Arijit Das
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Wordpress Development. Disable WordPress Version and Plugins Updates WordPress is a powerful CMS. It is easy to use, quite powerful and flexible. When a new version of WordPress is available, a message asking you to update your WP installation is displayed on your dashboard. Even if you better update, sometimes you may want to hide this message. Here we discuss how to disable [...] Continue Reading » Custom Excerpt length and Read More link in WordPress We discuss about Custom excerpt length and read more link in WordPress. Continue Reading » Force User Login in WordPress In this tutorial we have discussed about three types of force user login in WordPress. Continue Reading » Disable Auto Formatting in WordPress Posts One of the great features in WordPress that Auto formatting. it has helped novice bloggers start off without having to worry about text formatting, text wrapping and image positioning within their blog to make their content look attractive and beautiful which would result in increased readership.
WordPress Custom Login Page. WordPress Custom Login Page Are you bore with the same login screen? Or your clients are demanding a new login screen with their company name and all links follows to the company url. In this blog we discuss how to change the login screen in WordPress theme. If you don’t have sound knowledge in php don’t try this post. It’s may harm your WordPress theme, if you did any wrong with core code of WordPress Change The Header URL and Title You know, when mouse pointer on the WordPress logo the title show ‘powered by WordPress’ and if you click on it the page redirect to ‘ After open the page you need to find the code line “$login_header_url = __( ‘ );”.
Now copy your custom logo and paste it into ‘…\wp-admin\images’. Once you are getting this replace the background-image:url(‘ ‘) with your custom logo path. At last your custom login page is ready. How To Add Twitter Button in Your WordPress Theme. Procedure to Add Google Custom Search Engine to WordPress. The default search engine of WordPress does not do very good job when you have large data with your blog site and it just isn’t as smart as Google custom search engine.
Google search engine provide your site visitors a better search experience. People can easily find what they need on your website. Are you wanted to change your WordPress native search engine with Google custom search engine? If yes, then follow the procedure to integrate Google search engine on your website. At first go to Google Custom Search Engine and sign in using your Google account. Once you sign in the following page will be appeared Here you put your site URL under the head ‘Sites to search’ and choose your language from drop down list. So, hit the Control Panel button and you will get the following page Look at right side bar for the butter Look and feel. Now go to customize menu. We have to choose the layout of search engine, where we want to show the search button in our website. Adding Social Media Icons in WordPress Author Bio. WordPress allows your website to work with multiple authors. When your website has multiple authors it’s good to have the author bio at the end of the posts so that the reader can get to know the author.
In this tutorial we are going to learn how easy this is to do in WordPress and how we can customize the default WordPress Author info to provide even more information about WordPress Authors. In WordPress we can see different types of users. These different types of users are defined as roles. Here we discuss about how to adding social media icons in WordPress Author bio under each of the posts on our site. Fill up the form and define the ‘Role’ as ‘Author’ and press the blue button ‘Add New User’ to save the data. In the user profile under the contact information area the user can enter their website address this makes it easy for us to link back to them on the post. But what has become more and more popular now is to display the users’ social media profiles.
<! Display Random Posts in WordPress. We know the proverb ‘Old is gold’. But this is not true for the old blogs. Many readers rarely browse through our old post to read them out. As a natural structure of WordPress blog site that current blog is always show top of the blog page and old blogs are showing after that as follow as descending order. Here is way to give a new life to our older posts is by displaying them in the sidebar. Here we will share how we can display random posts in WordPress. <? If you do not display the excerpt part of the blog then delete ‘the_excerpt()’ from the code. Disable Auto Formatting in WordPress Posts. One of the great features in WordPress that Auto formatting. it has helped novice bloggers start off without having to worry about text formatting, text wrapping and image positioning within their blog to make their content look attractive and beautiful which would result in increased readership.
This feature actually adds the paragraph <P> tags, break line <BR> tags and many other auto text formatting tags and at many instances also removes the above mentioned for a clearer view of the post content. While most of the bloggers think this to be a useful feature but some have come to see it as a feature that is no more of use but which still exists.
May be sometimes they annoyed by this existing features. Sometimes if we have been creating the HTML for blog post that time we require turning off autop the filter that normally formats post content. Here is the code to disable auto formatting in WordPress posts. Function my_formatter($content) { $new_content = ''; $my_pattern = '{(\[raw\].*? Force User Login in WordPress. In this tutorial we have discussed about three types of force user login in WordPress. You can force your readers to subscribe for your site. WordPress has a built-in function which can help us to do that. The function is auth_redirect(), this is how it works: When this function is called from a page, it checks to see if the user viewing the page is logged in. If the user is not logged in, they are redirected to the login page. By using this function, we can implement our code that check if post is restricted or not, and redirect users to login page if needed.
Here we used the auth_redirect() function for in three different way to force user login in WordPress: Force Login to Visit WordPress SitesForce Login to View Blog PagesForce login to View Blog Posts Force Login to Visit WordPress Sites The standard WordPress privacy options do not allow for overall protection on your site, but with a minor modification, you can force a user to log in before they will see anything. How to Disable Post Revision in WordPress. Disable Post Revision Every time we edit our post in WordPress, a revision post generate in our database. We can see all autos generate data under ‘post type’ column in our database.
This is really a great feature has in WordPress. We can monitor the post update version in our database. But this feature might not be the great feature for all users who have limited database space or for the users creating CMS in WordPress where they don’t need auto save. Also we can speed up our site if we disable the post revision option, then unwanted post aren’t save in our database.
