Penetrating Oil Showdown Episode 2. Will Seafoam Deep Creep prevail? Melting disc brake rotors (crucible camera action) Shredding & Melting 1000 Coca Cola Soda Cans Into Huge Aluminium Ingots. Madera Plastica Fabricacion de Tableros de Madera Plastica.
Extracting Metals from E-Waste Costs 13 Times Less Than Mining Ore. Recovering gold, copper, and other metals from electronic waste isn’t just sustainable, it’s actually 13 times cheaper than extracting metals from mines, researchers report in the American Chemical Society’s journal Environmental Science & Technology.
Biocomposites. Seeker - This is how a small Japanese town produces zero... BuzzFeed Brasil - Você já tentou reduzir o número de lixo... An environmental win-win. Read more:... - World Economic Forum. Plasma Recycling. Six billion USD in food is wasted every day in Brazil. São Paulo) By Marcus Eduardo de Oliveira* The culture of waste and disposal, not only of resources but also energy and finished products, has suffered a blow in many societies.
The new concept to make sparing use of natural products those available in the consumer market is gaining more and more new fans in an attempt to reverse the heavy damages caused by the improper use of scarce resources. The idea to use and throw away and reuse what can be improved, to recycle everything that can be transformed into something new has changed since paradigms established long ago. If every smart phone produced since 2007... - Greenpeace International. Green your next home renovation. Visit a Habitat for Humanity ReStore near you to source a future project or make a donation and reduce the amount of waste headed for the landfill.
(Credit: Active Steve via Flickr) There are amazing green solutions for home renovation these days. Back in the 1800s, Levi Strauss never imagined scraps from manufacturing denim jeans would have value as non-toxic home insulation. An old toilet could be reincarnated as your kitchen counter. Wmc brochure 2016 email version. Sustainability Consulting Services. Waste & Resources Management. Getting started! — Precious Plastic. Facebook. Projeto transforma plástico de eletroeletrônicos em painéis solares. / alan64 Fabricação de painéis solares podem ser barateados com recursos da reciclagem.
O volume de plástico produzido e o consumo incessante de novos aparelhos eletrônicos são duas das características mais comuns e presentes no cotidiano das pessoas. Simultaneamente, novas tecnologias surgem dia após dia, com a proposta de melhorar a relação entre o homem e o planeta. Identificando nestas questões uma grande oportunidade, a Instituição Social Ramacrisna, em parceria com a Uma, Uni-BH, UFMG e CDI, lançou o Própolis – Projeto Polímeros para a Inclusão Social, visando a redução da grande quantidade de plástico oriunda de aparelhos eletrônicos, com o objetivo de baratear o desenvolvimento de novos painéis de energia solar.
Em release oficial, Roberto Freitas, membro da equipe e coordenador do grupo de Polímeros da UFMG, destaca a efetividade do projeto, no fato dele conseguir aliar a questão ambiental da reciclagem dos polímeros com a questão econômica e social. Green Blade banana fiber panels provide a stylish, sustainable alternative to wood. Potassium-rich bananas are a staple for healthy eaters but did you know that the “tree” trunk is a valuable resource as well?
Martinique-based company FIBandCO transforms the bulk of the plant into “Green Blade” an all-natural, sustainable veneer used for decorative and acoustic panels. The exotic-looking material gives banana plants a second life and saves them from their typical fate of ending up as waste once the fruit has been harvested. Like bamboo, the banana plant is actually a grass, growing faster than traditional wood and reaching maturity at 9 months. In addition to promoting a rapidly renewable resource, Green Blade reduces deforestation, requires no water or glue in its production, and is manufactured in a factory powered entirely by photovoltaic panels.
A popular material amongst architects, designers, and furniture makers alike, Green Blade strikes an impressive balance of being stylish, sustainable, and eco-responsible. + FIBandCO. FIBandCO, creator of Green Blade, top-of-the-range decorative vegetable fibre veneer from banana plant trunks and banana burl. Franceses transformam bananeiras em laminado que substitui madeira – CicloVivo. Pensar antes, produzir depois - Página22. Por Fernanda Macedo / Tradução: Carlos Abelheira Um dos criadores do conceito da economia do berço ao berço, o químico alemão Michael Braungart, acredita que reduzir o impacto ambiental é muito pouco perto do que podemos fazer.
