Personal knowledge management & wisdom. PKM consists of practical methods for making sense of the increasing digital information flows around us.
There is no procedural method to go from data to wisdom. On this Stephen Downes and I agree, though he thinks I adhere to the DIKW model. That said, while this is a much better model than this, I think it stays true to the original ‘filtering’ vision, where you go from data to wisdom through successive filtering processes. And while there are different ways to think of knowledge — processed, procedural, propositional — this model I think adheres to a more basic view. Here are some images from a presentation on PKM I will be giving at our local university tomorrow and including in a workshop next week.
00143990, v1] La veille informationnelle en éducation pour répondre au défi de la société de la connaissance au XXI ème siècle :Application à la conception d'une plateforme de veille et de partag. Das E-Business Weblog: Knowledge Management does not exist. Personal Knowledge Management does. 06MartinJ. Personal Knowledge Management. Personal knowledge management.
The%20roles%20and%20values%20of%20PKM%20An%20exploratory%20study_proofread-final. Pkm. Here's how I'm approaching Personal Knowledge Management. A few months back, Harold Jarche wrote a very interesting article about sense making with Personal Knowledge Management (PKM).
Harold suggested a model that he uses to manage his personal knowledge and stay on top of his social media intake. I strongly suggest that you also look through the webinar he did on PKM at the LearnTrends conference. I think the article is a great reference for anyone that claims to be getting overwhelmed by the volume of information out there on the web. I have had this problem for ages as well and given that I'm a Getting Things Done (GTD) guy, I wanted to make my knowledge management fit into my regular scheme of life. So, at the very outset let me tell you that the names of the steps on my KM model are stolen from David Allen, though the content of these steps may be a little different from how Allen describes them in his book. The First Step - Collection I like to keep my collection mechanism automated. The Second Step - Processing.
Kmpkm. Eckm2005Dace_156. Personal knowledge management, aller plus loin. 15 Effective Tools for Visual Knowledge Management. Since I started my quest a few years ago searching for the ultimate knowledge management tool, I’ve discovered a number of interesting applications that help people efficiently organize information.
There certainly is no shortage of solutions for this problem domain. Many tools exist that offer the ability to discover, save, organize, search, and retrieve information. However, I’ve noticed a trend in recent years, and some newer applications are focusing more on the visual representation and relationship of knowledge. I believe this is in part due to the wider adoption of mind mapping (and concept mapping), and leveraging concepts and advances in the semantic web community. Download. Liris-3437. Textart53. Crawford. Pelerei_Personal-Knowledge-Management. p2p_km. Personal knowledge management & wisdom. PKM consists of practical methods for making sense of the increasing digital information flows around us.
There is no procedural method to go from data to wisdom. On this Stephen Downes and I agree; though he thinks I adhere to the DIKW model. That said, while this is a much better model than this, I think it stays true to the original ‘filtering’ vision, where you go from data to wisdom through successive filtering processes. And while there are different ways to think of knowledge – processed, procedural, propositional – this model I think adheres to a more basic view. Here are some images from a presentation on PKM I will be giving at our local university tomorrow and including in a workshop next week.
Data + Knowledge = Information Seek, Sense, Share: Find PKM is an approach for dealing with information by making our thoughts more explicit through filing, classifying, commenting, writing, presenting, conversing, mashing, etc. Self-Organization - Powered by Google Docs. Personal Knowledge Management by Harold Jarche (BlueIQ Ambassadors) If you have been following this blog for a little while now, you would know how Personal Knowledge Management, a.k.a.
PKM, or Personal Knowledge Sharing (PKS), whichever term you would prefer to make use of, has always been one of my favourite topics to talk about and share some further insights over here and elsewhere. It’s been all along one of those areas that has always caught my attention since way back when I was first involved with KM in the late 90s. It’s one of those fascinating fields that has permeated successfully throughout time from traditional KM and into the world of Social Networking reaching a new level of awareness that surely makes it all worth while diving into, if you haven’t done so just yet. More than anything else, because, if anything, that interest will keep raising as time goes by! And here is why … Managing knowledge is quite a daunting task; in fact, most people claim (I am one of them, too!) That’s right! Understanding personal knowledge management: A weblog case.
Kn-Mgmt-En. Personal Knowledge Management WebPresentation. Pkm-inside-outside. Analyse de 6 définitions du Personal Knowledge Management. Comment organiser ses données personnelles : Outils et méthodes du Personal Knowledge Management. Méthodologie de veille et curation : outils, moyens et étapes (présentation) Jean-Baptiste Dayez, psychologue et doctorant-chercheur à l’Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique) a publié en mai 2012 une présentation très complète à propos des moyens et de la méthodologie de veille sur Internet en tenant compte de son expérience professionnelle en la matière : lutter contre l’infobésité.
Personal knowledge management, filtering and information overload. With more than 100 million distinct websites, one trillion unique URLs and an ever-increasing amount of e-mail, people are drowning in information.
However, the problem is not information overload but rather filter failure, according to Clay Shirky. Collecting everything will lead to information overload and make it more difficult to search for and find what you need, and may actually decrease the overall value of the captured knowledge. Collect everything, something or nothing ? Some websites will help you filter the information flow by aggragating information for you, and by connecting to selected individuals using Twitter they may also help filter information for you.
Please note the word consume here; reading selected blogs filtered by RSS feeds or following your favorite people on Twitter is not collecting information, but rather consuming information. The main difference is that a month later when you need to check that link that Mrs. ShareThis. Personal Knowledge Management. Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) is about taking a personal or individual perspective to Knowledge Management rather than an organizational or corporate one.
PKM is a smorgasbord of principles, concepts, disciplines and tools that we can all apply as knowledge workers in the new knowledge economy to help improve our ability to meet our personal and business objectives.