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Math Flocabulary

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Pythagorean Theorem. Mean, Median & Mode. Math Terms & Word Problems. We're going to a party so you've gotta be prepared, 'Cause I heard that all the math terms will be there. And in case they connect to make a word problem , Now would be a great time to get to know all of them. I'm the sum and I like to have fun, I'm when two numbers are added and turn into one. So... That's 6. "Come on, there's someone else you should meet. " I'm the difference , I'm what happens, When numbers are together and they start subtracting. The difference between 5 and 1 is 4. "We've met a few people, let's go meet some more. " What's going on? I can be a few different things so you should learn. Linear Equations. "y = mx + b" x y I’m not lying, I’m a line, you don’t need to ask me, I never curve when these nerds try to graph me .

Exponents: An Introduction. Welcome to the Island of Exponents. 2 to the power of 9, Multiply 2 by itself, 9 times. 3 to the power of 3, Is 3 times 3 times 3, you see?

Exponents: An Introduction

10 to the power of 5, Multiply 10 by itself, 5 times. 4 to the power of 4, Is 4 times 4 times 4 times 4, for sure. We get it in with exponents, The tiny numbers that pack a punch, let’s begin.Exponents are little numbers that ride On the shoulders of a base number, all right? Exponents tell you to multiply, But don’t multiply the exponent by the base that it rides. Order of Operations. I’ve been first and I’ve been last, Either way I keep the order with PEMDAS.

Order of Operations

First it’s parentheses, then it’s exponents, Multiply, divide, add, subtract, yeah you know this. (x2) When I evaluate expressions, I have some patience, I just follow the order of operations. I simplify to see what they equal, PEM comes first and DAS is the sequel: PEMDAS. The Coordinate Plane. Adding Fractions. The numerator is the number on top,Denominator is down down low.

Adding Fractions

When you add fractions you need to stop, Make sure the denominators are good to go.We need to make the denominators the same, Otherwise adding them would be insane. So we multiply each fraction, top and bottom, By the denominator of his buddy. GCF & LCM. When we’re messing with fractions and need to reduce,The GCF is the tool that we use.


The Greatest Common Factor that both numbers share, Who invented it? I have no idea.But to reduce 32⁄40, We find all the factors of each, then look for the Biggest one in common, that’s the GCF, Divide them both by it and see what’s left. Dividing Fractions. Multiplying Fractions. Peace y’all.

Multiplying Fractions

Hope you're feeling alright, Today you're gonna see fractions get multiplied. Ok, so here's how it starts: First you gotta group up the same parts.The two numerators? Those are on top, Multiply 'em together, yeah, but don't stop.The two denominators, the ones down below, You've still got to get the product of those. There’s your answer: top and bottom,So simplify by any common factors, if you spot 'em.1⁄4 × 2⁄5, But 1 × 2 is at the top of the list.

Then 4 × 5 leaves you 20, Then simplify down to 1⁄10 there buddy.And here's a curveball just to have fun, When you have a whole number, place it over 1. Exponents: Advanced Properties. We all know about exponents, right? We told them a little bit about exponents, but let's get a little deeper. Tell them a little more. Area of a Triangle. Educational Hip-Hop.