A inovação e o design na concepção dos produtos e serviços que criamos podem gerar impacto positivos e esse modelo tem se conectado com o estilo de vida das novas gerações. “Gerar resíduos faz de você um idiota, não se pode ter orgulho disso”, comenta o bem-humorado professor de Engenharia Química e de Química da Escola de Negócios Erasmus, em Roterdã, Holanda, uma das mais respeitadas da Europa. O que é economia circular, nas suas palavras? A economia circular é um bom começo. É por isso que prefiro falar em economia berço a berço, que significa que estamos pensando em tudo o que é criado para ser consumido, como alimentos, detergentes, solas de sapato, cadernos, precisa ser criado e pensado para entrar nos sistemas biológicos. Upcycling: a arte de reaproveitar e transformar o "lixo" - Armário Orgânico. Na busca por soluções que diminuam a degradação do planeta, muitos conceitos vêm surgindo.
É o caso do upcycle, criado nos anos 90 e que vem ganhando cada vez mais força. Você certamente já ouviu falar dos famosos Rs da Sustentabilidade, tais como reduzir, reciclar e reutilizar. Bicicleta Urbana. Reciclagem de pneus: Conheça o piso de pneu reciclado. Grande problema dos aterros sanitários, os pneus demoram anos para se decompor.
Revista Pesquisa Fapesp. Amostras de concreto com partículas originadas de pneus descartados e moídos De cada 100 pneus que são tro-cados no Brasil, cerca de 55 são levados de volta pelos proprietários para uso como estepe ou outra utilização, de acordo com os dados da Associação Nacional da Indústria de Pneumáticos (Anip).
Michael Braungart: “Sustentabilidade é um conceito ultrapassado” - ÉPOCA. O químico alemão Michael Braungart, professor da Universidade Técnica de Munique, acha perda de tempo pensar sobre o lixo que produzimos.
Mais inteligente, defende, é não produzir. Dr Lair Ribeiro , matando o câncer de fome. Hacking the Kitchen Sink to Stop Food Waste. Gardeners who have plucked a tomato from a homegrown vine or eaten herbs from a windowsill box know what little miracles such hard-won, slow-growing edibles are. It wasn’t until Rice University engineering student Andy Miller joined a campus agriculture club that he understood what it means when a fresh fruit or vegetable goes uneaten.
"It's getting crazier and crazier to me to think that this really high-value material that gets grown somewhere, gets shipped to your house and you pick it out by hand, to think that like 20 percent of it—which is still really good for some things—is then just being chucked," Miller told TakePart. Unlike most home horticulturists, Miller and a team of like-minded engineering students at Rice—who came to call themselves (com)post haste—were in a position to innovate and do something about everyday food waste. They’ve invented the BioBlend, a motor-operated device that attaches to a garbage disposal. BioBlend operates on what you might call the “why not?” Mystery Golf Ball in a Block of Wood ( Company%20Info. High-Powered Plasma Turns Garbage Into Gas. From the highway, one of the biggest landfills in the US doesn’t look at all like a dump. It’s more like a misplaced mesa. Only when you drive closer to the center of operations at the 700-acre Columbia Ridge Landfill in Arlington, Oregon, does the function of this place become clear.
Some 35,000 tons of mostly household trash arrive here weekly by train from Seattle and by truck from Portland. High-Powered Plasma Turns Garbage Into Gas. Plasma Power. About - Pyrogenesis Canada Inc. Advanced Plasma Power - THE Energy from Waste Solution. Resource Recovery Company - Hazardous Waste ManagementTetronics. Our technology is driven by our expertise In today’s competitive marketplace, success at Tetronics is increasingly driven by our expertise in technology. Mining The E Waste Mountain & Recovering Precious Metals. Mining the e waste mountain & recovering precious metalsTetronics. Hazardous Waste and Resource Recovery Solutions -Tetronics. Plasma gasification commercialization. Plasma gasification is in commercial use as a Waste-to-Energy system that converts municipal solid waste (MSW), tires, hazardous waste, and sewage sludge into synthesis gas (syngas) containing hydrogen and carbon monoxide that can be used to generate power.