Always active the post revision option in your WordPress theme. To disable ‘post revision feature’ in WordPress, we need to open wp-config.php located in our WordPress root directory and add the following code: Save and close the wp-config.php file. The following code increases your autosave interval from 60 seconds to 400 seconds: The following code will disable all future revisions to be saved:
Job Trends. Want to be in the hotel industry : Start exploring it Gone were the days when parents used to tell their children that they have to become doctor, or engineer. Now a day you could see that people are actually pursing the above mentioned field, but a slight change has entered the so called trend. Now you could see that people are actually trying to set [...] Continue Reading » Keen to become a web content writer: Explore more on it Are you a passionate writer?
Continue Reading » Grow your career: Become a search engine analyst You all the know that the word SEO is a booming one as this plays a key role in ranking your site with the help of renowned search engines like Yahoo, Google, Bing etc. Continue Reading » Want to update the sites: Try out website administrator You could see that in a day millions of visitors do visit the site which actually makes it cluttered all the day. Continue Reading » Financial Analyst gives the best investment advice Continue Reading » Continue Reading » Technology News. Knowing ways to Manage Google contacts list Until now you are well aware of Gmail which has taught you segregating various categories according to relevance. But it becomes necessary that your gmail should immaculate the beauty of entire page. That is possible only when you arrange the contact list in a perfect way. Make sure that the page should not look cluttered [...] Continue Reading » Knowing about Google Plus Google plus the latest craze has created oodles of sensation amongst the tech savvy people.
Continue Reading » Google Wifi These days use of computer and internet goes hand in hand. Continue Reading » Google Custom Search Over the last few years, Google is graded in the list of best search engines. Continue Reading » Get insight into the world of Google currents A Google current is one of the fastest applications which would perform well on Android phones, IOS and tablets as well. Continue Reading » Enjoy reading with Google Books Continue Reading » Continue Reading » Continue Reading » Interesting Statistics About Smartphones. Getting into the insight of Nimble storage: Until now you have come across several information technology companies who have climbed the pinnacle of achievements. Here it is important to mention the name of Nimble storage, a company who has made staggering success in the domain of software and hardware products .Most importantly they are providing seamless service in the domain of the data storage.
In the year 2010, the company was inaugurated with lots of promises. In addition to this, you should see that they have introduced some advanced features pertaining to the data storage back up. Nimble storage has made profound success in offering hybrid storage solution which is flash optimized. Features of hybrid storage solution: In addition to this, it is also essential to know that the Nimble storage is actually developed based on the Cache Accelerated Sequential Layout architecture.
An overview on Nimble storage: Prior deploying their products you should make sure to go through the testimonials as well as their credentials. Increase revenue with Google adsense. You are all familiar with the phrase that money is sweeter than honey. Well the above mentioned phrase is very true in every sense. Now the internet has increased the chance to earn more with the help of Google Ad sense. In order to implement this in your real world, you have to know what is it exactly .It is actually a kind of advertisement which appears in the form of medias, videos as well as images.
It is mainly a program which makes it possible. Well the entire thing is managed as well as monitored by Google itself therefore the revenue too depends on this in the form of the pay per click or other methods. One more thing you should know that the process goes well only for targeted audience. If you really want to increase your income, then make sure that you should register in the Google Ad words so that you could get some advertisements which are targeted only. Once you go through the Google adsense at length you would come across different types like content adsense.
Google too ponders over your health. Google Health: You all know the phrase that health is wealth. In addition to your biggest concern towards your health, Google your very own browsing search engine has also started to care about your health. Now you might be musing to know about what it is exactly. Recently Google has launched a new concept called Google health. Well the cutting edge application was introduced prior two years, but definitely in the history of chronology it would be remarkable forever.
The overall concept tells that some advanced technologies are introduced who would be able to view your health condition and give at length information on that. This is an impeccable application which would enable you to gather information regarding the various conditions of your body like measuring blood pressure, warning you of the presence of cholesterol, checking the level of sugar in your blood. The best thing about the Google health application is that you could customize it according to your convenience. Be successful businessmen with the Google Ad words.
You have launched a new site and want to advertise somewhere in order to promote your brand. Well do not you think that the advertising should be on an authentic place where you’re new and innovative product would reach out to pan humanism located at different corners of the world? Definitely it must be your coveted dream and you are endeavoring to make your dream come true. Well a true effort never goes in vain; to be precise you should always hanker to have resplendent publicity.
That is possible when the ads are posted on the right place, in such case it is always advisable to take the help of the Google Ad words, which is most beneficial one indeed. Some interesting features of Google AD words: First of all the most vital thing to be on the top is that you should know the tricks of placing the ads. You could not follow a cumbersome process which simply gives a cluttered look to the page.
The second most interesting feature is the site targeted advertisement. Accelerating traffic with the help of Google Image. Images always allure you especially when it is pristine yielding a profound clarity. When talking about images, it is always good to mention about the Google Images which are simply eye catching. Previously you used to search for images on the Google. For your convenience, they have actually launched the Google Image in the year 2001.In fact; you could say that today it has become one of the best gateways through which you could earn the best.
As of now you could see that properly optimized site could yield you the best traffic that you have ever imagined. In order to have such you have to know the ways of optimizing your site along with you need to optimize the images. Firstly you should optimize the page by inserting proper image .Well this in turn definitely brings a change in graphic portion as well. Secondly, it is wise enough to get some outstanding titles for the image.
Thirdly, you should know the way of using some of the tags of social site to highlight the images. Characteritsics of the Google earth. Increase revenue with Google adsense. Google Chrome: The most popular lightweight yet candid browser. Get into the insight of Google maps. Know the ways of using Google translate. Get into the insight of Google maps. Accelerating traffic with the help of Google Image. Google too ponders over your health. Characteritsics of the Google earth. Google Chrome: The most popular lightweight yet candid browser. Technical Blogs - Blog about small technical Know hows : Technical Blogs.