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Women VS Men

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Men Just Don't Trust Women -- And It's A Huge Problem | Damon Young. It took five months of marriage, eight months of being engaged, and another year of whatever the hell we were doing before we got engaged for me to learn something about my wife. Actually, that’s misleading. I’ve learned many things about my wife in that time period.

I learned that she owns both a snuggie and a onesie. And I learned that she’s prone to wearing both of them at the same time. But, there’s one thing in particular that didn’t quite dawn on me until recently. Panama and I were talking about the Rolling Stone story controversy. Trust. This conversation is how, after five months of marriage, eight months of being engaged, and another year of whatever the hell we were doing before we got engaged, I realized I don’t trust my wife. When the concept of trust is brought up, it’s usually framed in the context of actions; of what we think a person is capable of doing. But you know what I don’t really trust? My typical second reaction? My typical third reaction?

Male Scientist Writes of Life as Female Scientist. Neurobiologist Ben Barres has a unique perspective on former Harvard president Lawrence Summers's assertion that innate differences between the sexes might explain why many fewer women than men reach the highest echelons of science. That's because Barres used to be a woman himself. In a highly unusual critique published yesterday, the Stanford University biologist -- who used to be Barbara -- said his experience as both a man and a woman had given him an intensely personal insight into the biases that make it harder for women to succeed in science. After he underwent a sex change nine years ago at the age of 42, Barres recalled, another scientist who was unaware of it was heard to say, "Ben Barres gave a great seminar today, but then his work is much better than his sister's. " And as a female undergraduate at MIT, Barres once solved a difficult math problem that stumped many male classmates, only to be told by a professor: "Your boyfriend must have solved it for you.

" [Infographie] Les internautes et leurs habitudes de navigation. C’est par des indicateurs spécifiques que Content Square a analysé ces différences comportementales : nombre de sessions, nombre de clics, temps d’affichage, temps actifs, temps inactifs, taux d’activité (temps actif / temps d’affichage de la page), taux de scroll moyen, dernière ligne affichée à l’écran, nombre de pages vues, taux d’atteinte de page produit, hésitation moyenne avant clic… Hommes VS Femmes : - Elles interagissent plus, et sont plus rapides : - Elles cliquent 30% plus sur un site que les hommes; - Elles ont un taux d’activité* supérieur de 11%; - Elles affichent 12% de pages en plus; - Elles hésitent 10% de moins que les hommes avant de cliquer sur un élément; - Elles font leurs achats 7% plus vite que les hommes; - Elles consomment plus de visuels que les hommes plus textuels eux.

Ils s’attarderont davantage sur le détails du produit et la description. Elles sont donc plus actives que les hommes sur les sites e-commerce. The Different Types of Infidelity Which Make Men and Women Most Upset. The gender that gets most upset about sexual and emotional infidelity. Amongst heterosexuals, men are almost twice as likely to be upset by sexual infidelity as women, a new study finds. Heterosexual women, meanwhile, are much more likely to be upset by emotional infidelity. The results come from a poll of nearly 64,000 Americans, the largest ever of its type, which is published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior (Frederick & Fales, 2014).

Unlike heterosexuals, the gay and bisexual men and women in the study did not differ in levels of jealousy. Dr. “Heterosexual men really stand out from all other groups: they were the only ones who were much more likely to be most upset by sexual infidelity rather than emotional infidelity.The attitudes of gay, lesbian, and bisexual men and women have been historically understudied and under theorized in psychology, particularly in regards to tests of evolutionary perspectives.”

People in the study were asked to imagine: Dr. Les hommes sont plus idiots que les femmes : c’est la science qui le dit.

Women VS Men ressources

Feminine Gamification Viewpoint: Consumer Differences - Gamification Nation. Share Feminine Gamification Viewpoint: Consumer Differences Women are the main decision makers when it comes to shopping, below is an interesting infographic illustrating some of the differences thanks to the people at for putting it together. With ladies making a vast proportion of buying decisions, what can your organisation do to attract these customer with gamified campaigns from marketing to loyalty and potentially sales strategies? Although the data are primarily US based I would say, a lot of them will still transfer to Europe. Ladies lead the way in online shopping, but the problems experiences when shopping are quite different for both genders. I always find when you are informed about data and motivations, you can design better campaigns.

So what would these data tell you that is important for your gamification campaigns? Feminine gamification viewpoint: like-ability. "La concertation est féminine" - Paul Jorion à 35:23. Egalité hommes-femmes: Les femmes plus prudentes en matière d’investissements - Économie. Egalité hommes-femmes Une étude publiée jeudi constate qu’en matière de décisions liées à des questions financières, les femmes prennent en compte d’autres critères que les hommes. Alors que les hommes consultent facilement internet avant d’investir, les femmes se fient plus à des conseils personnalisés.