Municipal-scale waste disposal plasma arc facilities have been in operation in Japan and China since 2002. No commercial implementations in Europe and North America have succeeded so far. Plasma gasification commercialization. Plasma gasification. Process[edit] Small plasma torches typically uses an inert gas such as argon where larger torches require nitrogen. The electrodes vary from copper or tungsten to hafnium or zirconium, along with various other alloys. A strong electric current under high voltage passes between the two electrodes as an electric arc. The Prophet of Garbage. <img src="<a pearltreesdevid="PTD4090" rel="nofollow" href=" class="vglnk"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4091">http</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4093">://</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4095">pixel</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4097">.
</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4099">quantserve</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4101">. </span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4103">com</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4105">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4107">pixel</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4109">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4111">p</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4113">-</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4115">cafODhhaQOlCs</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4117">.
</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD4119">gif</span></a>" style="display:none" height="1" width="1" alt="Quantcast" /> None. NECER Biomass Gasification Technology. Plasma gasification explained. Plasma gasification explained. Plasma arc waste recycling - A simple introduction. Advertisement by Chris Woodford. Last updated: February 20, 2017. Humans are machines for turning the world into waste—at least that's how it seems. On average, every single person in the United States produces about 2kg (5lb) of trash per day, which adds to up three quarters of a ton, per person, each year! Hortas organicas e alimentacao saudavel.: Perigos de pneus reciclados! Bom dia pessoal. Achei importante abrir esse topico para informar as pessoas sobre algumas coisas que vem acontecendo e que tvz ainda nao tenham chego a populacao geral...
Como sabemos a reciclagem de pneus e uma coisa necessaria para o meio ambiente... Porem infelizmente pneus sao feitos com materiais altamente toxicos para animais , insetos, etc... enfim pessimo pra praticamente toda a vida do planeta... As razões do Dia Mundial contra a Monsanto. Dezenas de países preparam, em 23/5, protesto contra transnacional que, além de atentar contra ambiente e agricultores, envolveu-se com submundo da política e dos exércitos privados Por Luã Braga de Oliveira. Why Glyphosate Should Be Banned - A Review of its Hazards to Health and the Environment. Glyphosate has contaminated land, water, air, and our food supply; the maximum permitted levels are set to rise by100-150 times in the European Union if Monsanto gets its way as damning evidence of serious harm to health & the environment piles up. by Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji and Dr Mae-Wan Ho A fully referenced and illustrated version of this report is posted on ISIS members’ website and is otherwise available for download here.
IntroductionRegulators and industry both culpableHow glyphosate worksHealth impacts 4.1 Teratogenicity and reproductive effects 4.2 Endocrine disruption 4.3 Carcinogenicity 4.4 Genotoxicity 4.5 Neurotoxicity 4.6 Internal organ toxicity 4.7 Acute toxicityEnvironmental and agronomic effects 5.1 Glyphosate resistant weeds 5.2 Effects on crop and plant health 5.3 Effects on soil ecology 5.4 Effects on ecosystems 5.5 Diseases of livestock 5.6 Widespread contamination of water supplies To conclude Executive Summary.
Cytotoxic and DNA-damaging properties of glypho... [Arch Toxicol. 2012] Be careful using RoundUp and other glyphosate herbicides. Mystery symptoms in blueberries may be glyphosate injury . Shoot removal may be the best option if symptoms are severe. Posted on July 8, 2011 by Mark Longstroth, Michigan State University Extension Many fruit growers, especially small growers, use RoundUp (glyphosate) herbicide and its generic cousins for weed control. This spring, I am seeing a lot of symptoms of glyphosate injury. This is probably due to glyphosate use last fall. Glyphosate Toxic to Mouth Cells and Damages DNA, Roundup Much Worse.
