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Lebbis - Fouten Maken. Scrum en verder: verbreding van je agile toolkit. Scrum is een laagdrempelige aanpak om projecten op een wendbare manier uit te voeren.

Scrum en verder: verbreding van je agile toolkit

Doen is de beste manier van denken. Scrum Principles. The Agile Manifesto In 2001, 17 individuals gathered in the Wasatch mountains of Utah to find common ground around Agile.

Scrum Principles

After much skiing, talking, relaxing, and eating, they arrived at four common values that led to the development of the Agile Manifesto. Common Values from the Agile Manifesto Scrum is an Agile framework and, as such, is consistent with the values of the Agile Manifesto. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Scrum is a team-based approach to delivering value to the business. Once the team gets a business goal, it: Figures out how to do the work Does the work Identifies what's getting in its way Takes responsibility to resolve all the difficulties within its scope Works with other parts of the organization to resolve concerns outside their control This focus on team responsibility in Scrum is critical.

Working software over comprehensive documentation Scrum requires a working, finished product increment as the primary result of every sprint. Focus Courage. La rétrospective dont vous êtes le héros. Votre équipe agile commence à se lasser des rétrospectives ?

La rétrospective dont vous êtes le héros

Elle les trouve répétitives et ennuyeuses ? Nous avons créé un jeu pour vous ! Il rend les rétrospectives plus ludiques, plus personnelles et plus puissantes en suivant les étapes introduites par le livre Agile retrospectives d’Esther Derby : Tout en restant dans ce cadre efficace, nous proposons un univers décalé et ouvert, permettant de varier les plaisirs et d’évoluer au fil des rétrospectives avec la vie de l’équipe.

Set the stage Votre équipe se retrouve projetée dans un univers post-apocalyptique peuplé de zombies. Vous vous retrouvez au calme dans un bureau après avoir vaillamment survécu durant l’itération… – Quel est votre niveau d’énergie en cette fin d’itération ? Le but de l’équipe est de revenir à un niveau de vie supérieur à 5… Nous allons partir en exploration pour ça ! Gather data. How to Facilitate an Agile Retrospective Using "Rory Story Cubes" If a team uses a same retrospective technique in each sprint, it becomes monotonous and ineffective.

How to Facilitate an Agile Retrospective Using "Rory Story Cubes"

To make retrospectives lively and effective, scrum masters should try various techniques. It also gives teams, a new direction to brainstorm and come-up with action items. Ellen Grove, agile coach at LeanDog, shared her experience on usage of Rory Story Cubes for team retrospective, in her recent blog . She mentioned that Rory Story Cubes share some of the magical properties of using LEGO Serious Play to spark a serious conversation. Using this, in the spirit of playfulness, people share ideas that haven’t shared in previous retrospectives. lIlya Pavlichenko, agile coach and professional scrum trainer (PST) tried a story telling method for retrospectives. There are plenty of ways to effectively open the sprint retrospective, but there is one tool which I am really fond of and it is the Rory Story Cubes. Scrum-Simulation-with-LEGO-Bricks-v2.0.pdf.

Scrum Lego City. With the Scrum Lego City from agile42 you can find out how powerful Scrum can be.

Scrum Lego City

Scrum Lego City by agile42 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. LInk to buy the Material Material LEGO, a lot, with plans (possibly CREATIVE boxes where you can build many things with the same blocks)Product Vision: a document containing the Vision to build the LEGO cityRequirements and User Stories (Cards): pre-compiled Requirements and Stories related to various building and elements of the CityPlanning Poker CardsWhiteboard or electrostatic sheets to write sprint outcome and velocity and make a whiteboard for the teamPost-It to write tasksPen and whiteboard markersUnexpected (Cards): some cards containing unexpected behavior to steer from outside the Game (e.g: you are ill, you leave the team for 4 min.)

Here you can download the User Stories for the Lego City Game Rule of Play The game will dedicate specific time to the various phases: 5 min. 5 min. Agile public relations planning: The Reflective Communication Scrum. Volume 41, Issue 2, June 2015, Pages 187–194 Digital Publics Edited By Dejan Verčič, Ana Tkalac Verčič, Krishnamurthy Sriramesh and Jon White Betteke van Ruler, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR), The Netherlands Received 29 July 2014, Revised 14 November 2014, Accepted 17 November 2014, Available online 11 December 2014 Choose an option to locate/access this article: Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution Check access doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2014.11.008 Get rights and content Highlights Today, organizations live in a public arena of ongoing constructions of meanings.

Agile public relations planning: The Reflective Communication Scrum

To cope with this arena, public relations planning needs to be agile and adaptive. SCRUM voor overheden, NGO's, bedrijfsleven en communities. Videos - Scrum Alliance. Trello. Mastercourse Communicatie Scrum. Mastercourse Reflectieve Communicatie Scrum / praktijkopleiding voor communicatieprofessionals. Organisaties op snelheid. Waarom Scrummen zo snel zo enorm populair geworden is.