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What is Docker and How to Use it With Python (Tutorial) This is an introductory tutorial on Docker containers.

What is Docker and How to Use it With Python (Tutorial)

By the end of this article, you will know how to use Docker on your local machine. Along with Python, we are going to run Nginx and Redis containers. Those examples assume that you are familiar with the basic concepts of those technologies. There will be lots of shell examples, so go ahead and open the terminal. Table of Contents Docker is an open-source tool that automates the deployment of an application inside a software container. Back in the day, transportation companies faced the following challenges: How to transport different (incompatible) types of goods side by side (like food and chemicals, or glass and bricks).How to handle packages of various sizes using the same vehicle. After the introduction of containers, bricks could be put over glass, and chemicals could be stored next to food. Let’s go back to containers in software development.

Stand out with your product`s solid frontend. Hire a team of skilled JS developers. cat . C++ Weekly - Ep 208 - The Ultimate CMake / C++ Quick Start. Comment récupérer les données d'un disque dur interne ? Unify. EditorConfig. Volkswagen/test at master · auchenberg/volkswagen. Dotfiles management - An easy way to keep your environments consistent. : Python. Slideas, une application pour créer des présentations en Markdown. Si vous composez vos textes en Markdown, et que vous devez réaliser des présentations, vous avez probablement essayé Reveal.js ou Remark.js.

Slideas, une application pour créer des présentations en Markdown

Ces frameworks permettent de créer des présentations avec de simples fichiers texte, en utilisant la syntaxe avec laquelle vous êtes familier, mais imposent de mettre les mains dans le cambouis. Slideas ambitionne de simplifier la création de présentation en Markdown, en fournissant une interface à Reveal.js. Slideas est conçu par Agaric Perdereau, qui n’est autre que le développeur de la version Windows d’iA Writer. Psioniq File Header. :: Table of Contents :: The psioniq File Header VSCode Extension will insert a header into the current document - either at the start of the document or at the current cursor position.

psioniq File Header

The header can be configured globally and/or per language. However, the configuration separates the comment syntax from the template body so it is likely that a single template will be able to cover most languages. It can optionally log modifications to the file via the change tracking feature which will update the header whenever the file is saved. It is also possible to add templated comment blocks to the header to record for example a historic summary of changes to the file.

There are a veritable plethora of configuration options to cover your innermost headular cravings. To report bugs, issues, suggestions: email 3D Camera Survey — ROS-Industrial. Gitpod - Online IDE for GitHub. Quel jouet pour une fille de 5 ans. Voici quelques idées de jeux et jouets pour une fille de 5 ans à piocher parmi notre sélection de nos meilleures ventes et de nos coups de cœur.

Quel jouet pour une fille de 5 ans

A 5 ans les jeunes filles aiment encore imiter et imaginer mais avec des jouets réalistes. Il y aura aussi forcément une activité de loisir créatif qui conviendra à une fille de 5 ans, tellement la gamme de loisirs créatifs est riche. Du côté des jeux de société, vous trouverez également les premiers jeux familiaux demandant un peu de stratégie. Asciinema - Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way. Mise en ligne des présentations et de la captation du webinaire sur le mécanisme de Soutien Financier à des tiers. Les P.C.N.

Mise en ligne des présentations et de la captation du webinaire sur le mécanisme de Soutien Financier à des tiers

P.M.E. et TIC ont organisé le 6 septembre 2018, un webinaire sur le mécanisme de Soutien financier à des tiers, un co-financement européen agile pour vos projets de R&I. Comment apparaître dans un moteur de recherche ? Ponder the use of unique_ptr to enforce the Rule of Zero. Documentation - Point Cloud Library (PCL) Surface normals are important properties of a geometric surface, and are heavily used in many areas such as computer graphics applications, to apply the correct light sources that generate shadings and other visual effects.

