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GRAMMAR, spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary

Facebook Twitter - Lær deg språk på nettet. Easy Ways to Improve and Expand Your Vocabulary. Easy Ways to Improve and Expand Your Vocabulary: Seven Tips for Learning New Words Communicate (speak and write) more clearly and concisely using these seven tips for learning new words... easy ways to improve and expand your vocabulary. by Randall S.

Easy Ways to Improve and Expand Your Vocabulary

Hansen, Ph.D. Looking for tips for improving your vocabulary? Whether you are trying to strengthen and broaden your vocabulary for school or personal growth, the key is a commitment to regularly learning new words.


GRAMMAR. BBC World Service. Improving vocabulary - : English as 2nd Language. Collocations. What is a collocation?


A collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound "right" to native English speakers, who use them all the time. On the other hand, other combinations may be unnatural and just sound "wrong". Look at these examples: Why learn collocations? Your language will be more natural and more easily understood.You will have alternative and richer ways of expressing yourself.It is easier for our brains to remember and use language in chunks or blocks rather than as single words. How to learn collocations Be aware of collocations, and try to recognize them when you see or hear them.Treat collocations as single blocks of language. Types of Collocation There are several different types of collocation made from combinations of verb, noun, adjective etc.

In this lesson we look at some sample collocations, and end with quizzes to check your understanding: Advanced students and teachers may also be interested in the Advanced Collocations page. 30 Incorrectly Used Words That Can Make You Look Bad. While I like to think I know a little about business writing, I often fall into a few word traps.

30 Incorrectly Used Words That Can Make You Look Bad

For example, "who" and "whom. " I rarely use "whom" when I should. Even when spell check suggests "whom," I think it sounds pretentious. So I don't use it. And I'm sure some people then think, "What a bozo. " And that's a problem, because just like that one misspelled word that gets a resumé tossed into the "nope" pile, using one wrong word can negatively impact your entire message. Fair or unfair, it happens. So let's make sure it doesn't: Adverse and averse Adverse means harmful or unfavorable; "Adverse market conditions caused the IPO to be poorly subscribed.

" But you can feel free to have an aversion to adverse conditions. ALL ABOUT SEMANTICS - Home. Adjuncts! Local Non-Mom Cut Her Grading WAY Down With This Weird Old Trick. If your school is on early semesters (as most are–Godspeed, quarter-system friends, and read this again in a month and a half!)

Adjuncts! Local Non-Mom Cut Her Grading WAY Down With This Weird Old Trick

, that means you are smack in the middle of Grading Thunderdome. Last Grading Thunderdome, I was so frazzled I published this, which made me Enemy #1 of the Entire Discipline of Composition and Rhetoric, Always and Forever. One of these days I’m going to apologize about that, if only certain individuals from comp/rhet would stop being assholes to me for five seconds and reminding me that, thanks to them, when I see the words “comp/rhet” I IMMEDIATELY think “asshole,” and–you know what, forget those assholes, I regret nothing!!!!! No, seriously, one of these days I will write about how my lesson has been learned (I’m lying; “one of these days” is tomorrow, in conjunction with a new article I’ve got coming out). AT ANY RATE. Adjuncts: How much do you get paid? This year, I decided that I was going to enact a one-person grading revolution.


Vocabulary Games For A1&A2 Levels. After a long break, I am happy to share my new games with you.

Vocabulary Games For A1&A2 Levels

There are eight vocabulary quizzes for elementary and pre-intermediate levels. I usually chose the topics for the games according to the levels I worked with. Lately, I have had a lot of A1 and A2 levels. It gave me the chance to test the games before publishing them here. I hope you enjoy them as much as my students do. These games are created with Articulate Storyline. Appstore Google Play Clothing 1 Clothing 2 Feelings Verb Noun Collocations Chores 1 Chores 2 Fashion Vocabulary Holiday Vocabulary More Games Like this: Like Loading... Related.