer to a business - ● As the company invests in setting its firm foot in the market, spread its wings, and expand its reach, what also gets essential is to gain a loyal customer base. But attracting loyal customers is no easy task especially if businesses resort to poor tactics to gain loyal customers. At this juncture, website development and website designing services can come of real help to businesses. The webmasters can easily keep track of the activities of customers through the metrics recovered from the site. . ● One of the prime objectives of any company is to experience growth in its customer base. . ● The key to achieve success for startups is to launch their products and services in the market and to establish their presence in the market.

SMO Company in India, Social Media Management Services in Delhi, India. The era of content bombardment- rubbing stale content in the face of the customer repeatedly- is over.

SMO Company in India, Social Media Management Services in Delhi, India

For any brand to be successful online, its social media presence needs to create a dialogue with the consumer using quality content and high impact visuals. We know how the industry works and what works in the industry - from kicking up your likes, driving engagement, attracting the correct target audience, handling your tweets, to acing your Instagram - we've got you covered. As a leading social media management company in India with a strong focus on creativity and innovation, we have a team of analysts who carefully study your brand, understand its boundaries and develop customized advertising campaigns to increase engagement.

We devise high quality Facebook ad-campaigns to promote brand understanding and to create a loyal targeted digital community that directly impacts your sales. Brand Strategy & Management. Digital Marketing Strategies to Adopt During COVID-19. While there have been an ample lot of predictions about what a post-coronavirus reality would look like, it is impossible to know for sure.

Digital Marketing Strategies to Adopt During COVID-19

However, one thing is certain for marketers: As people continue to self-isolate and spend more time surfing the internet, digital channels are now more important than ever before. With everyone confined in their homes, similar trends have been occurring globally. During such dark times, social media marketing agencies should consider undertaking some strategies in order to communicate appropriately with consumers. Redefine your business objectives We are currently living in a world of highly disrupted marketing landscape which requires a thorough reassessment of an organisation’s business objectives.

Ask questions such as: What do customers want at such times? What all goes into the making of great content? By Ankita Sehgal Freelance Blogger, Lives in New Delhi We all have that one friend who narrates long boring stories that actually go nowhere; imagine your audience going through the same pain while reading your content—sounds bad, right!

What all goes into the making of great content?

And sometimes, even though we do not wish, our content is way too informative for our audience to understand. Remember, fuzzy content is the very end of your marketing content strategy and you need to get rid of it ASAP if it is already live on the website. Here is where online reputation management come as a rescue for newbies and old-players both. A particularly piece of content might even be well-written or interesting but if it isn’t pushing your customers to be more interested in your services then it is pure waste. Think about the end while creating anything. What makes a digital marketing mix and why it is important?

Back in the day, there was no such thing as the digital marketing agency; there were only traditional marketing agencies.

What makes a digital marketing mix and why it is important?

With the advent of new technologies and business trends, digital evolution has significantly transformed the marketing world. Such is its impact that businesses are growing at a much faster pace than ever. After more than 10 years, digital marketing has now become mandatory for the success of any business venture, whether small or big. And if your business doesn’t keep up with it, it will be left behind. What is Digital Marketing Mix? The four P’s of marketing namely – Promotion, Price, Place, and Products – work perfectly well in the digital world as well. . • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – SEO- is the process of making any webpage/website easy to discover over search engines so that customers can find your business among several others. Wish to make a career in Digital marketing? Be prepared with these techniques.

In the new digital age, India is brimming with the new age start-ups.

Wish to make a career in Digital marketing? Be prepared with these techniques

Though the speed might be fizzled by the break put by ongoing pandemic but with the announcement of economic packages by the Prime Minister recently, it looks like we are once again back on the track. Though the current situation may look grim there are a few sectors that are particularly benefitted by the ongoing situation: Ayurveda, Yoga, Digital marketing, and medicine. These sectors have created a new form of employment opportunities and as far as digital marketing companies in India are concerned, they are definitely on their way to an upward curve. Advantages of digital marketing. In this modern era of the internet, Digital marketing plays a very crucial role in sculpting the consumer’s behavior.

Advantages of digital marketing

Also known as internet marketing, Digital marketing is a comprehensive term that employs mobile techniques and online techniques to approach the targeted customers. When compared to traditional marketing techniques, digital marketing is often regarded as a more targeted, measurable, and interactive mode of marketing. Here are a few reasons why every business should prioritize digital marketing for its growth - • Digital marketing helps in leveling the online playing field for businesses.

