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Illustrations & Quotes. Apr 13 “Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.”

Illustrations & Quotes

John Green, The Fault in Our Stars. Anna Sophia Robb again :), by me. Aug 30 “Porthos dreams of being a bear, and you want to shatter those dreams by saying he’s *just* a dog? Trying something new. Wanted to give a try at digital painting, by copying one of Charlie Bowater’s work for practice. iBooks Books for iPad, iPhone & iPod touch. Top 57 CV design, originaux et insolites et Curriculum vitae modernes gratuits. Vie et mort d’une start-up : entretien avec Tristan Nicolas de Ben & Fakto. Les quatre accords toltèques: changer de regard sur notre vécu. Les Quatre Accords toltèques (ou The Four Agreements dans la version originale du livre en anglais), est le titre d'un livre publié aux États-Unis en 1997, véritable best seller international.

Les quatre accords toltèques: changer de regard sur notre vécu

40 Things To Say Before You Die. Liste d'idées reçues. 9 Breathtaking Places You Can Explore With Google Street View. Unless you're planning to travel across the icy Southern Ocean or deep into the Brazilian rainforests for your next vacation, you probably won't see Antarctica or the Amazon anytime soon.

9 Breathtaking Places You Can Explore With Google Street View

The same goes for the world's less remote places. Many of us, depending on location and circumstances, may never see Australia, Asia or even common European tourist attractions. Christophe PANEPINTO PHOTOGRAPHE. Leblog: Lady Rezo, à nos côtés... Jobvious, c'est la vie professionnelle de A à Z, même si souvent on s'arrête au Y de yoga en entreprise Jobvious, c'est l'accompagnement d'un parcours qui commence au soutien scolaire ou au coaching d'orientation pour justement construire au mieux sa vie professionnelle Jobvious, autour de sa machine à café sans dosette de potage (mais que fait Georges Clooney ...) c'est une équipe : - de quadra en pleine possession de ses moyens mais presque senior aux yeux du monde du travail, - de totalement senior dans ce même regard et pourtant pas si gaga que cela (ou alors Lady), - de consultants du bilan de compétences, de la VAE, du coaching, des RH qui apportent leurs contributions éclairées et éclairantes,

leblog: Lady Rezo, à nos côtés...

Stratos Space Jump: Can You Fall Faster Than the Speed of Sound? Image via Red Bull Stratos Project It seems like the Red Bull Stratos jump ( is back on track.

Stratos Space Jump: Can You Fall Faster Than the Speed of Sound?

For those of you not familiar, the basic idea is fairly simple. Felix Baumgartner will take a balloon ride up to an altitude of 120,000 feet and then jump out. The project was temporarily on hold due to some legal issues, but it seems to be settled now. The Best Mac Apps of 2012 So Far. As you some of you may have seen, we recently asked our Twitter and Facebook followers to name their favorite Mac desktop apps of the year so far – thanks again to everyone who sent us suggestions.

The Best Mac Apps of 2012 So Far

After a little in-house brainstorming, we took the decision to add a few apps that were released earlier than 2012, but have become very important in our lives this year. Here’s the full selection we came up with, from blockbusters to hidden gems. 1. Angry Birds Space (Game) The Top 30 Best Photography Apps for iPhone - TNW Apps. Explore. Make the Most of Your Life. Catch The World. Learn How to Sell. Facebook Studio. 12 Must Watch TED Talks for Entrepreneurs. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.

12 Must Watch TED Talks for Entrepreneurs

TED is a circuit of highly popular conferences that present "Ideas Worth Spreading" - which have quickly grown to become some of the most well known conferences around the world. TED has attracted presenters such as Bill Clinton, Jane Goodall, Larry Page, and a large handful of Nobel Prize Winners. Many of the presentations, known as TED Talks, present ideas that are particularly valuable to entrepreneurs. I put together a collection of TED Talks that all entrepreneurs, including ecommerce store owners, should find interesting and worthwhile. Since a lot of the presenters below have written books, I have included a link to purchase. JOOKS. Statistiques mondiales écologiques. 500px — World's Best Photos. Fly Yoga. Emily Miethner - Claudia Chan. A: I graduated from the Hofstra University design program in 2010 and the Fine Arts Department is like family to me.

Emily Miethner - Claudia Chan

Because of the challenging economy, many of my talented creative classmates were discouraged about finding a job they’d be passionate about. Since I had a lot of internship experience, they came to me looking for internship and job advice. I found myself taking their pursuits personally and from then on, I knew I wanted to start something that would help young creative people find their dream jobs. With the encouragement of my professors and the career center, I organized “Not All Artists Are Starving, A Night of Networking.” We brought in creative professionals to share their experiences and advice with current students. I didn’t have a job upon graduation so I was proactive and took two unpaid internships in New York City and attended lots of industry events.

NY Creative Interns was born from thousands of conversations and connections. NounProject. Leeaarn. Faut-il aimer son travail pour être heureux ? S’épanouir dans sa profession est une aspiration forte pour beaucoup d’entre nous.

Faut-il aimer son travail pour être heureux ?

Mais parce que nous n’exerçons pas le bon métier ou que nous l’exerçons dans de mauvaises conditions, cela n’est pas toujours possible. Les Archivistes. FubizBrain Magazine - Accueil. Quoi de neuf sur les femmes? Les femmes ne sont pas toujours là où on les attend.

Quoi de neuf sur les femmes?

Magazine. Le guide ultime de la connaissance. Der News-Channel für Mode, Musik und Lifestyle.