Médias sociaux - divers
> Anniekimmie
5 Free Tools to Help Create Visual Content for Social Media. Incorporating strong visual content into your social media posts helps give them the edge they need to stand out from the thousands of other posts competing for attention in your followers' news feeds.
Your audience members are much more likely to stop scrolling endlessly through their social media feeds and actually look at your post when they see an image that catches their attention. Visual content is a great supplement to your text in a social media post, while it can also help you convey information more clearly and efficiently. To help you maximize your visual assets, here are five, free digital design tools are worth investigating. 1. Canva Canva enables you to create content, like quote photos, infographics, social media header artwork and photo collages. A particularly handy feature of Canva is that you can size your artwork based on which social media platform you need it for.
Canva offers a collection of images, colors and fonts to help you with your creations. 2. 3. 4. 5.
10 Tips for Running an Effective Facebook Contest. A Facebook contest is a great way of extending your reach, driving engagement, and getting your brand seen by even more people - after all, Facebook has a staggering 1.23 billion daily active users on average.
But how do you run a contest without wasting your time and money, while also keeping within Facebook's strict contest guidelines? Here are 10 key tips to help you get started: 1. Understand Facebook’s contest guidelines As noted, Facebook has strict rules governing on-platform contests, so make sure you’re familiar with them before running your own.
Chatbots: il faut passer des mots aux résultats. 12 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Social Analytics. Social media can make a crispy critter of your calendar.
Or you can manage it efficiently and enjoy the benefits. As any social marketer can attest, it’s easy to burn time trying to optimize your posts. Finding the perfect hashtags.
The Best Times to Post to the Top 8 Social Platforms [Infographic]
Gary Vaynerchuk uses a term for describing social media posts that I really like.
He calls these posts “micro-content”, bits and pieces that make up a larger story. Micro-content doesn’t define a brand in and of itself; it doesn’t tell the whole story. Instead, it puts out these crumbs that create a trail back to the big idea behind a company or campaign. However, just because the content is “micro,” doesn’t mean it lacks a “macro” impact. Micro-content, when custom-tailored to the right audience - and delivered at the right time - can produce major impact.
Put More Sting in Your Social Media Punch, Become a World Champion. Don Bates, PR Agency Management and M&A Consultant, and Adjunct Professor of Public Relations at New York University Everyone who works with social media wants to know the best times to post their messages so they generate the biggest engagement with their target audiences.
Thanks to recent research, we have some useful answers – at least for the networks most familiar to U.S. public relations and marketing practitioners. In the U.S. and Western Europe, most conspicuously, there are hundreds of research organizations collecting and analyzing social networking data (think giant research operations like Nielsen or Amazon’s Alexa). There are also scores of social media companies like CoSchedule.com and econsultancy.com who collect and parse these kinds of data as part of their services and marketing content.
Where and when?
9 Social Media Tips from World-Class Marketing Pros [Infographic]
The difficult thing about social media is that it's ever-changing - what works today as a best practice, doesn’t tomorrow - the platform that's all the rage this afternoon is suddenly less important to your demographic over the weekend.
Some basic examples are Instagram’s massive growth, and MySpace’s rapid collapse.
How San Francisco's fire department uses Twitter. Other brands measure the effectiveness of their customer service efforts through engagement, but the San Francisco Fire Department does so by how quickly it responds to disasters — literally.
It uses Twitter to respond to active situations, make public service announcements and respond to incoming inquiries about both emergencies and potential hazards. “Whenever there is a natural disaster or a potential disaster, it leads to increased risks of speculation among the people,” said Jonathan Baxter, public information officer at the SFFD. “It was very important for us to take charge of these mediums and try to decrease and eliminate as much speculation as we could.” During a fire that broke out in San Francisco last year, for example, local news outlets had started reporting news of three casualties, due to helicopter footage that looked like three gurneys covered with yellow blankets.
But that was a false alarm.
Ces géants qui font leur télé. Cultiver votre média numérique. Crafting an editorial calendar? Try these 12 ideas. Use these formats to keep things fresh and engage your audience.
By Mickie Kennedy | Posted: February 27, 2017 It’s difficult to keep content fresh.
Un contenu de marque «intelligent» au quotidien Washington Post. IABC Fellows address communication strategic planning on February 16 - FIR Podcast Network. How to optimize your content based on consumer behavior. Even with all the evidence that content marketing works, it still can be a challenge to sell its effectiveness to your organization and clients.
After your company has committed to a content marketing strategy, it also becomes necessary to ensure that you’re getting the most out of it. A standard content strategy approach starts with the business goals and objectives, content themes, tactics, key performance indicators and metrics. From there, you start the execution. You deploy your content, measure its performance and optimize it based on the analytics you gather.
Twitter Targets Returning Trolls in Ongoing Fight Against Online Harassment - WSJ. 7 Ways to Use Emojis in Social Media Marketing. If you’re not in the habit of greeting good news with a cartoon smiley face, watching other people use emojis might feel like listening to a conversation in a foreign language.
But the danger in dismissing emojis out of hand is that your customers (and your competitors) are using them, even if you aren’t. In fact, 92% of people use emoji and more than 30% use emojis several times a day, according to a report published by the Emogi Research Team. And emoji-based marketing campaigns have increased by 777% year-over-year, according to this Appboy study.
Many forward-thinking companies are using emojis to connect with their audience and practice some creative brand building.
