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Unity 3D. Create a 2D Platform Game with Unity and the Dolby Audio API. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a mobile 2D game using C# and Unity. We'll be taking advantage of the Dolby Audio Plugin for Unity to enhance the game's audial experience. The objective of the game is simple, reaching the other side of the level while avoiding enemies and collecting coins. In this tutorial, you will learn the following aspects of Unity game development: setting up a 2D project in Unity creating Prefabs movement and action buttons working with physics collisions using a sprite sheetintegrating the Dolby Audio API Open Unity and select New Project from the File menu to open the new project dialog.

In the next step, you're presented with Unity's user interface. Since we're about to create a 2D game, the first thing we need to do after selecting the target platform is choosing the size of the artwork that we'll use in the game. Samsung Galaxy SIII: 720px x 1280px, 306 ppiAsus Nexus 7 Tablet: 800px x 1280px, 216 ppi Motorola Droid X: 854px x 480px, 228 ppi. Unity Basics: Introduction for Beginners - Unity Cookie. Looking to get started with Unity? Maybe you’ve just installed Unity 5 and you want to get up and running quick with how to start developing your own multi-platform games.

This course is designed with the beginner in mind who has little to no experience Unity and wants to start from the ground up. Unity is fairly straightforward and easy to understand but can be a bit confusing if you’re coming from another engine like Unreal, or CryEngine. I’ll take you through the main aspects of Unity you need to focus on in order to get started. We’ll take a look at the interface, what Game Objects are and how to use them. How to navigate around in your scene window and playing your game. This course is the start of a series of foundational courses created from the ground up using Unity 5. Build New Games. Video Documentary Sites. Game based learning.

Educational games are games explicitly designed with educational purposes, or which have incidental or secondary educational value. All types of games may be used in an educational environment. Educational games are games that are designed to help people to learn about certain subjects, expand concepts, reinforce development, understand an historical event or culture, or assist them in learning a skill as they play. Game types include board, card, and video games.

An educational game is a game designed to teach humans about a specific subject and to teach them a skill. As educators, governments, and parents realize the psychological need and benefits of gaming have on learning, this educational tool has become mainstream. Video games[edit] With the increase and availability of technological devises, there has been a shift in what types of games people play. Game based learning[edit] Game-based learning (GBL) is a type of game play that has defined learning outcomes. Origins[edit] [edit] Every Day The Same Dream. Plot[edit] Gameplay[edit] The game gives the player simple controls, only enough to walk left or right using the arrow keys and interact using the spacebar.[6] Using these limited controls, the gameplay encourages the player to "subvert the limitations of the world" however possible until the narrative changes.[7] Critical Response & Analysis[edit] Interactive Experience[edit] Some find the label "game" unfit for this work, offering "interactive experience" as a more accurate definition.[8][9] Interactive Media and Design[edit] Gamasutra hosts an article discussing the importance of the game as an example of an interactive medium's capacity "to offer experiences that passive media can't possibly Interactive Media and Meaning[edit] The game demonstrates how an interactive work can convey meaning "every bit as effectively as linear media, perhaps even more so Traditional Analysis[edit] Soundtrack[edit] Pedercini originally produced a soundtrack consisting of "crappy drones [on] an electric guitar.

Secret Page with cool stuff – How To Unlock Wii. Congratulations!!! You have made it to the Super Secret Page filled with cool stuff. You should bookmark this page so you can find a way to this page later in case you want to download these games again. Here you can download all 30 of the Nintendo Wii homebrew games. This is what you’ll need to play these games - 1. 2. 3. 4. Below is a list of all the games along with the link to download them. General instructions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Download the game here Extract the files to a folder.

Copy the /apps/smw-wii folder to the apps folder in your SD card Copy the /smw folder to the root directory of your SD card. 2. Download the Game here Copy the /Wiiero v1.3 – 20091030/Wiiero folder to the apps folder in your SD card 3. Download the Game here Copy the /helium folder to the apps folder in your SD card 4. Download the Game here Copy the /apps/splatter folder to the /apps folder in your SD card Copy the /splatter folder to the root directory of your SD card 5. Download the Game here 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Game Theory in The Dark Knight: the opening scene (spoilers) The newest Batman movie The Dark Knight absolutely stunned me. Not since Dr. Strangelove has a movie contained so much game theory. A lot of people have focused on a scene near the end of the movie. But there is so much more to see. In fact, I’ll be so bold as to suggest the following: the entire film is a sequence of games and an illustration of strategic thought. There is a lot of creativity going on.

(Warning: this article contains spoilers and covers roughly the first five minutes of the movie. The clip via TrailerAddict Credit: clip via TrailerAddict How can we split up the stash? The movie starts out with a bang. The first spoken words concern the topic of strategy. Driver: Three of a kind. Passenger side: That’s it–three guys?

Driver: Two guys on the roof. Passenger side: Six shares. Driver: He thinks he can sit it out and still take a slice. The robbers don’t like that the Joker gets an equal share for doing unequal work. A video of this post Dark Knight Game Theory The Pirate puzzle. 20 Insanely Creative Bookshelves. Game Design Documents. How Drawing Comics Helped Shigeru Miyamoto Make Great Mario Games. Paper Prototyping: 5 Facts for Designing in Low-Tech. Bored Game – A Cautionary Tale For Design Students (Part 2) Earlier this month, I embarked on a two-part odyssey chronicling the misadventures of my design team as we built an analog game for class.

You can read part one here, but the tl;dr version goes like this: We spent two weeks of a three-week project developing a game that we were too stubborn to admit broken. It was broken because we split the focus of our team, ignored crucial states of play, and waited too long to prototype. At the end of the second week we scrapped our previous board game model, and decided to do a pen and paper RPG. It was an odd choice considering the time frame, but there was logic behind it. When working in the AAA industry, we had been told ad nauseum that they wouldn’t give be giving us the opportunity to bring our “visions” to life on a daily basis. With that knowledge in mind, we thought that maybe it was best to get our rocks off in school – after all, how often would we get the opportunity to make the games that we wanted to make without going indie?

Lost Garden. Game Based Learning. Game Based Learners. Game Based Learning .:: Video Games, Social Media & Learning ::. Starting From Scratch: Five Tips for Better Game Design. Game Design Tools.