Bloom Energy Server - Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. The Bloom Energy Server (the Bloom Box) is a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) made by Bloom Energy, of Sunnyvale, California, that can use a wide variety of inputs (including liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons[1] produced from biological sources) to generate electricity on the site where it will be used.[2][3] It can withstand temperatures of up to 1,800 °F (980 °C), that would cause many other fuel cells to break down or require maintenance.[4] According to the company, a single cell (one 100 mm × 100 mm metal alloy plate between two ceramic layers) generates 25 watts.[5] Bloom stated that two hundred servers have been deployed in California for corporations including eBay, Google, Yahoo, and Wal-Mart.[6] Technology[edit] To save money, the Bloom Energy Server uses inexpensive metal alloy plates for electric conductance between the two ceramic fast ion conductor plates.
In competing lower temperature fuel cells, platinum is required at the cathode.[8] Bloom Energy[edit] History[edit] Costs[edit] Bloom Energy. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Bloom Energy Production d'hydrogène[modifier | modifier le code] La technologie utilisée permettrait de produire de l'électricité ou de l'hydrogène et pourrait être couplée avec des source d'énergies intermittentes comme des capteurs solaires ou des éoliennes. Cet hydrogène pourrait ensuite être reconverti en électricité ou permettre de ravitailler des véhicules à hydrogène[3]. Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] Voir aussi[modifier | modifier le code] Liens externes[modifier | modifier le code] Site Internet de Bloom Energy. La Bloom Box et autres piles à combustible à hydrogène | Phare de carbone.
There is a lot of hype right now about the “Bloom Box.” Google installed one, Adobe installed one, and Bloom Energy has an active sales force hitting up the Fortune 500. So what is a Bloom Box and what does it mean for the future of the energy world? A Bloom Box is a hydrogen fuel cell. The simple picture is that you feed it natural gas and it spits out electricity.
How is it different from a regular natural gas power plant? There’s no combustion in a fuel cell, just the silent separation and recombination of protons and electrons. Fuel cells rely on a catalyst to split hydrogen ions off from natural gas. So that’s a Bloom Box. There are two problems though. A Bloom Box, or any hydrogen fuel cell, could be carbon free if you fed it pure hydrogen (or renewable biogas), instead of natural gas. Economics. Back to economics. So what’s the point of all of this? 10 Questions About the Bloom Energy Server. Now that Bloom Energy has unveiled its innovative fuel cell technology to the world, it appears the much-hyped Silicon Valley startup's "Energy Server" shows a lot of promise, particularly for Fortune 500 companies that can afford the parking lot-sized power boxes priced up to $800,000 apiece.
But is the Bloom box too good to be true? We may not know for years, of course, although early reports from an impressive lineup of beta testers, including Bank of America, Coca-Cola, eBay, FedEx, Google, and Wal-Mart, are showing sizable reductions in both energy costs and CO2 emissions [PDF]. A power generator that saves money and the environment? This must be Tomorrowland! Well, Bloom Energy is developing a power box for the home too, a development that could fundamentally change the way home users buy energy, if (again) the Bloom box is the real deal. Ten questions to consider: 1. K.R. 2. 3. 4. Ah, a tantalizing prospect for power company-haters everywhere. 5.
Yes! 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Presque tout ce que vous voulez savoir sur la boîte de Bloom Energy [Vidéos] By now, you have probably heard of the Bloom Box, the green fuel cell device that promises to soon power our homes. After appearing on CBS' 60 Minutes last week, its sand-based fuel cells generated a ton of buzz and media attention. Yesterday, Bloom Energy launched the Bloom Box in front of hundreds of investors, press, and well-known figures, including General Colin Powell (who sits on the board), California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Google Co-founder Larry Page.
What exactly is this energy-generating device, though? How does it work? What Is the Bloom Box? At the core, the Bloom Box (or the Bloom Energy Server) is an electricity-generating device that takes fuel and air and turns them into power. The company behind it, Bloom Energy, hasn't generated a lot of attention. If you want to learn exactly what this box is about, check out the 60 Minutes video, embedded below: Watch CBS News Videos Online How Does the Bloom Box Create Electricity? What the Bloom Box Looks Like. Bloom Box - Les 50 meilleures inventions de 2010 - Heure.
Inventors have tried to use hydrogen fuel cells as a cleaner way to create commercial electricity, but they've always been limited by the cost. That's beginning to change, however, thanks to a California start-up called Bloom Energy. Its Bloom Box — about half the size of a shipping container — generates electricity using solid oxide fuel cells, which provide juice by oxidizing a fuel source. In the case of the Bloom Box, that fuel source is natural gas, though the company hopes to substitute cleaner sources in the future.