Le paradoxe du marketing de contenu. Dans l'univers du marketing numérique, un des mots les plus populaires est sans doute le terme «contenu». Aujourd’hui, la plupart des agences proposent des services de création et de diffusion de contenu rédactionnel sur les plateformes web. Ces nouvelles stratégies visent plus spécifiquement la génération des digital natives, reconnue pour passer une grande partie de son temps sur internet et pour être plus exigeante envers les annonceurs. Toutefois, il ne faut pas oublier que cette génération est également soupçonnée de lire très peu. Malgré un certain enthousiasme envers les nouvelles tactiques de communication numérique, les efforts fournis par les marques pour nourrir leur blogue et leur site web d’articles n’apportent pas toujours les résultats souhaités. Le plus souvent, l’échec de la méthode peut être attribué à deux facteurs.
Dans un contexte d’affaires, la création de contenu est en effet souvent abordée comme une autre méthode de promotion.
Les grandes tendances médias au pays à surveiller en 2017. Raccourcis clavier pour médias sociaux - APCM. Que vous soyez simple usager ou gestionnaire de communauté, vous passez sûrement beaucoup de temps sur les réseaux sociaux. Saviez-vous qu’il existe des raccourcis clavier qui vous faciliteront la vie (par exemple les classiques ctrl-c « copier » et ctrl-v « coller »)?
Aujourd’hui, nous vous présentons des listes exhaustives des raccourcis clavier pour Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr et plusieurs autres réseaux sociaux.
5 erreurs à éviter pour votre publicité sur Facebook - Affluences. La publicité Facebook peut être très efficace si elle est bien préparée.
Objets portables connectés, milléniaux et médias: à surveiller dans le domaine mobile. 4 nouvelles technologiques à surveiller. Le contenu long format a-t-il de l'avenir?
Michelle Blanc, M.Sc. commerce électronique. Marketing Internet, consultante, conférencière, auteure. 15 ans d'expérience - Réflexions, veille et stratégies de gestion et marketing Internet. 15 ans d'expérience Michelle Blanc, M.Sc. commerce électronique.
FrancoisCharron.com : Chroniques et conseils technos en WebTV & les meilleures folies du Web. The 2016 State of Social Business: Social’s Shift from Innovator to Integrator. Audience Intended for social and digital strategists; innovation, e-commerce, and advertising teams; content marketers and executive leadership who are using social media to achieve business goals. Executive Summary Social media has evolved far beyond its media roots into a robust engagement platform that has deep implications for brands. To achieve the objectives of today’s consumers and businesses, the social business team must excel at both integrating and transitioning social business practices to existing mature functions, such as e-commerce, advertising, and customer service.
In the past, the social business Center of Excellence has struggled to find willing internal business partners. Balancing the role of innovator and integrator will be a key success factor for social business – both today and in the future. Key Findings. Twitter Tutorial (2015)
How to Use Twitter for Your Business. 5 Social Media Predictions for 2017 [Infographic]
Contenu: l'importance de cibler son «moment»
64% des agences et annonceurs au pays prévoient augmenter leurs investissements en marketing de contenu dans la prochaine année. Mais comment déterminer quel type de contenu attire la cible désirée et le moment auquel il le consommera? La réponse à ces questions se situe dans la capacité des annonceurs à déterminer les motivations premières pour lesquelles les consommateurs recherchent du contenu en ligne selon l'étude Content moments 2016 menée par AOL. Elle s'est penchée sur les «moments», ces instants de la navigation pendant lesquels les consommateurs souhaitent interagir en ligne.
Au Québec, ils sont éparpillés dans la journée à raison d'une moyenne de 12 minutes.
8 ways to make your Facebook Live event a success. Twitter Tutorial For Beginners. IBM Social Computing Guidelines. In the spring of 2005, IBMers used a wiki to create a set of guidelines for all IBMers who wanted to blog. These guidelines aimed to provide helpful, practical advice to protect both IBM bloggers and IBM.
In 2008 and again in 2010 IBM turned to employees to re-examine our guidelines in light of ever-evolving technologies and online social tools to ensure they remain current to the needs of employees and the company. These efforts have broadened the scope of the existing guidelines to include all forms of social computing. Below are the current and official "IBM Social Computing Guidelines," which we review periodically so that they may evolve to reflect emerging technologies and online social tools.
About this video Learn about social media for nonprofits. Discover the best free and paid marketing strategies for promoting nonprofits on social media, including Facebook and Twitter. Released Social media is a great way for nonprofits to share their mission and find potential donors.
Sharing Ideas, Questions, Articles, and Links. Réinventer la roue nuit aux refontes web: voici pourquoi - Campus Infopresse. 4 nouvelles technologiques à surveiller. 10 flaws that undermine your organization's Facebook page. 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Social Media Consultant. 10 Tips for Running an Effective Facebook Contest. 4 nouvelles technologiques à surveiller. 4 nouvelles technologiques à surveiller. 5 tendances du marketing de contenu en 2017.
5 top social media trends to watch in 2017. 5 Ways to Ineffectively Hashtag your Posts. 7 Big Brand Social Media Strategies that Small Businesses Can Use. 7 Ways to Boost Your Company’s LinkedIn Presence (Without Paid Ads)
Always Up-To-Date Guide to Social Media Image Sizes. Gérer la cyberréputation de son entreprise. How to Better Spend Your Social Media Marketing Budget [Infographic]
How to Stop Churn, Grow Retention & Build Loyalty Through Customer Data. How to write a good business story.
What Should Be on Your 2017 Marketing To-Do List? IBM Knows.
What Types of Content Generate the Best Response on LinkedIn? [Infographic]