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What's in the news? · Lärarnas Riksförbund. Vilka källor ska vi använda?

What's in the news? · Lärarnas Riksförbund

Jag hade kunnat låta eleverna fritt välja källor, men då hade det helt säkert dykt upp dubletter och bredden hade blivit mindre. Nu sökte jag själv rätt på en lista på de femton största amerikanska nyhetstidningarna, kollade av deras webbsidor, plockade bort de sajter som blockerar europeiska webbadresser (vilket jag kommenterar för eleverna, så klart) och lade till de störta nyhetskanalernas webbsidor till listan.

En lagom lista. Till uppgiften har jag skapat följdfrågor om källkritik. Till detta har jag ett stödpapper där jag summerat de fyra kriterierna: äkthet, tid, beroende, tendens. Hur bra, på en skala? Jag har flera gånger tidigare plockat in en tiogradig skala när källkritik stått på schemat. Your year in review. Submitted 2 years 12 months ago by Paul Braddock.

Your year in review

This activity for teenagers and adults at CEF level B1 and above asks students to imagine that they are a famous international or national personality and complete a series of short paragraphs to review the previous year and look ahead to the next year. Introduction. CLIL Seminar in Getxo : Developing 21st century skills in our classrooms. ACTIVITY 1: we become artists Objectives: Students visit a virtual exhibition of Art objects, choose their favourite one and create a video in which they describe the object to their peers and suggest new ways of using the object nowadays.

CLIL Seminar in Getxo : Developing 21st century skills in our classrooms

This video project will enable students to increase their competences as effective communicators with digital technologies and these skills are and will be essential in their lives. Language level: From B1 to C1. Korta lektionstips till sista engelskalektionerna. En klassisk övning som kommer i några olika versioner.

Korta lektionstips till sista engelskalektionerna

Jag tror att jag fick min version på svenska av en kollega för många år sedan och sedan översatte den till engelska. Det är en diskussionsövning med lite djup. Vi ska befolka en ny planet, men bara ett visst antal människor får plats i rymdraketen. Eleverna får en lista på personer att välja mellan vilka ska man välja? Eleverna arbetar i grupper, pratar naturligtvis engelska hela tiden, och får argumentera för och emot olika personer. Malafor var ett nytt begrepp för mig, jag dök på det på den stora sajten Reddit, en fantastisk plats att fördriva alldeles för mycket tid, om man har för mycket över av den varan.

En annan diskussionsuppgift som brukar vara populär handlar om olika superkrafter. Har dina elever svårt att förstå instruktioner? Jag följde upp detta genom att låta eleverna skriva en egen instruktion. Det är viktigt att låta eleverna utvärdera året. Korta lektionstips till sista engelskalektionerna. How to promote active learning in the classroom. Are you looking for ways to get learners actively involved in the classroom?

How to promote active learning in the classroom

Teaching English blog award winner Kasia Piotrowska has practical ideas for teachers. Give learners clear lesson aims and refer to them at each stage I used to neglect to explain lesson aims at the beginning of the class. When I developed the habit of displaying aims on the board, I noticed that students were more focused on the learning process. Consequently, their participation improved. Marking the steps of the lesson and referring to them as the class progresses helps learners: keep track of the lesson stagesclearly see the connection between what they are doing in class and what they are supposed to learnknow exactly what is expected of them, reducing anxietyself-monitor their progressplay a more active part in the lesson flowHelp learners visualise lesson aims with an image Instead of writing my lesson aims on the board, I sometimes use an image.

A Single Life. This ELT lesson plan is designed around a short film by Job, Joris & Marieke and the theme of stages of life.

A Single Life

In the lesson students practise vocabulary related to the stages of life, discuss stages of life, watch a short film, and speak and write about it. Support Film English Film English remains free and takes many hours a month to research and write, and hundreds of dollars to sustain. If you find any joy or value in it, please consider supporting Film English with a monthly subscription, or by contributing a one-off payment. Lessons Worth Sharing. Lesson Plan: the 44th and 45th USA Presidents. As I was browsing the Teaching English- British Council facebook page (posts from visitors) I came across a lesson by Sean Banville, the owner of some popular sites like and Famous People

Lesson Plan: the 44th and 45th USA Presidents

Mr Banville has put together a very timely lesson about Donald Trump and it got me thinking how I could best use it with my students. Fortunately, this prolific writer had also published a lesson about Barack Obama. So, I had everything I needed to tweak his lessons and adjust it to the way I teach. I just needed to ask for his permission, which he kindly gave me. The alphabet of illiteracy. This ELT lesson plan is designed around a short film commissioned by Project Literacy and the theme of literacy.

The alphabet of illiteracy

Students discuss problems related to illiteracy, practise vocabulary related to illiteracy, watch a short film, read a transcript,and watch and discuss a promotional video for a literacy campaign. I would ask all teachers who use Film English to consider buying my book Film in Action as the royalties which I receive from sales help to keep the website completely free. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Advanced (C1) TeachingEnglish. TeachingEnglish.