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Three Key Questions on Measuring Learning. How Teachers Are Changing Grading Practices With an Eye on Equity. But as Sigmon looked at the logic and supporting data Feldman presented and tried tweaking a few things in his classes, those challenging ideas started to make sense to him. He realized the way he graded was largely based on his own experience in school and beliefs about what students “should do.”

But when he started to see each teacher’s grading policies as a set of arbitrary rules students are expected to follow, as opposed to a coherent indication of what a student knows, he was ready to make a change. “I have to be more thoughtful. My grades now are meant to be an accurate reflection of a student’s mastery of the standards set by the state in high school physics,” Sigmon said. If a student can display their knowledge of those standards without doing the homework, he shouldn’t be penalized for that in his grade, especially because students all have different responsibilities outside of school that can make getting homework done difficult.

7 Smart, Fast Ways to Do Formative Assessment. RR 07 11. Seven Keys to Effective Feedback - Educational Leadership. Why feedback is SO time consuming — and how to fix it. Providing feedback can take SO much effort.

Why feedback is SO time consuming — and how to fix it

Here are some ways to get better feedback results in less time. Tell me if this sounds familiar. You’re chained to your desk grading papers. It’s getting monotonous, but you feel like you need to do it because it’s important. You hand those papers back to the students, and where do they end up? 25 Question Stems Framed Around Bloom's Taxonomy. 25 Question Stems Framed Around Bloom’s Taxonomy by TeachThought Staff While critical thinking is a foundation rather than a brick, how you build that foundation depends on the learning process itself: exposing students to new thinking and promoting interaction with that thinking in a gradual release of responsibility approach.

25 Question Stems Framed Around Bloom's Taxonomy

Question stems can be a powerful part of that process no matter where the learner is. Assessment (pre-assessment, self-assessment, formative and summative assessment), prompting and cueing during discussion, etc. See also 28 Critical Thinking Question Stems & Response Cards ($2.95) 22 Powerful Closure Activities. Cast 10 assessment 2015 10 20. Dunlosky. 11 Essentials for Excellent Digital Portfolios. A portfolio for learning is often a short-term capstone project that will be assessed summatively.

11 Essentials for Excellent Digital Portfolios

At the end of the year, students put selections of their work into a portfolio so a teacher can assess their learning. This is often a showcase portfolio, or a sample of students’ best work. A portfolio as learning typically has an extended timeframe. This is often formative assessment, but students will also self-reflect and assess themselves. How Much Do I Need to Test? Creating a Custom QA Strategy. “Performance Assessments are ‘Absolutely Worth the Effort’” Performance Assessments are ‘Absolutely Worth the Effort’ is the headline of my latest Education Week Teacher column.

“Performance Assessments are ‘Absolutely Worth the Effort’”

In it, Joshua Dragoon, N. Chaunte Garrett, Travis Bristol, Kristina Doubet and Eric Carbaugh contribute their thoughts on using performance assessment in schools. Here are some excerpts: The Best Resources For Learning About Effective Student & Teacher Assessments. As I’ve mentioned, I’m part of a group of teachers working with The Center For Teaching Quality that’s preparing a policy report on Teacher Working Conditions and how they relate to student learning.

The Best Resources For Learning About Effective Student & Teacher Assessments

I’ve previously shared some of the materials I’ve found useful in my research — see The Best Resources For Learning About The “Value-Added” Approach Towards Teacher Evaluation. You might also be interested in The Best Posts For Learning About The NEA’s New Policy Statement on “Teacher Evaluation and Accountability.” Here’s another one: The Best Articles Describing Alternatives To High-Stakes Testing. Also: The Best Resources On The Newly-Released California Educator Excellence Task Force Report.

I thought I’d share some more resources in this new list. How to Use the New Version of Padlet. Last week Padlet introduced a revamped version of their online corkboard tool.

How to Use the New Version of Padlet

The core functions of Padlet are still the same, but the user interface has changed a little bit. The primary changes are in the way that you customize your Padlet boards. In the video that is embedded below I provide an overview of the new version of Padlet.Padlet as a simple blogging platform: Padlet walls can be arranged in free-form, grid, or stream layouts. Creating a Padlet page in the stream format could be a good way to create a simple, collaborative blog for students. 10 Tools for Creating Digital Portfolios. The end of the school year is here or will soon be here for many of us.

10 Tools for Creating Digital Portfolios

While it is best to build digital portfolios over the course of a semester or school year, creating a digital portfolio at the end of the year is still a good way to collect and showcase examples of a student’s best work. Should you find yourself looking for a digital portfolio tool take a look at the ten options featured in my PDF handout embedded below or grab the Google Docs copy. Here are this week’s most popular posts from 1. Create an Interactive Video Summary of the School Year 2. A Good Visual On Bloom's Taxonomy Vs Depth of Knowledge. December 5, 2014 Bloom's taxonomy and Depth of Knowledge are two popular conceptual learning frameworks.

A Good Visual On Bloom's Taxonomy Vs Depth of Knowledge

They both approach the learning process from relatively different stands:Bloom's taxonomy seem to emphasize the categorization of tasks in a way that corresponds with students thinking levels ( e,g knowing, understanding, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating). Depth of Knowledge (DOK), on the hand, shifts the focus from the product or end result to focusing on the cognitive and thinking process. It extends beyond the what and digs deeper into the how.