Image: Keystone Articles en relation Signaler une erreur Vous avez vu une erreur? Veuillez SVP entrez une adresse e-mail valide Partager & Commenter Votre email a été envoyé. Les femmes sont plus prudentes, investissent moins et mettent davantage en avant le volet social dans leurs décisions, selon une étude publiée jeudi par la Haute école spécialisée bernoise (HESB). Les femmes utilisent également d’autres canaux d’information, note cette étude, qui se base sur les réponses de 125 personnes, la plupart actives professionnellement et âgées en moyenne de 40 ans.

Le rôle de la testostérone. Men vs. Women Online Shopping - Marketing Technology Blog. Mobile Gaming: Females Beat Males on Money, Time and Loyalty | Flurry. Ever since the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game hit the top grossing charts on the App Store, the web has been abuzz with articles about the changing face of mobile gaming. The game’s overnight success, its whopping $700,000 USD per day revenue run-rate, and its direct challenge to worldwide hits Supercell’s Clash of Clans and King’s Candy Crush, have become the fascination of mainstream media from Forbes, to CNN and the New York Times who labeled the game an unlikely mobile video game hit.

The media didn’t question Ms. Kardashian’s star appeal, it questioned the game’s appeal to a broad mobile gaming audience, an audience long believed to be dominated by males in general and teens and college students in particular. It might be true that Ms. Kardashian’s fan club is not packed with teenage boys and young men attending college, but the fact is this: the mobile gaming audience is not what is used to be. First we thought that there was a specific genre of games, such as Ms. How Are Female Entrepreneurs Different From Male? Infographie : les utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux, c’est 71% des femmes contre 62% des hommes. Les femmes sont très actives sur les réseaux sociaux et semblent beaucoup apprécier Twitter par rapport à Facebook. En effet, Comme l’indique cette infographie, chaque mois,c’est plus de 40 millions de femmes qui visitent Twitter contrairement aux hommes.

Les hommes se distinguent au niveau du réseau social Facebook. Sur ce réseau social, c’est 62 % d’hommes contre 58 % de femmes. Cette infographie nous explique que 8 femmes sur 10 disent être ennuyées par leurs amis sur le réseau social de Mark Zuckerberg. On comprend donc leur amour pour Twitter. Au total, les utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux, c’est 71% de femmes contre 62% d’hommes en général. Découvrez d’autres données sur Facebook, Twitter, Lindkin ; Google+ et Pinterest dans cette infographie About Dapa Arnaud 559 articles Passionné de technologie et de communication.Assistant Marketing, blogueur et Community Manager Junior. Désir masculin, désir féminin : les différences. Il a envie d’un câlin, moi pas. Il est plutôt du matin, je suis mieux disposée le soir. Les désirs des hommes et des femmes ne sont pas toujours au diapason.

Comment l’expliquer ? Il a envie d’un câlin, moi pas. Il est plutôt du matin, je suis mieux disposée le soir. Le désir, c’est le moteur de la sexualité. L’influence des hormones L’hormone du désir, c’est la testostérone, chez l’homme comme chez la femme. Les facteurs psychologiques Education, culture, interdits sociaux et religieux hérités des siècles passés exercent encore une pression morale importante sur les femmes, qui expriment moins volontiers leurs désirs que les hommes.

Age et désir sexuel - Chez l’homme, le désir sexuel apparaît à la puberté, dès les premières masturbations. Les meilleurs moments pour lui et pour elle Mais pourquoi veut-il toujours faire des galipettes le matin, alors que vous êtes pressée et mal réveillée ? Comment se mettre d’accord ? Are Men or Women More Cooperative? Men edge out women in single-sex interactions, but women win in mixed-sex situations. My guess before I read a new paper by Balliet et al. (2011) was that there’s no difference between men and women or maybe a slight advantage for women.

But according to the latest thinking that’s not quite right. The debate over whether men or women cooperate more has been going on for years. The research finds that men are more likely to help a stranger and are better at cooperating in larger groups, while women are often kinder, more agreeable and more supportive. Still, the differences between the sexes are often grossly exaggerated (see: Men and Women are Psychologically Very Similar); men and women definitely don’t come from different planets. So what Balliet et al. (2011) did was look across 50 years of research and hundreds of different studies to see what emerged. As ever, though, the devil is in the details, and they teased out some somewhat counter-intuitive findings: What’s going on here? 50 Years of Leadership: Women Rated As Effective Or More So Than Men. What’s the difference between how women see themselves and how they are seen by others? Women are rated by others as being just as effective leaders as men, and sometimes they are rated more highly, according to a new review of the research.

