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Argos Oz

Curious person. Loves reading, writing, doodling, films, mostly European ones. Makes music. Believes that music is an abstract kind of food for the mind.

Urban Gardening. Interesting Search Engines. MOOCs. Logged into Facebook? You’ve Been Served - Law Across the Wire and Into the Cloud. On March 7, 2013, Judge Engelemayer of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York issued a novel order allowing the Federal Trade Commission to serve certain papers (other than the initial summons and complaint) on a defendant using Facebook private messages in conjunction with email.

Logged into Facebook? You’ve Been Served - Law Across the Wire and Into the Cloud

Read that again. A federal judge allowed the FTC to serve legal papers using Facebook. The court relied on Rule 4(f)(3) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which allows a court to fashion a means of service on an individual in a foreign country, so long as the ordered means of service “(1) is not prohibited by international agreement; and (2) comports with constitutional notice of due process.” In this case, the FTC had attempted to serve the defendant, who resided in India, through traditional means, including the Hague convention and postal mail. However, the Indian Central Authority had refused to serve the documents for five months and had not responded to the FTC.


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