For a business to gain considerable visibility on the web, what matters is its location and its effort to establish a physical store. How to increase followers to become a social media influencer? Whether you like it or not; numbers matter in the digital world.

How to increase followers to become a social media influencer?

No matter how witty your tweets, or amazing your Instagram posts are, a user does make a perception about your brand by looking at the number of your followers. Social Media influencers rely heavily on numbers. A good amount of social media followers certainly do not reflect the quality of your services but they do affect the sales of your products. Best SEO Company India, SEO Services in Delhi, India, SEO Firm India. Few things to keep in mind while designing a website. With the online world getting so much traction since the turn of the century, everything has been available on the internet.

Few things to keep in mind while designing a website

From online guitar classes to customized tea sets, you can find almost anything you want when you want it. It is also a great platform to display your own products or display any services you have to offer. One of the best ways of doing this is to create your own website. Relevance of Local SEO in the COVID-19 World. With COVID-19 hitting hard, 2020 has turned out to be quite the year. Many local businesses have been struggling to keep their heads above water with an audience that hasn’t come outside for a while. The consumer pattern has changed substantially. As a local business, you would want to keep up with the pace by knowing what the customers want and need. Even after the businesses have been allowed to open, chances are customers will remain cautious. How to increase followers to become a social media influencer? By Ankita Sehgal Freelance Blogger, Lives in New Delhi Whether you like it or not; numbers matter in the digital world.

No matter how witty your tweets, or amazing your Instagram posts are, a user does make a perception about your brand by looking at the number of your followers. Social Media influencers rely heavily on numbers. A good amount of social media followers certainly donot reflect the quality of your services but they do affect the sales of your products. In the digital landscape, how to increase the number of social media followers is a million-dollar question and we are here to spill some beans for you. Produce the right content. Digital Media Planning, Media Buying Company India, Creative Advertising Agency. As one of the top advertising agencies in Delhi plying in the realm of digital, marketing your brand online comes naturally to us.

In a day and age when ad blocking is highly prevalent and digital ads are viewed as annoying distractions, how does your brand and promotional content reach the intended audiences? We are ready to provide you with the answers, and we promise, you'll hear exactly what your want to hear. From search marketing and pay per click services, to media planning and buying, achieve significant RoI through our comprehensive online advertisement campaign management services within your preferred budget. Search Marketing If your brand is not discoverable on search engine results, then you are missing on significant digital advertising opportunities. Best SEO Company India, SEO Services in Delhi, India, SEO Firm India. Powerful Integrated Media Buying Strategies That Work. With consumers spending more time on digital and mobile devices, the advertising world has evolved to a great extent. Digital media buying basically refers to the process of purchasing placements for advertisements on apps, whitepapers, and other digital platforms.

Integrated media buying is the opportunity of utilizing different media possibilities and distribution in multiple formats. A media buying expert inputs the right pieces together seamlessly and pulls off the right fit to achieve the desired client’s business goals. Hiring an advertising company always works in your favor and helps you succeed in this age of tough competition. Below-mentioned is some of the strategies that help on your way to success: Analytics and Tracking Strategy: ‘Integrated buys cost more’ is a common misconception among the advertisers. COVID-19: How SEO can save your business in difficult times? The world of digital marketing is ever-expanding.

SEO is one of the most powerful tools that facilitate online information sharing. Almost every big, medium, and small-sized enterprises are taking advantage of the best SEO services in India to amp up their marketing game. While the coronavirus pandemic has significantly slowed down major business sectors, the digital world is still moving forward — perhaps with more vigor. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is an astounding digital marketing tool that can create a world of difference amid the coronavirus crisis. See how: 1.

Search Engine Optimizers can easily deal with misinformation or fake news, owing to their ability to alter SERP results. 2. Does Site Speed Influence SEO? Picture this: you have put in a lot of hard work to build your website and ensure it works well, has a sound structure, and comprises just the right SEO optimized content. However, before getting onto any of these and accessing your killer content, the potential visitor or the client will have to load your site first and if it takes ages to load, the chances of significant drop-offs are extremely high and only a few people will be visiting your site. Social Media Optimization In The Times Of Corona. Just a few months back, nobody could even imagine that a tiny virus can change everything around. Planning to launch a social media contest — this is how you can do this!

