How to Read the Bible for Yourself. 1. Read for the author’s meaning, not your own. When we read, we want to know what an author intended us to see and experience in his writing. He had an intention when he wrote. Nothing will ever change that. We are not reading simply for subjective experiences. 2. When we read, we do not generally really think until we are faced with a problem to be solved, a mystery to be unraveled, or a puzzle to be deciphered.
Asking ourselves questions is a way of creating a problem or a mystery to be solved. 2.1 Ask about words. 3. O Lord, incline our hearts to your word. Look at the Book is John Piper’s latest effort to help teach people to read the Bible for themselves. As part of this new initiative, Desiring God is putting on regional events focused on certain passages of Scripture. The Word of God Has Not Failed Session 1: Has the Word of God Failed? Session 2: God’s Good Purpose in Election (Romans 9:6–13) Session 3: God Has Mercy on Whomever He Wills (Romans 9:14–18) Share the Joy! Chrislam One World Religion Emerging. Christians and demons: Can a believer have a demon or evil spirit? Deliverance from demonic bondage in the lives of believers. Home > Can a Christian have a demon?
Can light dwell with darkness? First, let's expose the most common argument against believers having demons... they say that light cannot dwell with darkness. This is merely an assumption with no real Biblical basis. The verse most often used to back up this theory is 2 Corinthians 6:14, and it's speaking about believers marrying unbelievers. Another good question is, can a Christian be in bondage to pornography? Another point is that the Holy Spirit covers the earth (Jeremiah 23:24), so if the Holy Spirit covers the earth, then how can darkness (demons and sin) freely roam this earth if the Holy Spirit is covering it? We are composed of three parts; a body, a mind (soul) and a spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23). The soul versus the spirit: The spirit of a man is where the Holy Ghost dwells, but the soul or mind of a man is where dirt can still remain long after he or she accepts Christ.
Demonic bondage demystified What do demons do to people? Touching dead bodies and spiritual defilement. Home > Touching dead bodies and spiritual defilement Have you ever touched or kissed a dead body of a family member or friend at their funeral? I have seen people come under great bondage simply by touching the deceased body of a loved one. God's Word warns us that touching a dead body can defile us spiritually: Numbers 19:13, "Whosoever toucheth the dead body of any man that is dead, and purifieth not himself, defileth the tabernacle of the LORD; and that soul shall be cut off from Israel: because the water of separation was not sprinkled upon him, he shall be unclean; his uncleanness is yet upon him. " Numbers 9:6, "And there were certain men, who were defiled by the dead body of a man... " I just spoke with somebody the other day who touched a dead body when he was a child, and at that moment something very evil and scary entered him, and he was never the same since.
Grave yards and funeral homes are often crawling with demons. How do you deal with such a bondage? Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Condemnation | Steve Berger's Blog. Without question, a sinner’s identity is a before-Christ or before-conversion identity. Our new identity, after our conversion is that of a saint who sins, not a sinner who is sometimes a saint.
Guilt, shame and condemnation (the sinner’s penalty) are before-conversion states of mind or feelings. They should have nothing to do with your walk and relationship with Jesus today. That kind of penalty is not part of His kingdom—God does not use shame and condemnation with his kids. Before we go to far, let’s have some common understanding. Cloud and Townsend, wrote in their book 12 “Christian” Beliefs that Can Drive You Crazy, “Shame is a painful feeling of having lost the respect of others by our own improper behavior . . . guilt describes our self-condemnation for what we do, while shame shames us for who we are. You feel guilty for yelling at your child; you feel shame for being a bad parent.”[1] None of these feelings is something God wants or encourages. Would be saved! I am a saint. Witnessing to Hindus • EffectiveEvangelism.com at ChristianAnswers.Net.
