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Il museo come esperienza - Luca Rosati. A Planning Guide for Making Temporary Events Accessible to People With Disabilities. (Printer-friendly PDF version | 1.8 MB) Table of Contents Introduction.

A Planning Guide for Making Temporary Events Accessible to People With Disabilities

Accessibility in the museum

Gli Hangouts On Air per un museo espanso e partecipativo. Progetto Web più accessibile per i disabili: pronti 400 mila euro -Regione Autonoma della Sardegna. VEDI LA FOTO Da Sardegna ricerche 400 mila euro per migliorare l'accessibilità dei contenuti del web a beneficio dei disabili con particolare riferimento agli internauti privi della vista.

Progetto Web più accessibile per i disabili: pronti 400 mila euro -Regione Autonoma della Sardegna

Il progetto è stato presentato ieri dal presidente di Sardegna Ricerche, Maria Paola Corona nell'ambito del workshop “Tecnologie per la disabilità” che si è tenuto nella sala conferenze, gremita, della Biblioteca regionale di viale Trieste. Obiettivo: discutere su come ridurre, tramite la tecnologia, le barriere che impediscono l'integrazione sociale dei disabili. Bilancio-Sociale-2013-Fondazione-ASPHI-onlus-.pdf. Ricetta Biscotti Linzer - 100 Best Curator and Museum Blogs. Although not everyone has the resources to visit and study museums up close and personal, the Internet makes it possible for you to get a look into them from afar.

100 Best Curator and Museum Blogs

By following blogs from museums and curators, you can get a unique perspective on museums around the world. Check out these 100 blogs to study and see the latest from museums. (original post) Resources & Advice In these blogs, you’ll see useful resources and advice for museums. Curators & Staff Check out these blogs to learn about museums from their curators and other staff. Museum connections - conferences 21 & 22 january 2015. La tecnologia può mettere le ali ai musei italiani. ‎ 100 Best Curator and Museum Blogs.

ICOM Publication: New Ideas for Presenting Museum Objects : Asia-Europe Museum Network. The Google Cultural Institute and Arts Accessibility: Where Is It All Going? December 10, 2014; VentureBeat Google has been making strides with a variety of different arts and cultural organizations, bringing relatively inaccessible work to the public through digital means.

The Google Cultural Institute and Arts Accessibility: Where Is It All Going?

The Google Cultural Institute archives and makes available to the online world images and documents relating to the history of film, artwork, preservation, and more. Soon, the Institute will expand to more than just an archive of history and art; it will serve as a platform for museums and galleries to create and manage their own mobile apps. The Institute will be an extension of Google Open Gallery, which has provided nonprofit cultural organizations with tools to create their own online gallery exhibits. MOOCs Aren’t Revolutionizing College, but They’re Not a Failure. A few years ago, the most enthusiastic advocates of MOOCs believed that these “massive open online courses” stood poised to overturn the century-old model of higher education.

MOOCs Aren’t Revolutionizing College, but They’re Not a Failure

Their interactive technology promised to deliver top-tier teaching from institutions like Harvard, Stanford, and MIT, not just to a few hundred students in a lecture hall on ivy-draped campuses, but free via the Internet to thousands or even millions around the world. At long last, there appeared to be a solution to the problem of “scaling up” higher education: if it were delivered more efficiently, the relentless cost increases might finally be rolled back. Some wondered whether MOOCs would merely transform the existing system or blow it up entirely. Computer scientist Sebastian Thrun, cofounder of the MOOC provider Udacity, predicted that in 50 years, 10 institutions would be responsible for delivering higher education. Is a Museum a Database?: Institutional Conditions in Net Utopia. Mike Pepi Why Do We Look for Data in the Museum?

Is a Museum a Database?: Institutional Conditions in Net Utopia

In Art Project 2023, João Enxuto and Erica Love imagine the future of the Google Art Project, the search giant’s effort to reproduce images from the world’s top museums as it develops over the next decade. The Uncataloged Museum: What Do You See in This Picture from the Rijksmuseum? This picture has been all over my social media feed for the last week.

The Uncataloged Museum: What Do You See in This Picture from the Rijksmuseum?

It's a group of teenagers engrossed in their phones in front of Rembrandt's Night Watch at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. And the more I read comments from my colleagues, the madder I got. I didn't get mad at those teenagers, I got mad at my colleagues (and others) whose comments included "so sad," "sigh," "how have we let this happen? " As it happened, I spent a day at the Rijksmuseum last winter including some time in that very room looking at the art and yes, taking photos.