ISIS Report 28/03/12 Further evidence of genotoxic and cytotoxic effects – a prelude to cancer, birth defects and reproductive problems Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji. New Study: Monsanto's Herbicide Chemical Damages DNA. A new peer-reviewed scientific study has found that soybean workers exposed to glyphosate suffer from DNA damage and elevated cell death. Adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T) are the components of nucleic acid that make up DNA, and biotech is making these important parts of our biology a mash-up that no sane person would ever want to experience. Soybean workers in Brazil exposed to fungicides herbicides and insecticides (the main three chemical classifications used extensively by the biotech farming model) experienced an elevated level of cellular apoptosis, as well as remarkable DNA damage according to the Elsevier published, Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis.
The research concentrated on Glyphosate and 2,4-D, two chemicals that practically cover all of the US farming landscape. They find: It isn’t just farm workers that need to be concerned, though. You have to assume Monsanto knew that its RoundUp chemicals would damage DNA. Pisos Esportivos e Decorativos. A revista do desenvolvimento sustentável corporativo: PISO ECOLÓGICO. UTILIZE PISO ECOLÓGICOE preserve os recursos naturais para as gerações futuras. A empresa RRC (Reciclagem Rio Claro Ltda.) foi fundada em 22/05/2007 com o objetivo de ser uma reciclagem inteligente.
A partir desse momento começamos a estudar os polímeros reciclados como PEAD, PEBD, PP entre outros e a melhor aplicabilidade para cada um, de acordo com a estrutura molecular. Começamos a fornecer polímeros reciclados para diferentes áreas bem como dormentes para ferrovias, cruzetas para rede elétrica, tubo de grande diâmetro para drenagens e saneamento básico. ANTI-IMPACTO - Pisos de Borracha Reciclada. | PISO AMAZONAS 50x50cm: (15mm e 20mm) Piso de borracha sustentável anti-impacto, produzidos com grânulos de borracha reciclada, sendo 70% látex reciclado de placas de solados e 30% de grânulos de pneu pigmentado, 15mm e 20mm, nas cores verde, vermelho, azul, cinza e preto.
PISOLEVE - piso de pneu reciclado. Piso de borracha reciclada de pneu: colorido ecológico. Reciclagem de pneus: Conheça o piso de pneu reciclado. SK Reciclagem - Produtos. Borracha de pneu velho vira piso ecológico. Our services. Obsolescência programada - Comprar, jogar fora, comprar (2011) (Leg. Pt) A História Secreta da Obsolescência Planeada [Legendado PT] Hortas organicas e alimentacao saudavel.: Perigos de pneus reciclados!
15 formas de redecorar sua casa aproveitando objetos sem uso. Estufa é feita a partir de garrafa PET e bambu. Estruturas de óculos escuros são feitas com madeira e discos de vinil reaproveitados. Com estilo e consciência, upcycle transforma o seu lixo. Paul Villinski transforma lixo em símbolos de liberdade. Michael. Old Red Goes Green: Recycled Wall Brick Built to Save Water. Heavy Duty Plastic Shredders - Industrial Plastic Shredders / WEIMA. Plastic scraps shredding cutting. PET bottles recycling, washing and separation. Barack Obama is officially one of the most consequential presidents in American history. Cradle-to-cradle design. A História Secreta da Obsolescência Planeada [Legendado PT]
Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution with Amory Lovins. Lixo Extraordinário - documentário completo. Recicle Tudo. Reciclagem Básica. William McDonough: Cradle to cradle design. William McDonough. Um vídeo didático sobre o lixo - Sustentável na Prática. Espanhol cria lâmpada sustentável que dura mais de cem anos e é ameaçado de morte. ERO - Concrete Recycling Robot by Omer Haciomeroglu. Eu não acredito que jogava isso fora! Descubra 10 ótimas utilidades para algo grátis que vai sempre para o lixo. Shocking Photographs Of People Lying In 7 Days Worth of Their Trash. Dialogue. Sweden is Now Recycling 99 Percent of its Trash. Here’s how. Inovação Uniemp - Vantagens ambientais e econômicas no uso de borracha em asfalto.
Green Choices. Don’t Lather, Don’t Rinse, Don’t Repeat. Bag It. Recycling Symbols on Plastics - What Do Recycling Codes on Plastics Mean.