The very name “Hinduism” is a regional/people group descriptive name. It is the name for the inhabitants and the religion of the Indus River region. The inhabitants were called Hindus and their religion was called Hinduism. Yet Hinduism today covers a diverse number of beliefs, with a few unifying themes… Hindus are found mainly in the nation of India, where over 90% of Hindus live. As well, there are large populations of Hindus in Nepal, Mauritius, Fiji, Guyana, Suriname, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Trinidad and Tabago, and Bhutan. Estimates for the population of Hindus are between 800 million and 825 million. Different “ways” have developed over the history of Hinduism, Vedic Hinduism being the oldest, and then the ascetic and mystical way known as Vedantic Hinduism, and more recently the way of devotion, or Bhakti.
The oldest and most revered holy writings are the Vedas, consisting of four books or more correctly--collections. Places of worship are everywhere for Hindus. 12 Most Inspiring Leadership Lessons from Bible Characters. The Bible has been around for thousands of years. Historically, it has been the cause of much good as well as the scapegoat for much dissension. Some have loved the book and some have hated it. When examined outside of its religious and historical context, though, and merely as a work of literature, few can say that it is anything less than a masterpiece. The depth of character within the people of the Biblical stories is astounding. They faced great challenges and overcame them with faith and endurance. For leaders in business today, there is much to learn from these ordinary people who made decisions that transformed them into extraordinary legends. 1. In Genesis 6, God is despairing over the wickedness that has overtaken humanity. 2.
God approaches Abraham in Genesis 12 and tells him to “Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you.” 3. The story of Joseph beginning in Genesis 37 is powerful. 4. Yes, it’s true. God, Einstein And Games Of Chance : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture. iStockphoto.com "God doesn't play dice. " I'm sure the reader has heard this famous saying from Einstein in a 1926 letter to fellow physicist Max Born. Perhaps not so clear to most people is what God and what dice Einstein was referring to. His worries reflect a deep concern about how far our explanations of Nature can go. Einstein was referring to quantum physics, the physics that describes the behavior of molecules, atoms and subatomic particles — like electrons and the Higgs boson.
In our everyday life objects follow well-behaved histories from point A to point B. In an extreme interpretation, we can say that the act of detection "creates" the particle. To Einstein, this loss of predictive determinism couldn't be the last word in our description of Nature. A lot has happened in eight decades.
Einstein's sentence in his letter to Born is actually different from the snippet above: Quantum mechanics demands serious attention. This was the problem Einstein had with the dice-playing God. Barnabas: An Encouraging Early Church Leader. This is the first of two posts written by Dr. Robin Branch on Barnabas, an early church leader. The blogs are condensed from a longer article by Dr. Branch entitled, “Barnabas: Early Church leader and model of encouragement.” In die Skfriflig 2007 41(2):295-322. Robin Branch posits that Barnabas may have resembled representations of Zeus: middle-aged but physically powerful and muscular man who is both regal and commanding.
Acts presents the evangelizing apostle and church leader Barnabas as a model of integrity and character. Yet despite the many times Barnabas appears in the Biblical text, he lacks the scholarly attention accorded to his evangelist and writing colleague, Saul/Paul. According to early traditions that are not recorded in the Bible, Barnabas was taught by Gamaliel and became a follower of Jesus. Barnabas was born on Cyprus, and he travels there with Saul, whose name changes to Paul during the trip. The Bible typically remains silent about physical descriptions.
The Cripplegate | for a new generation of non-conformists. The ‘Gospel’ According to Rome | the Cripplegate. In Romans 11:6 , Paul says of salvation, “But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.” By contrast, Roman Catholicism finds itself in the impossible position of advocating a gospel in which salvation is offered both by grace and also on the basis of works.
The Catholic church promotes a synergistic sacramental soteriology in which human good works, along with God’s grace, contribute to the sinner’s justification. This is in distinct contrast to the evangelical understanding of the gospel, in which salvation is received by grace through faith alone. Despite the eccumenical efforts of some, the difference between Roman Catholicism and Protestant Evangelicalism is one of substance not merely semantics. Today’s post is intended as a summary of Roman Catholic teaching with regard to the essence of the gospel (in order to demonstrate how it strays from the biblical message of salvation).
I. II. . , Gal. 6:6–10 ) . , Matt. 25:34–40 ). . . . III. V. Bible FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about the Bible. 11 Archives Index Page. Free Bible Study Lessons | Bible Studies, Guide, Topics Online.