> Antovachon
(132) Simulating Natural Selection.
Sources/travail synthèse NYA
Gene flow and the limits to natural selection. Biology Labs On-Line. (152) How spontaneous brain activity keeps you alive - Nathan S. Jacobs. (129) The Molecular Basis of Life. High School Biology Experiment Ideas. High school level biology covers all aspects of biology, including animals, plant life and humans.
That should mean it’s easy to come up with a science fair project or a classroom research project, but the amount of topics sometimes makes it even harder. When you first start researching, you’ll find thousands of ideas and it’s difficult to decide which one is best for your situation. Provided that you know what you want to do and what your teacher or judges are looking for, it’s easy to come up with a great biology experiment.
Effects on Plants Test the effects of different substances on plants. Water Bottles Test the amount of germs and toxins found when you refill a water bottle. Public Germs You might be surprised when you check different public areas for germs. Hair. (118) The Physics of Life (ft. It's Okay to be Smart & PBS Eons!)
(86) How to study for exams - Evidence-based revision tips. The Measure of Things - 1 microns. Cell Size and Scale. Some cells are visible to the unaided eye The smallest objects that the unaided human eye can see are about 0.1 mm long. That means that under the right conditions, you might be able to see an amoeba proteus, a human egg, and a paramecium without using magnification.
A magnifying glass can help you to see them more clearly, but they will still look tiny. Smaller cells are easily visible under a light microscope. It's even possible to make out structures within the cell, such as the nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts. To see anything smaller than 500 nm, you will need an electron microscope. Adenine The label on the nucleotide is not quite accurate.
What is a Protein?
Misconceptions about evolution. Unfortunately, many people have persistent misconceptions about evolution.
Some are simple misunderstandingsideas that develop in the course of learning about evolution, possibly from school experiences and/or the media. Other misconceptions may stem from purposeful attempts to misrepresent evolution and undermine the public's understanding of this topic. Browse the lists below to learn about common misconceptions regarding evolution, as well as clarifications of these misconceptions.
Not an adaptation. Misconceptions about natural selection and adaptation : Not an adaptation It's tempting to look for adaptive explanations for everything, from the shape of a flower petal, to the way your dog turns in a circle before it lies down to sleep, to your neighbor's strawberry blond hair.
We could make up adaptive explanations, but there are other explanations to consider. The trait might be any one of the following non-adaptations: A chance result of history. The result of genetic drift.
OMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man. World's largest word reading. What is Chemical Evolution?
Can Science Explain the Origin of Life?
Ces peuples prouvent la théorie de l'évolution - DBY #44.
Master Journal List - Clarivate Analytics. There Are Three Surviving Elephant Species And They Have A Mammoth Inheritance. There are three living species of elephants, not two, and their family tree is more complex than anyone realized, genetic analysis has revealed.
The finding is important because it adds urgency to the quest to save the African forest elephant. It also represents the debut of a genetic technique that could help us understand other animals' heritage. Elephants famously come in African and Asian species, with differences in size and whether the females have tusks. However, biologists have suspected for some time that Africa hosts two species, the forest (Loxodonta cyclotis) and savannah (Loxodonta africana) elephant. Troublingly, not all relevant agencies have acknowledged the difference, often treating the two as subspecies.
Last year, a paper revealed how genetically different the two African species are, with L. cyclotis being more closely related to the extinct straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus) than to L. africana.
A simple way to break a bad habit. Earth - How much of your body is your own?
This story is part of BBC Earth's "Best of 2016" list, our greatest hits of the year.
Browse the full list. • Bill Gates is actually worth $1,956• Canadian pop star Justin Bieber has five times fewer cells in his brain than in his liver• Top tennis player Serena Williams has 24.5 trillion red blood cells powering her body• Internet and social media pioneer Mark Zuckerberg’s body contains 800MB of data• President Barack Obama’s head rules his heart; his brain weighs 1.4kg, his heart just 0.4kg Welcome to The Making of Me and You, a unique, new digital interactive from BBC Earth that details extraordinary personalised facts.
Just input your date of birth, sex at birth, height and weight, and choose the metric or imperial units that make most sense to you.
Arbres phylogénétiques et compréhension de l’évolution. Arbres phylogénétiques et compréhension de l’évolution.
A Real No-Brainer. Why Poor Places Are More Diverse. Epigenetics: Why Inheritance Is Weirder Than We Thought. The Process Of Phagocytosis. Biology 1, Lecture 7: Cellular Membranes. HOW TO WRITE A SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE. The Cell: High School Biology. Animation. Pebble toad rollover - Nature's Greatest Dancers: Episode 2 Preview - BBC One. Suzana Herculano-Houzel: What is so special about the human brain?
Système digestif
BIODIDAC: A bank of digital resources for teaching biology. Ressources TIC pour l'enseignement de la biologie. Profweb poursuit sa série d’articles sur les outils et les stratégies TIC que vous pouvez aisément intégrer à votre enseignement disciplinaire.
Ces synthèses vous permettront d’avoir un portrait clair et précis de certaines ressources technopédagogiques mises à votre disposition dans le réseau. Chaque article proposera un survol des textes inspirants déjà publiés chez Profweb en lien avec une discipline précise. Vous y trouverez aussi des informations sur d’autres ressources web du Réseau qui pourraient vous être utiles pour parvenir à une intégration réussie des TIC. Poursuivons cette série avec la biologie. Profweb et la biologie La biologie est une science éclairante de notre modernité et, étonnement, elle occupe une mince part des programmes d'études du collégial. Mélanie Villeneuve du Collège de Maisonneuve, à travers un récit publié en octobre 2010 intitulé Une vue pénétrante de la cellule animale.
D'autres ressources web pour la biologie. Le cerveau à tous les niveaux. Premier site d'actualité bioéthique. Corps humain virtuel. Évolution by Michael Mills. BioDigital Human: Anatomy and Health Conditions in Interactive 3D. PaGamO. Khan Academy. Who wants to be a millionaire?
Biology in Bloom: Implementing Bloom's Taxonomy to Enhance Student Learning in Biology.