Documentation - Point Cloud Library (PCL)

Given a geometric surface, it’s usually trivial to infer the direction of the normal at a certain point on the surface as the vector perpendicular to the surface in that point. However, since the point cloud datasets that we acquire represent a set of point samples on the real surface, there are two possibilities: obtain the underlying surface from the acquired point cloud dataset, using surface meshing techniques, and then compute the surface normals from the mesh;use approximations to infer the surface normals from the point cloud dataset directly. This tutorial will address the latter, that is, given a point cloud dataset, directly compute the surface normals at each point in the cloud. Note , we assemble the covariance matrix. Imago TV - La plateforme vidéo de la transition. Quaternions.pdf. Publications – Luca Carlone. Urrugne Randonnée Pays Basque - Site de urrugne-rando ! Bear & sun - Man T-Shirt - Stepart. GSL - GNU Scientific Library. Introduction The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a numerical library for C and C++ programmers.

GSL - GNU Scientific Library

It is free software under the GNU General Public License. The library provides a wide range of mathematical routines such as random number generators, special functions and least-squares fitting. There are over 1000 functions in total with an extensive test suite. The complete range of subject areas covered by the library includes, Modific. Modific is a ST2(3) plugin for highlighting lines changed since the last commit (you know what I mean if you used Netbeans).


For now it supports Git, SVN, Bazaar, Mercurial and TFS. Install The easiest way to install is through Package Control. Gist. A Sublime Text 3 plugin for creating and editing Gists.


Package Control Install Package Control. Gist will show up in the package list. This is the recommended installation method. Manual installation Go to the “Packages” directory (Preferences / Browse Packages…). SublimeCodeIntel. This Code Intelligence plugin for Sublime Text provides an interface to CodeIntel.


CodeIntel is a code intelligence engine that was ported from Open Komodo Editor to a stand-alone Python package. CodeIntel supports all the languages Komodo Editor supports for Code Intelligence (CIX, CodeIntel2) and a few others: ActionScript, Django, Docker, EJS, epMojo, HTML, KomodoSnippet, LaravelBlade, Mason, Mustache, MXML, PHP, R, reStructuredText, RHTML, Smarty, TracWiki, TemplateToolkit, Twig, XBL, XML, XSLT, XUL, Python, Python3, Ruby, Perl, Go, ECMAScript, JavaScript, Node.js, CSS, SCSS, Sass, Less, HTML5, Tcl, C/C++, Objective-C.

Snippets — Sublime Text Help. Whether you are coding or writing the next vampire best-seller, you’re likely to need certain short fragments of text again and again. Use snippets to save yourself tedious typing. Snippets are smart templates that will insert text for you and adapt it to their context. To create a new snippet, select Tools | New Snippet…. Sublime Text will present you with an skeleton for a new snippet. Snippets can be stored under any package’s folder, but to keep it simple while you’re learning, you can save them to your Packages/User folder. Snippets File Format Snippets typically live in a Sublime Text package. Conference Ranks. ROS @ Jupyter – Jupyter Blog. How to Jazz Up Your Bash Terminal — A Step By Step Guide With Pictures. In this blog I’ll go over steps to add Themes, Powerline, fonts, and powerline-gitstatus to make your regular Bash Terminal look beautiful and useful as shown in the picture above.

It turns out, if you are using Mac, you’ll need to jump through a lot of hoops to get this working as many instructions are for linux, or, is out of date, so I thought of blogging it, hopefully it help you. Notes: 1. Follow the steps carefully as any mistake will cause a lot of headache. 2. 3. Rviz2AR/ at master · Awesome-Technologies/Rviz2AR. Enable your device for development - Windows UWP applications. World Inequality Database.

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If you don't already have Visual Studio installed on your computer, Microsoft Build Tools 2015 provides the essential tools for building managed applications. Cmd - Generating a gitlab ssh key from windows. 5 Ways to Install Git on Windows · James Sturtevant. Git is a major part of a developers work flow these days no matter what platform you work on.

There are many different ways to install and use Git on Windows and in this post I will cover 5 different ways and talk about the pro’s and con’s of each. At the end you should have a good idea of how to have a great experience with Git on Windows not matter what your scenario. Be sure to let me know your favorite in the comments or if I missed one. There is a walk through video for each of the ways to install git on Windows coming soon. The Five ways Below are the 5 basic ways to install git on Windows. Benchmarking Research Best Practices. Many companies attempt to use benchmarking research to uncover hidden opportunities, implement best practices, and create a competitive advantage. Unfortunately, many companies fall short of their goals in these areas. Buildingwindll · Wiki · CMake / Community · GitLab.

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