Silicon Valley companies like Google and eBay are already using Bloom Boxes for greener backup power, at a cost of about $800,000 each. Next The (Almost) Waterless Washing Machine. La Bloom Box, le dernier buzz de la Silicon Valley. Le gouverneur de Californie, Arnold Schwarzenegger, l'ancien ministre américain de la Défense, Colin Powell, l'investisseur John Doerr, associé du célèbre fonds de capital-risque Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers spécialisé dans les cleantechs... K. R. Sridhar, le patron de la start-up Bloom Energy, implantée à Sunnyvale, avait réuni du beau monde pour présenter la semaine dernière sa Bloom Box, couvée dans le plus grand secret depuis presque dix ans. Pourquoi un tel succès ? Cette version à bas coût des piles à combustible utilisées par la Nasa, qui remplace le platine par du sable mélangé à de l'encre, permettrait de réduire les émissions de CO2 de 60 %, pour un prix très compétitif de 10 cents le kilowattheure.
Bloom Energy annonce un retour sur investissement en trois à cinq ans. Was the Hype Around Bloom Energy Two Years Ago Justified? About two years ago Bloom Energy revealed its top secret “Bloom Box” fuel cell system and immediately created an incredible buzz. It was amazing to see how much hype buzzed around what the company described as “a new class of distributed power generator, producing clean, reliable, affordable electricity at the customer site.” For a while, it seemed that there was nothing more exciting than Bloom’s fuel cells that promised to change the world someday. So what happened with Bloom Energy since then? Was the hype justified?
The good news is that unlike other cleantech super-hyped companies that captured the imagination in 2010 (i.e. Solyndra), Bloom is still with us and is actually doing quite well. Focusing on data center security – Bloom had a very impressive list of customers in 2010 including eBay, Wal-Mart, FedEx, Staples, and Google, which was one of the reasons the company was receiving so much attention in the first place.
[Image credit: joshlowensohn, Flickr Creative Commons] Oxide Fuel Cells solides et la boîte Bloom. Navid Chowdhury December 7, 2011 Submitted as coursework for PH240, Stanford University, Fall 2011 Introductions Distributed Generation (DG) is the idea of generating power on site at the point of consumption (rather than at a central power grid) and it is becoming more and more essential at both commercial and household level. It allows its user the flexibility and control that commercial power grid does not. But more than that, it is the high efficiency and low transmission cost (and loss) that's beginning to drive its cause.
In the past, DG's mainly referred to combustion generators that burnt mostly diesel to generate power. SOFC works the same way as most fuel cells do but instead of a solvent electrolyte it uses a solid electrolyte. At the cathode, oxygen from the air is split into oxygen ions and free electrons. SOFC's are usually stacked together in series to generate power in quantities useful households and commercial institutions. Bloom Energy Server Conclusion References [1] A. Bloom Box: Qu'est-ce que c'est et comment ça marche? It’s being hailed as the Holy Grail of clean energy: a refrigerator-sized personal power plant that produces energy cheaply and cleanly and may one day replace the traditional power grid. Its inventor wants to put one in every home by 2020. Skip to next paragraph Subscribe Today to the Monitor Click Here for your FREE 30 DAYS ofThe Christian Science MonitorWeekly Digital Edition Bloom Box is the creation of Bloom Energy, a Sunnyvale, California-based company that is promising to revolutionize energy with its “power plant in a box.”
So what is Bloom Box? It’s a collection of fuel cells – skinny batteries – that use oxygen and fuel to create electricity with no emissions. Fuel cells are the building blocks of the Bloom Box. The fuel cell stacks are housed in a refrigerator-sized unit – the Bloom Box. About 64 stacks of fuel cells could power a small business like a Starbucks franchise, according to Sridhar’s 60 Minutes interview. Bloom Box and Solar Power. It’s been several weeks now since Bloom Energy unveiled its “Bloom Box.” It’s a new and allegedly affordable solid oxide fuel cell that comes in a small package no bigger than a refrigerator. The point? To someday soon take every home off the grid. Or at least that’s the hope of company founder and CEO K.R. Sridhar. Beginning, after eight years in hiding, with an already famous 60 Minutes story and an official unveiling at eBay’s headquarters, the Bloom Energy Server has received all kinds of hype and some powerful financial backing. eBay, Google, FedEx, Staples and other large companies (20 in total) have been secretly testing the boxes for months to apparent satisfaction.