The conclusions are based on data from tens of thousands of leaders in studies that have been conducted over almost fifty years (Paustian-Underdahl et al., 2014). However, when men and women each rated their own leadership, men consistently rated themselves more highly than women rated themselves. However, when other people’s ratings were taken into account, this difference disappeared. The study’s lead researcher, Samantha C. Paustian-Underdahl, explained: “When all leadership contexts are considered, men and women do not differ in perceived leadership effectiveness. In the past women were not seen as having the right qualities for leadership: In certain types of positions women were rated by others as more effective leaders than men: What Men and Women like on Facebook. Gender differences in texting. Passive men make women go wild and feel crazy | WomenConnect4Good.

Men aren’t born passive. Women aren’t born wild. We just have that effect on each other … too often. When and why does a conversation become one-sided, or dissolve into conflict? How can you turn it around and stay sane? Man’s Attitude At work… the man is often active, articulate, assertive, and usually successful in his conversations, especially with other men.At home…he can become inactive, inarticulate, and withdrawn. Woman’s Attitude When the woman works outside the home, she tends to communicate in a more active way at home – and instinctively wants the same style from her mate. His apparent passivity drives her crazy. In the face of his further retreat, she goes wild. * Then he becomes more still, and escapes at the first opportunity. How the Man Sees Her Attitude In personal relationships, women often want too much talk, as men sees it.

How to Engage Men in Positive, Lively Conversation Suggestion #1 - “Stop Talking Sooner” Or, less politely, “shut up sooner.” Suggestion #2 – “Sidle” Do’s. Selfies, a woman tendency. We are truly living in the age of the selfie. Named the 2013 Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year and proven powerful enough to crash Twitter, the selfie trend just seems to keep growing with no end. It’s now common to buy phones with front-facing cameras, and there’s even a song about selfies (appropriately titled “#SELFIE”). Although they seem like harmless fun, is it possible that that selfies say something about the people who post them?

Do people who post selfies have less fulfilling relationships with others? Are they more likely to obsess over their appearance? Are selfie-takers just having a good time, or are they narcissists? Our newest infographic explores the science behind selfies, and the results we found may surprise you. Share This Graphic On Your Site According to research, those who share the most selfies on social media are more likely to alienate their friends, avoid taking criticism seriously, deflect responsibility or blame, and ignore the opinions of others. Infographie | Les femmes, plus actives que leurs homologues masculins sur les réseaux sociaux. Men have a facial weakness that women don't have. Study finds men’s actual intelligence can be read in their facial features but women’s cannot.

Can you tell how intelligent someone is just from their facial features? Only if they are a man, according to a new study published in the journal PLoS One (Kleisner et al., 2014). The study finds that when judging men just on their facial appearance, there was a relationship with actual intelligence. But when it came to women, there was no relationship between how intelligent people were perceived and how intelligent they actually were. The authors speculate that this is because women are primarily judged on their attractiveness and this swamped any judgements about intelligence. These predictions were in stark contrast to people’s assumptions about the connection between appearance and intelligence. People strongly agreed on the type of face that looked intelligent, which was: The three image below show what people perceive as low, average and high intelligence appearances in men and women:

Les femmes, le Pathos et le Storytelling. Ces 3 éléments, bien travaillés, permettent l'entrée en résonance avec le public ! Je tiens à féliciter tout le monde car tout le monde a joué le jeu, chaque histoire est personnalisée, chaque accroche est différente et impactante et chaque appel à l'action bien formalisé, on a réussi à trouver l'équilibre dans l'intégration des ces notions d'Ethos, de Pathos et de Logos dans chacun des discours. Certains m'ont même beaucoup surprise, jouant avec des analogies audacieuses et intégrant de l'humour. Je me suis rendu-compte cependant...que les femmes avaient beaucoup plus de résistance (même si elles y sont arrivées in fine) que les hommes à intégrer du Pathos dans leurs narration, elles restaient très analytiques et filtraient le contenu émotionnel (pourtant si important pour rendre le discours impactant) Articles complémentaires :

Au bureau, les hommes seraient plus commères que les femmes. Empathy: Women Better Under Stress But Men Worse. When Women Take Over Family Firms, Profitability Increases - Andrew O’Connell. How to Talk to Women... in Social Media. Les femmes plus exigeantes vis-à-vis du service client. Women Lose Out to Men on Competitive Exam After Doing Better on Noncompetitive Test - Andrew O’Connell.

Women’s Unwillingness to Guess on Standardized Tests Hurts Their Scores - Andrew O’Connell.