Photos Nan Madol. Nam Madol Google Maps. Nan Madol. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] Quoi qu'il en soit, les recherches archéologiques montrent que Nan Madol fut le lieu d'une activité humaine dès le premier ou le IIe siècle de notre ère. Au VIIIe siècle ou IXe siècle, la construction des îlots commence, mais l'architecture mégalitique n'a probablement pas commencé avant le XIIe siècle ou le début du XIIIe siècle. De la tradition orale, peu de choses peuvent être vérifiées sur la construction des mégalithes. Organisation de la cité[modifier | modifier le code] Carte du centre de Nan Madol Selon les données archéologiques, Nan Madol a été un lieu de résidence pour la noblesse et d'activités funéraires présidées par des prêtres.
La population de Nan Madol ne devait probablement pas dépasser 1 000 personnes, même si elle a pu doubler occasionnellement. Madol Powe, le secteur mortuaire, comprend 58 îles dans la zone nord de Nan Madol. Approvisionnements[modifier | modifier le code] L’énigme de Nan Madol — BIBLIOTHÈQUE EN LIGNE Watchtower. Qui a bâti la “ Venise du Pacifique ” ? Comment ? Pourquoi a-t-elle été abandonnée ? AIMEZ-VOUS les énigmes, surtout celles qui ont un petit goût d’aventure ? Dans ce cas, venez visiter les ruines de Nan Madol, un site énigmatique qui, depuis des siècles, laisse bien des visiteurs perplexes. Nan Madol est un fascinant dédale d’îlots et de canaux artificiels construits il y a 1 000 ans sur des récifs qui bordent l’île micronésienne de Pohnpei*. Ce qui frappe en premier, ce sont les murs énormes ; certains sont aussi longs qu’un pâté de maisons. Nan Madol signifie “ espaces de séparation ”, ce qui évoque bien le complexe de canaux artificiels qui entourent les îlots.
Nos deux guides nous apprennent que Nan Madol a une superficie d’environ 80 hectares. La forteresse Nan Douwas est le meilleur endroit pour admirer l’énigmatique Nan Madol. Une fois accostés, nous gravissons les marches qui mènent directement à l’ancien temple de Nan Douwas. Des matériaux de construction inhabituels. Ruines mégalithiques de Nan Madol: 1. Nan Madol - Inclassables de Histoire, Mythes & légendes. Nan Madol est un site de contruction mégalithique humaine remarquable, situé sur l'île de Ponhpei (île volcanique) dans le Pacifique, en Micronésie : Le site de Nan Madol se situe sur l'île de Tewmen rattachée à Pohnpei au sud(est. Pohnpei est la plus grande île de Micronésie et à l'époque de sa découverte elle comptait pas moins de 30 000 résidents. Il n'en reste aujourd'hui que 200. L'hécatombe fut provoquée par l'arrivée de colons venus de l'ouest. Le site de Nan Madol est construit sur la côte rocheuse de l'île de Temwen avec nombres de colonnes en basalt.
La masse totale de leur masse serait approximativement de 700 000 m3. Le site comporte 90 "îles artificielles" au niveau de l'océan, avec des canaux. La plus proche région basaltique se trouve très loin (pas trouvé où). Chaque colonne a un poids variant de 20à 30 tonnes. certains ont essayé de transporter des colonnes de même types, mais la limite de flotaison d'une barge en bambou est de 1 tonne. Nan Madol. The name Nan Madol means "spaces between" and is a reference to the canals that crisscross the ruins.
The original name was Soun Nan-leng (Reef of Heaven), according to Gene Ashby in his book Pohnpei, An Island Argosy.[9] It is often called the "Venice of the Pacific"[10] History[edit] Central Nan Madol Nan Madol Nan Madol was the ceremonial and political seat of the Saudeleur dynasty, which united Pohnpei's estimated 25,000 people until about 1628.[3] Set apart between the main island of Pohnpei and Temwen Island, it was a scene of human activity as early as the first or second century CE. By the 8th or 9th century islet construction had started, but the distinctive megalithic architecture was probably not begun until perhaps the 12th or early 13th century. Little can be verified about the megalithic construction. According to Pohnpeian legend, Nan Madol was constructed by twin sorcerers Olisihpa and Olosohpa from the mythical Western Katau, or Kanamwayso.
Purpose and features[edit] Nan Madol Ruins. "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming" Off the coast of a remote Micronesian island lay the ruins of a once-great city of man-made stone islands that inspired the city of R'lyeh in H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. Impressive in their own right, these ruins represent the remains of megalithic architecture on an unparalleled scale in Micronesia. Evidence of the earliest human activity dates back to the first or second century BC. The complex of Nan Madol is constructed on a series of artificial islets in the shallow water next to the eastern shore of the Pohnpei island. Nan Madol seems to have housed the ruling elite caste of Saudeleur dynasty. Most of the islets served as residential area, however some of them served special purpose, such as food preparation, coconut oil production or canoe construction.
