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Cahokia. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Histoire de Cahokia[modifier | modifier le code] Émergence de Cahokia[modifier | modifier le code] La région de Cahokia reste inoccupée jusqu'au VIe siècle ap. J. -C.[5] : à partir de ce moment, des Amérindiens se rassemblent en villages et vivent des produits du jardinage. Une disparition mystérieuse ? Cahokia fut abandonnée avant l'arrivée des Européens en Amérique. Les recherches des archéologues[modifier | modifier le code] Au XIXe siècle, les tumuli restaient mystérieux : certains attribuaient leur construction aux Phéniciens, aux Gallois, aux Scandinaves et même aux Atlantes.
Description[modifier | modifier le code] Le site[modifier | modifier le code] On ne connaît pas le nom du lieu donné par les contemporains, car ceux-ci n'utilisaient aucun système d'écriture. Cahokia fut le principal chef-lieu de la civilisation mississippienne entre 950 à 1250[10]. La « ville »[modifier | modifier le code] Reconstitution d'une tombe d'un chef Charles C. Cahokia. Cahokia was the largest and most influential urban settlement in the Mississippian culture which developed advanced societies across much of what is now the Southeastern United States, beginning more than 500 years before European contact.[5] Cahokia's population at its peak in the 1200s was among the largest cities in the world, and its ancient population would not be surpassed by any city in the United States until the late 18th century. Today, Cahokia Mounds is considered the largest and most complex archaeological site north of the great Pre-Columbian cities in Mexico.
Cahokia Mounds is a National Historic Landmark and designated site for state protection. In addition, it is one of only 21 UNESCO World Heritage Sites within the United States. It is the largest prehistoric earthen construction in the Americas north of Mexico.[4] The site is open to the public and administered by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, and is supported by the Cahokia Mounds Museum Society. Mound 72. Ancient Cahokia. CAHOKIA. The Cahokia were an American Indian tribe indigenous to the Midwest. The tribe is extinct. Their descendants may have accompanied the Confederated Peoria to Oklahoma in 1867. The Cahokia were members of the Illinois, a group of approximately twelve Algonquian-speaking tribes who occupied areas of present Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, and Arkansas. Although little is known about their culture, the Cahokia were not related to the prehistoric inhabitants of the Cahokia Mounds, which are located near Collinsville, Illinois.
That ancient site was named for the Cahokia who dwelled nearby during the late seventeenth century. The Cahokia resided in present Illinois near the confluence of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers when Father Jacques Marquette visited the region in 1673. The Tamaroa separated from the Cahokia in 1701. The Cahokia and the Michigamea were soon assimilated by the Kaskaskia and were recognized as such by the United States in 1803. Jon D. . © Oklahoma Historical Society. Cahokia: America’s Lost City. If they ever build a Wal-Mart at Machu Picchu, I will think of Collinsville Road. I'm standing at the center of what was once the greatest civilization between the deserts of Mexico and the North American Arctic—America's first city and arguably American Indians' finest achievement—and I just can't get past the four-lane gash that cuts through this historic site.
Instead of imagining the thousands of people who once teemed on the grand plaza here, I keep returning to the fact that Cahokia Mounds in Illinois is one of only eight cultural World Heritage sites in the United States, and it's got a billboard for Joe's Carpet King smack in the middle of it. But I suppose Cahokia is lucky. Less than ten miles to the west, the ancient Indian mounds that gave St. Site historique d'Etat des Cahokia Mounds. Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site Cahokia Mounds, some 13 km north-east of St Louis, Missouri, is the largest pre-Columbian settlement north of Mexico. It was occupied primarily during the Mississippian period (800–1400), when it covered nearly 1,600 ha and included some 120 mounds. It is a striking example of a complex chiefdom society, with many satellite mound centres and numerous outlying hamlets and villages.
This agricultural society may have had a population of 10–20,000 at its peak between 1050 and 1150. Primary features at the site include Monks Mound, the largest prehistoric earthwork in the Americas, covering over 5 ha and standing 30 m high. La description est disponible sous licence CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0 Site historique d'Etat des Cahokia Mounds Le site des Cahokia Mounds, à environ 13 km au nord de Saint Louis, Missouri, représente le plus grand foyer de peuplement précolombien au nord du Mexique. الموقع التاريخي لولاية الكاهوكيا ماوندز 卡俄基亚土丘历史遗址 カホキア墳丘群州立史跡 source: NFUAJ Intégrité. Site d'État des Cahokia Mounds et Cahokia Mounds Museum Society.