It is hard to make your voice heard when there is already so much noise from so many brands on the inter-webs. Content strategists often dabble with this issue — How to reach out to their audience in an interesting way? Here is where there is one technique often appreciated by copywriters and also enjoyed by the audience — Social Media Contests. Social media contests are a great way to amplify the reach of your brand and increase sales.

Since innumerable brands have entered the market in every domain, organic reach is lost somewhere in the crowd. Factors that affect your SEO ranking. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is important for any brand to increase traffic on the website. It helps increase the reach of a brand and create a better brand image. Does digital marketing baffles you? Learn these basics. Done with setting up your website? Here is what you need to do next! Digital Media Planning, Media Buying Company India, Creative Advertising Agency. Impact of COVID-19 in the sphere of New Media. The Coronavirus has been spreading like wildfire and has taken the entire world by storm. Today, social distancing is the basic norm for survival.

How to choose a right company for auditing your website. When was the last time your official website was updated? Don’t you remember? Online Reputation Management Company, Corporate, Celebrity, Personal, Search Engine Reputation Management Services. Best SEO Company India, SEO Services in Delhi, India, SEO Firm India. TOP 5 SEO MYTHS TO BE BUSTED. 4 tips to organize an engaging Instagram Live session. SMO Company in India, Social Media Management Services in Delhi, India. Benefits of Online Reputation Management Services. Important tips for seamless social media optimization. Two Basic Fundamentals of Digital Marketing all Managers Should be Knowing. Important things one must know about content marketing. Best SEO Company India, SEO Services in Delhi, India, SEO Firm India. Web Development Company & Web Design Services In India. Top Activities to Control Your Online Reputation Better. 3 digital marketing trends that are likely to make their way to 2020.

Why social selling has become a norm in today’s time? Tips to Choose The Best Digital Marketing Agency. Getting the Most Out Of Your Influencer Campaign. Best SEO Company India, SEO Services in Delhi, India, SEO Firm India. SMO Company in India, Social Media Management Services in Delhi, India. Best Tips to Design a Landing Page That Converts. How ORM Services Help Businesses. Why enterprises need to pay attention to SEO. Why seeking help from a digital agency is indispensable. Reputation Management: Steps to Getting Started. Online Reputation Management Company, Corporate, Celebrity, Personal, Search Engine Reputation Management Services. Best SEO Company India, SEO Services in Delhi, India, SEO Firm India. SMO Company in India, Social Media Management Services in Delhi, India.

Looking for the best SEO Company: Here are a few tips. Looking for the best SEO Company: Here are a few tips by Akash Sharma. Why a mobile app is a necessity in today’s time for businesses? Why You Need Online Reputation Management Services For Your Brand? Online Reputation Management: Why is it important for your brand? Why your brand needs to be handled by the best digital agency. A beginner’s guide to starting a Digital Marketing Firm. Best SEO Company India, SEO Services in Delhi, India, SEO Firm India. SEO Risks to Avoid. 4 Things to Avoid in SEO. 4 Things to Avoid in SEO. Digital Marketing: 4 Ways To Create A Remarkabl... - RepIndia. MUST-TRY Video Marketing Strategies. 4 Services Offered by an ORM Company in India. What makes email marketing best platform for reaching out.

Important Tips for Successful Media Buying. Online Reputation Management- Untold Tips and Tricks. The Significance of Social Media Marketing. Things you should know about Digital Marketing RoI. On-site Social Media Optimization- An Ultimate Guide. 5 Contemporary Digital Media Marketing Practices. Content Marketing Agency Services, Content Marketing Services Packages - Repindia. How to Execute a Successful Social Media Contest – Ankita Sehgal. 5 Tips for Website Design – Small Business. Consider These Tips For Smooth Social Media Optimisation. 4 Tips for Choosing the Best ORM Company in Delhi – Ankita Sehgal. Online Reputation Management- Why Is It Important? Risks You Must Take — Search Engine Optimisation – Ankita Sehgal. Ways to optimize your blog for SEO – Ravina Jaiswal.

4 Elements of Digital Marketing Mix. Best SEO Company India, SEO Services in Delhi, India, SEO Firm India. Best SEO Company India, SEO Services in Delhi, India, SEO Firm India. SMO Company in India, Social Media Management Services in Delhi, India. 3 Characteristics You Should Look for in a Brand Manager. Content Marketing Techniques You Must Use – Ankita Sehgal.

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