The population of Nan Madol was probably more than 1000 at a time when whole population of Pohnpei barely reached 25,000. Nan Madol: The City Built on Coral Reefs. We zigzag slowly in our skiff around the shallow coral heads surrounding Pohnpei. The island, a little smaller than New York City, is part of the Federated States of Micronesia. It is nestled in a vast tapestry of coral reefs. Beyond the breakers, the Pacific stretches 5,578 miles to California. A stingray dashes in front of us, flying underwater like a butterfly alongside our bow. Our destination is Nan Madol, near the southern side of the island, the only ancient city ever built atop of a coral reef. Abandoned centuries ago and now mostly covered with jungle, Nan Madol may soon be getting a makeover. We nuzzle up to land and jump onto the remnants of a sea wall. Aside from Easter Island, Nan Madol is the main archaeological site in Oceania that is made up of huge rocks.
“Nan Madol is one of the most significant sites not yet on the World Heritage List,” says Richard Engelhart, an archaeologist and former Unesco adviser for Asia and the Pacific. Sadly, neither do I. Nan Madol. Nan Madol High thermal mass architecture does have historic precedent in Micronesia. The ruins of Nan Madol are good examples of this. Built on the southeastern end of Pohnpei, they were constructed over a period of 1000 years, from 500 AD to the mid 1500’s. It is not known whether the original builders considered the advantage of a high thermal mass assembly cooled through conductivity and evaporation via the surrounding ocean water, when they chose this method of construction.
They were probably more concerned with durability and defense. Today there is an understanding of the concept of cooling through the use of shaded thermal mass. Some of the people I met considered concrete construction to be one of the best methods of cooling available though I rarely saw this procedure done well. Usually the use of concrete was done with minimum roof overhang, allowing direct solar gains into the living space as well as heating the building in general. Nan Madol. View of Nan Dauas islet, reserved for Saudeleur burials, with its graceful walls built of columnar basalt.
Close-up of columnar basalt wall construction at Nan Dauas. The central burial vault at Nan Dauas. The slender basalt columns covering the burial vault are each about 5 meters long. Project: Archaeological Investigations at Nan Madol, Pohnpei (Micronesia)Principal Investigator: J. Stephen Athens, Ph.D. Investigations conducted in 1979-80, 1982, and 1984. Nan Madol is an imposing megalithic archaeological complex composed of over 90 rectilinear islets constructed on the reef flat next to Temwen Island in Pohnpei’s lagoon. Pohnpeian oral tradition relates that Nan Madol was the residential, religious, and administrative center of the Saudeleur rulers.
The early inhabitants made and used earthenware pottery, though it ceased to be made by AD 1100. The architectural achievement of the most famous islet, Nan Dauas, which was reserved for chiefly burials, is truly remarkable. La cité ancienne de Nan Madol. La cité ancienne de Nan Madol - 01-2012 - updated 04-2015 Nan Madol est une ville en ruine qui se trouve dans la partie sud-est de l'île de Pohnpei (actuellement l'un des quatre États fédérés de Micronésie).
C'est un site constitué d'une série d'îlots artificiels qui fut la capitale de la dynastie Sau Deleur jusqu'aux alentours de 1500. Le nom de « Nan Madol », qui signifie « intervalles », fait référence aux canaux présents sur le site. Elle est souvent baptisée la « Venise du Pacifique ». Tombe Royale C'est le lieu d'une activité humaine dès le premier ou le iie siècle de notre ère. L'histoire locale raconte que lorsque Nan Madol a été construite, un puissant magicien vivant dans la région a été sollicité et que son aide a été un facteur important dans l'achèvement de la construction. "Magistrale leçon d’architecture pour les colonisateurs qui se succédèrent à rapide cadence dès 1886 sur Ponhpei et dont les vestiges de leur présence se résument à peu de choses. Nan Madol Lelu. Mysterious City of Nan Madol - Archeology. Nan madol map Nan Madol is a ruined city that lies off the eastern shore of the island of Pohnpei, in the Federated States of Micronesia, and was the capital of the Saudeleur dynasty until about AD 1500.
The Megalithic city consists of a series of small artificial islands linked by a network of canals and is often called the “Venice of the Pacific“. The name Nan Madol means “spaces between” and is a reference to the canals that crisscross the ruins.The original name was Soun Nan-leng (Reef of Heaven). The Mysteries of Nan Madol The technologies of ancient civilizations continue to baffle scientific explanation. This cornerstone Nandowas is believed to weigh up to 60 tons!. Food and water Why would someone build a city on coral reefs that rises only five feet above water? The elite center was a special place of residence for the nobility and of mortuary activities presided over by priests. The Lost Platinum Coffins of the Kings The Giants of Nan Madol nan madol ruins Related Articles : Civilisations perdues Nan Madol.
