Debt Is Not a Money Problem. We Believe in the Holy Spirit. We believe in the Holy Spirit.
That reality is more than meets the eye. That God is alive and at work in our world, and in our lives. That an unseen Person prompts, protects, and provides for those who are Christ’s. That an almighty, invisible Spirit powerfully brings the eternal purposes of God and his Son to bear in our realm, one day soon for all to see. We believe not only in Father and Son, but Father, Son, and Spirit. For thousands of years, the people of God awaited the full revelation of his nature and work, and with it the full personhood of the Spirit.
By the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the God-man, was conceived in a virgin’s womb (Matthew 1:18, 20; Luke 1:35). Sam Storms: Oklahoma City, OK > The Compassion of Christ and Healing. August 24, 2018 | By: Sam Storms Often times people argue that the primary (if not sole) purpose for the healing ministry of Jesus was to confirm his messianic identity and deity.
What Not to Say to Someone in the Hospital. My Top 10 Theology Stories of 2017. When I began compiling these annual “top theology stories” lists a decade ago, the doctrines of salvation (soteriology) were frequently debated and often divisive within churches and even families.
Every once in a while you heard of churches evicting pastors for teaching that regeneration precedes faith. Blog comments on limited atonement ran page after page. A few years later ecclesiology took center stage. Young blog warriors stepped into the leadership of local churches, and some of their heroes even assumed major denominational posts. Books on church polity doesn’t often make bestseller lists.
Now, however, the emphasis of theological debate has shifted again. The emphasis of theological debate has shifted again. Unashamed of the Bible. What Your Kids Need from You. Know What Not to Say. Isn’t ‘Hedonism’ a Bad Word? Six Ways Your Phone Is Changing You. Prager University. Do We Have a Responsibility to Save the World? How Do You Face Your Biggest Fear? How Can We Become Biblically Literate? Stay Curious. Think Well. Advance Good. Student Conferences - Summit Ministries. Summit 2015 Student Conferences from Summit Ministries on Vimeo.
Christian worldview testing and training program to families, schools, churches, businesses and political groups. Comprehensive Worldview® Assessment. Comprehensive Worldview® Assessment. Live Justly. Transforming Teachers - Home. Reformed Forum - Reformed Theological Resources. Powered by ICR. Genesis Verse by Verse. Christian Educators Journal. Theopedia, an encyclopedia of Biblical Christianity. An Introduction to the Site. Helpful Blogs.
Perspectives in Covenant Education - Protestant Reformed Teachers' Institute. Classic Articles on Reformed Theology. Monergism. Environmental Stewardship: A Theological Model for the Environment. There is great need for Christian discussion of and involvement in proper use and protection of the environment.
Tutorial - Memverse. keeps track of all your Bible memory verses.
It is entirely online so there is no software to download, there are no flash cards to carry around, and, best of all, you will be gradually building up a library of biblical knowledge. It's also free, and always will be. When you first login, you will be given the opportunity to add memory verses. How to Read the Whole Bible in 2014.
Do you want to read the whole Bible?
The average person reads 200 to 250 words per minute; there are about 775,000 words in the Bible; therefore it takes less than 10 minutes a day to read the whole Bible in a year. (For those who like details, there’s a webpage devoted to how long it takes to read each book of the Bible. And if you want a simple handout that has every Bible book with a place to put a check next to every chapter, go here.) Audio Bibles are usually about 75 hours long, so you can listen to it in just over 12 minutes a day.
But the point is not merely to read the whole thing to say you’ve done it or to check it off a list.
PowerPoint Presentation - A Quick Overview of Genesis One. Topics. My Top 10 Apologetics Books for Young Adults. Humanism, Humanist Teaching, Humanist Manifesto. Ancient Roots Bible. Teaching For Transformation - Canadian Christian Education Foundation. Prairie Center for Christian Education in partnership with the Christian Education Foundation.
CARM - Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. 100 Truths About Jesus. Bible Hub: Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages. Answers Research Journal - Creation, Evolution, Scientific Research - Answers Research Journal. Answers in Genesis - Creation, Evolution, Christian Apologetics. Root. Editor’s note: AiG stands firmly on the authority of Scripture.
From our study of the Bible, we are persuaded that Creation occurred in six normal-length days about 6000 years ago, and that God destroyed the earth with a global Flood about 1600 years later. Many Christians who profess to believe that the Bible is God’s Word do not accept the straightforward interpretation of Genesis and accept millions of years (and sometimes evolution also).
Ligonier. Free E-books from John Piper. Dictionary of Christianese. Virtual Library of Christian Philosophy - Article Names. The Best Christian Links on the Net. UK Apologetics.