Call for Papers: Rethinking University Museums : Asia-Europe Museum Network. 2+3D Photography – Practice and Prophecies - What’s on. Rijksmuseum, 15–16 April 2015 Professional photographers have successfully adapted to the challenges presented by image digitization, even to the extent that a streamlined, standardized data workflow has been developed and integrated into practice.

2+3D Photography – Practice and Prophecies - What’s on

Digital photography has emerged as a powerful process. New applications for science, research, and object conservation appear regularly. Key Concepts of Museology. Each museum is made up of professionals with a complex mix of skills and specialisms.

Key Concepts of Museology

Interaction between these professionals is growing worldwide and within the ICOM network. A common language that conveys the complex reality of current social and cultural values–ethical, aesthetic, scientific and technological–remains a constant concern for those in charge of transmitting a message to society, particularly in the field of museology. In this context, the International Committee of ICOM for Museology (ICOFOM) developed the booklet “Key Concepts of Museology”, an avant-première of the complete Dictionary of Museology, a reference tool that will provide museum professionals worldwide with a common language. Mots-clés - documentation. D A M S E G - Database of Archaeological Material from Swedish Excavations in Greece. To the database The database has been compiled as an inventory of mainly published and exhibited material from the Swedish excavations in the Argolid.

D A M S E G - Database of Archaeological Material from Swedish Excavations in Greece

AppendI. Solutions for Museum Storage Problems. Solutions for Museum Storage Problems We can help you drive efficiency and save money: CHAP7. Vernon Cataloguing. Vernon CMS is a leading collections management system used in some of the largest and most prestigious institutions in the United States, Australasia and Europe. Vernon CMS provides a unique combination of sophistication and ease-of-use making it suitable for virtually any type of institution, from single user sites to major institutions with networked systems, multiple users, multiple sites and collections running into the millions of objects.

Vernon Cataloguing is the cornerstone of the Vernon CMS product range and is the culmination of research and development started in 1985. Vernon Cataloguing handles all types of objects, such as: Winchester Museum Collections. Gallery Systems. CHIN's Professional Exchange. PastPerfect 5.0 Evaluation Download Form. Selago Design, Inc. - PORTFOLIO: MWeb. Pricing Pricing consists of a Startup Fee for analysis of your data and customization of the interface, plus an Annual Fee for the license, maintenance, upgrades, and support. See our Pricing Worksheet to estimate your 5-year costs. You may also compare the cost of MWeb to building your own system. MWeb is priced on the number of Primary Records in your database; we feel this best reflects the level of effort required to develop and support the product.

Primary Records are those that represent the materials collected, such as museum objects, library materials, archival materials, documents, and photographs. Adlib Museum Software. The Collection Management Software. Adlib Museum is specifically designed for recording and managing your Museum’s collections data. Years of experience in field of collections management is the foundation for Adlib Museum. This is partly why it has become the most widely used collection management software and is successfully implemented in so many museums and collection managing institutions. Easy to use Clear screen layouts, instinctive interfaces context-related help files, extensive validation files and the standard spell checker all help to make your work easier and more efficient. The flexible graphical user interface (GUI) gives the user the opportunity to modify toolbars, background colors, image viewer, font types and size, icon-size and more to suit their requirements.

Clear. Powerhouse Museum - Collection Database. Guest post: Could a Collection Management System be like Facebook? « museum geek. One of the things I love most about spending time at the Powerhouse Museum is the conversations that occur. Last week, the Registrar for Collection Management Systems, Lynne McNairn, and I had an interesting discussion about CMS’ and their ease of use. In response to that conversation, she has written this post with some of her thoughts. Lynne McNairn Could a Collection Management System be like Facebook? Lynne McNairn Registrar, Collection Management Systems. DB/Text Works. Inmagic's DB/Text Works is a special type of database software that enables you to build networked and standalone textbases to manage diverse types of textual information and electronic information.

DB/Text Works is flexible and powerful and requires no programming experience. Features. Collection management systems: Museums and the Web 2011. Museums and archives manage information about their collections, facilitate interdepartmental communication, and make collections available to the public using collection management software. I. S. Technology - creators of collections management software. The Open Source Museum Collection Management System. Resources.