Oregon Archaeological Society. Early Prehistory of Alaska. A complete discussion of what is known of the prehistory of the Alaska Region is not within the purview of this document. The region is so large (1/5 the size of the continental United States), and diverse ecologically, physiologically, and culturally that any synthesis must be skeletal in nature. Provided here is a general description of the broad units of the cultural chronology of the area. Today, mainland Alaska is a large projection that sticks out like a thumb from North America toward Siberia. Its interior flatlands, dissected by rivers and mountain chains, lead into the main body of North America and its rocky southern coast runs into the Pacific Northwest coast of Southeast Alaska, British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. Ten thousand years ago, however, the Alaska mainland was, physically and ecologically, a part of Asia, from which it was severed by the rising seawater that formed the Bering Sea to the south and the Chukchi Sea to the north.
Paleoarctic Tradition. United States of America Culture History and Archaeology. Culture history, archaeological sites, and other information related to the past of the United States of America. Krum Bay Site, Virgin IslandsEarly occupation of the Caribbean, Krum Bay is located on the island of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands Caguana Site, Puerto RicoCaguana was an important settlement of the Taino culture of the Caribbean, located in Puerto Rico Interpretations of Native North American LifeThis new collection of articles brings together the techniques and data from the studies of ethnohistory and archaeology to assist in the interpretation of past cultures of the North American continent.
Adena Hopewell CivilizationThe Hopewell civilization (also called Adena in some regions) is a prehistoric culture of the American middle west. Coles Creek Culture The Coles Creek culture is the name given to sites created by a group of pottery-making farmers in the Lower Mississippi Valley of the United States. Archaeological Institute of America - Archaeology - Site Preservation. African-American Archaeology and African Diaspora Archaeology Resources.