Here is a beautiful visual I came across today on this Pinterest board and which illustrates the difference between Blooms' taxonomy and Depth of Knowledge. Mentoring Minds provides a free downloadable version of this graphic from this page. Using a Project Log as a Formative Assessment. When it comes to formative assessment, we can all get stuck in a rut.

Using a Project Log as a Formative Assessment

How many times have you used the same rubric, checklist or portfolio? These are tried and true, but sometimes, they’re just not the best fit for a project. Better Formative Feedback: Work Worth Doing in a Place Worth Being - Vander Ark on Innovation. By Mary Ryerse & Tom Vander Ark Everything about school provides some sort of formative feedback to students.

Better Formative Feedback: Work Worth Doing in a Place Worth Being - Vander Ark on Innovation

By formative, we mean “shaping or molding.” Indeed, everything about a learning environment shapes and molds the overall student experience. How to Collect Files Through Google Forms. 10 Good Options for Creating Digital Portfolios.

Classroom Assessment Tech Tools

Rubrics. Formative assessment. The Types of Assessment for Learning. Assessment is certainly a hot topic in education. Teachers everywhere are (rightfully) concerned that we’ve become overly preoccupied with assessing student knowledge. Instead, we should be flipping the switch and refocus on what really matters: student learning. But student learning and assessment go hand in hand when done naturally. HOME. Measuring Student Growth in the Arts for Ohio’s K-12 Students High-quality assessments are an integral part of measuring and monitoring student growth. Currently, there is a critical need for solid growth measures in the arts. Edutopia finley 53ways check for understanding.

GRASP.pdf. Arts Integration Assessments - Education Closet. Cut Grading 2015. Grab Your Free e-Booklet: 20 Ways to Cut Your Grading Time in Half. 16 Teacher Hacks for Making Data Collection a Piece of Cake. This blog is sponsored by Apperson, a company dedicated to making assessment easier for educators. Click here to learn more about our special, end-of-the-school-year offer, 25% off of your first order for first time customers. Collecting data is not necessarily every teacher’s cup of tea, but in today’s teaching climate, it’s definitely a necessity. Using Swivl for the TLC Grant in Iowa by Patrick Donovan – Swivl. Over the last couple of years, Iowa schools have seen an increase in the number of Instructional Coaches, Model Teachers, and Mentor Teachers thanks to the Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) grant.

While we have had Instructional Coaches in my district for a while now, the grant allowed us to increase our number of coaches while also identifying Model and Mentor Teachers. The grant allows us to create more professional learning for our teachers and helps to create a system of internal growth using our coaches and current teachers. We have used the Swivl a lot in my own district, but I have talked with many others who are using it in many of the same ways that we are. Our big goals as part of the TLC program is to help our teachers grow in their own learning throughout the district. The Swivl works well with this goal as it has many uses and has been implemented in a variety of ways. SMOVE: Smartphone Stabilizer and Powerbank in One. MTT18: Collaboration, Assessment and Digital Portfolios in Elementary Music – with Amy Burns. Technology in the Large Ensemble Classroom - National Association for Music Education (NAfME)

Technology Strategies for the Performing Ensemble Classroom. Sample Music Performance Assessment Instructions. Google Classroom for the Large Ensemble - National Association for Music Education (NAfME) MTT18: Collaboration, Assessment and Digital Portfolios in Elementary Music – with Amy Burns. Exit Tickets: Arts-based Strategies in the Classroom. AnswerGarden » ...- Plant a Question, Grow Answers! Generate a live word cloud with your audience. How You Can Take the Pain Out Of Data Driven Classrooms.

Response to Intervention. Teaching Resources. National Center on Intensive Intervention. Progress Monitoring Web Resources. Synth53report. FORMATIVEEVALUATIONACADEMIC. The Epic BYOD Toolchest (51 Tools You Can Use Now) The benefits of using #formativeassessment multiply! Thanks @cherylabla ! #formativeteaching #assessmentforlearning.

Nonfiction Literacy and Current Events. What do you want kids to do with technology? – The Principal of Change. MidwestLead. Delaying the Grade: How to Get Students to Read Feedback. NAEP - 2016 Arts Assessment. To elevate the role of arts education, measure it. 10 Formative Assessments Tech Tools to Put to the Test in 2015 – edutechchick. SOCRATIC QUESTIONING ART OF QUESTIONING. Scoring Assessments: Scoring Rubrics (Music) 2 Compelling Reasons for Using the Studio Habits of Mind in Your Art Room - The Art of Ed.

Getvn. The Big List of Class Discussion Strategies. UDL On Campus: UDL and Assessment. UDL Case Study: Assessments - Maryland Learning Links. Cast 10 assessment 2015 10 20. Social media tips and tools. SAS Analytics U. Business Intelligence and Analytics. Educational Leadership:Feedback for Learning:Seven Keys to Effective Feedback. Art Assessment Idea: Visualizing Growth. How to Make a Quiz Work Harder for You. Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia. Burson et al. We Are All Confident Idiots – Pacific Standard. To Boost Higher-Order Thinking, Try Curation. Pop Quiz- What is the Purpose? Why Understanding These Four Types of Mistakes Can Help Us Learn.

Learn with Two Rivers - Home. Pages - Ohio School Report Cards. SCALE. Untitled. Events in Instruction- Event #8. Students as Questioners – Bloom’s Taxonomy. 4 Engaging ways to tech-i-fy assessment in music education. Holiday Traditions Selfie Kahoot – Like Magic for My Newcomers. Ensembles Evaluation Workbook 2016 – NAfME – Store.