The Fuel Google and eBay’s units are currently running off natural gas, a fossil fuel, although eBay plans to switch soon to biogas, making the units carbon-neutral. The Bloom Box can also run off ethanol, landfill gas, traditional fuels and, apparently, solar power. 24/7 Power Generation versus Conversion Mr. Clean, Renewable Energy | Bloom Energy Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. BloomEnergy cria eletricidade a partir de O2, 24.02.2010 | Milenar - Construindo um novo Amanhã. Coca Cola, Google, eBay e WalMart estão entre os primeiros clientes de um produto que, surgido nos corredores da NASA, pretende revolucionar o mercado de eletricidade. Trata-se de uma célula de energia capaz de converter oxigênio e praticamente qualquer tipo de combustível, renovável ou não, em eletricidade. A BloomBox foi lançada hoje nos Estados Unidos pela empresa Bloom Energy, que criou suspense por semanas em torno de seu novo servidor. Chamado de Bloom Energy Server, ele promete energia mais limpa, barata e independência da rede elétrica.
Cada servidor fornece 100 kilowatts (kW) de energia, ocupando mais ou menos o tamanho de uma vaga de estacionamento. Isso seria o suficiente para abastecer cerca de 100 casas – embora, por enquanto, ele só esteja disponível para empresas. Sua arquitetura modular permite adição de mais servidores, lado a lado, sem a necessidade de grandes mudanças. A ideia do projeto surgiu quando o CEO e co-fundador da Bloom Energy, Dr. Curtir isso: Filed under: 3. Succès pour La Bloom Box de Bloom Energy. Lundi, 19 Septembre 2011 21:35 Succès pour La Bloom Box de Bloom Energy La start up américaine Bloom Energy, active dans la production d’électricité à pile à combustible, remporte une nouvelle victoire en trouvant 150 millions $ sur les marchés des capitaux.
Depuis sa fondation, l’entreprise a levé plus de 450 millions $ et sa capitalisation et de 2,7 milliards $. Il s’agit du plus grand engagement de capital-risque dans le monde de la pile à combustible. La Bloom Box est une pile à combustible à oxydes solides qui génère de l'électricité via le mouvement des ions d'oxygène. Selon CNN Money, l'entreprise a soulevé à ce jour 450 millions de dollars d'investisseurs dont Apex Venture Partners, DAG Ventures, GSV Capital, Kleiner Perkins Caufield &Byers, Mobius Venture Capital, New Enterprise Associates, SunBridge Partners et Goldman Sachs. La technologie de Blomm Energy a trouvé ses racines dans le programme de la NASA et du projet Mars. Sur le même Sujet Voir la vidéo de CBS (en anglais) La Bloom Box: une centrale électrique pour la maison (vidéo) Exclusif: Le bénéfice de Bloom Energy - Le term sheet: les offres de Fortune Fiche blogTerm. FORTUNE -- For years, the knock on fuel cell maker Bloom Energy Corp. has been that its boxes cost more to make than they cost to buy.
Not exactly the sort of dynamic that would help Bloom make it up on volume. But perhaps things are finally about to change, after 10 years and nearly $1 billion in venture capital funding. Fortune recently obtained confidential documents sent by Bloom to its "significant investors," detailing third quarter earnings and the company's broader financial position. We also have managed to learn some broader context around the numbers, and have received what is believed to be the company's first on-the-record statement about its top-line projections for 2013 (all prior requests for information had gone unanswered). For the uninitiated, Bloom was founded by K.R. Despite the customer wins and technological advancements, however, Bloom has a reputation for burning money.
Okay, not so good. "Bloom Energy is pleased with the substantial progress we have made in 2012. Energy Server - Qu'est-ce que c'est? | Bloom Energy. Built with our patented solid oxide fuel cell technology, Bloom's Energy Server® is a new class of distributed power generator, producing clean, reliable, affordable electricity at the customer site. Fuel cells are devices that convert fuel into electricity through a clean electro-chemical process rather than dirty combustion. They are like batteries except that they always run. Our particular type of fuel cell technology is different than legacy "hydrogen" fuel cells in three main ways: Low cost materials – our cells use a common sand-like powder instead of precious metals like platinum or corrosive materials like acids.
Each Bloom Energy Server provides 200kW of power, enough to meet the baseload needs of 160 average homes or an office building... day and night, in roughly the footprint of a standard parking space. Bloom Box fuel cell officially launched. AT&T to Install More Bloom Boxes. Google using Bloom box to power data center - Data center facilities pro. Bloom Box, la boîte magique qui veut remplacer les centrales électriques. Bloom Box : les promesses d’une pile à combustible à installer chez soi. Bloom Box, l'énigmatique pile à combustible, chez vous dans dix ans ? Ces entreprises qui ont choisi la Bloom Box. Bloom Box … l’énergie du futur. Car Carrier's Powerplant Like a Bloom Box On a Boat | Autopia.