The Mysterious Nan Madol. A short distance off the coast of the remote Micronesian island of Pohnpei lies one of the greatest archeological mysteries in the world, the Lost City of Nan Madol. Built on an ancient coral reef and covering more than 11 square miles, this ancient city is made up of hundreds of artificial islets, intersected by numerous manmade canals. Even more curious, many of the city’s larger islands are connected by submerged tunnels.
First discovered in the early 1800’s by European sailors, this baffling and immense megalithic stone city may contain evidence for the fabled lost continent of Mu. The mysterious Nan Madol is built entirely out of gigantic magnetized basalt crystals, some weighing as much as fifty tons. How this city came into existence, continues to baffle archeologists. Nan Madol is steeped in scientific controversy and legend. The origin of the basalt building stones of Nan Madol is unknown. By any measure, the city is impressive. By: Dr. The Mystery Behind the Ancient Stone City of Nan Madol. MYSTERIOUS NAN MADOL. Mysterious Nan Madol, Pohnpei Set apart on the main island of Pohnpei, the ceremonial centre was the scene of human activity as early as the first or second century AD. By the 8th or 9th century, islet construction had begun, but the distinctive megalithic architecture of Nan Madol probably was not begun until perhaps the latter 12th or early 13th century.
The Environs of Nan Madol, Pohnpei, based on the 1983 U.S. Geological Survey of Pohnpei. The elite centre was a special place of residence for the nobility and of mortuary activities presided over by priests. Its population almost certainly did not exceed 1,000 and may have been less than half that. Madol Powe, the mortuary sector contains 58 islets in the northeastern area of Nan Madol. An impressive portal marks the entry into the mortuary enclosure of Nandauwas, the crowning achievement of Nan Madol. Walls up to 25 feet high surround the royal tomb compound of Nandauwas. The mortuary islet of Karian anchors the east corner of Nan Madol. Nan Madol: le trésor secret des Pacific501 Places.
Approaching Nan Madol by boat there is little sense of the scale of the ruins that are about to surround us. The choppy waves of the Pacific subside as we make our way through narrowing mangrove channels until finally we see the first basalt columns above the clear water. A moment later there is no doubt the size of this ancient site, sitting to the south-east of the Micronesian island of Pohnpei. Nan Madol is probably the world’s most important historical treasure not to have been added to the UNESCO World Heritage list. Facts and legends about Nan Madol merge freely, leaving those looking for knowledge about the site unsure what to accept. What is known for sure is the foundations for the site were constructed in the 8th or 9th centuries AD, with the striking architecture being built around the 13th century.
The site is spread across more than 200 acres and consists of 92 man-made islands; the only ancient city in the world to have been built out of stone on a coral reef. The Gold of The Gods - 04. 4 - Temuen, The Island They Call Nan Madol The Caroline Islands form the largest archipelago in Micronesia; there are more than 500 of them, with a total area of 617 square miles. With its 183 square miles, Ponape is the biggest of the Caroline Islands, three times as big as the Principality of Liechtenstein and with roughly the same population of 18,000 inhabitants. The climate is tropical and most of the island is mountainous and uninhabitable. Ponape is surrounded by a girdle of other islands, islets and coral reefs. Temuen is the site of the mighty ruins of Nan Madol, which occupy nearly the whole of the island and account for its importance and fame, so that Temuen has long been known colloquially as Nan Madol. These are the historically established dates concerning the island of Ponape and its satellite islets: 1595 Pedro Fernandes de Quiros, a Portuguese, landed from the San Geronimo.
Those are the undisputed historical data about Ponape. We shall see why. Fig. 46. Fig. 47. Fig. 48. Engineering Marvel: The Mysterious Ruins of Nan Madol. Engineering Marvel: The Mysterious Ruins of Nan Madol Article by Steph, filed under Destinations & Sights in the Travel category. The only ancient city ever built upon a coral reef, Nan Madol is a marvel of ancient engineering so complex, no one can figure out how it was conceived and built starting in the 8th or 9th century CE.
Nan Madol is located off the island of Pohnpei in the present-day Federated States of Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean, and consists of nearly 100 small artificial islands bordered by tidal canals. The people who built it – the Saudeleur – ruled these islands for more than a millennium, yet there is nothing left of them but legend and the crumbling black basalt ruins.
The Nahnmwarki people, who overthrew the last Saudeleur leader and killed the islands’ inhabitants, found themselves unable to withstand the difficult lifestyle of living at Nan Madol, which required food and fresh water to be brought over from the main island. The Lost City Of Nan Madol. Dans le dédale de Nan Madol.