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Chip Shortage: Taiwan, South Korea’s Manufacturing Lead Worries U.S., China. There’s nothing like a supply shock to illuminate the tectonic shifts in an industry, laying bare the accumulations of market power that have accrued over years of incremental change.

Chip Shortage: Taiwan, South Korea’s Manufacturing Lead Worries U.S., China

That’s what’s happened in the $400 billion semiconductor industry, where a shortage of certain kinds of chips is shining a light on the dominance of South Korean and Taiwanese companies. Demand for microprocessors was already running hot before the pandemic hit, fueled by the advent of a host of new applications, including 5G, self-driving vehicles, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things. Semiconductor tech trends favor China - Nikkei Asia. TOKYO -- Yukio Sakamoto, a 73-year-old Japanese chipmaking business veteran, last fall took a senior vice president position at Tsinghua Unigroup, a leading Chinese high-tech conglomerate affiliated with the renowned Tsinghua University.

Semiconductor tech trends favor China - Nikkei Asia

His role is to oversee the launching of a DRAM memory-chip manufacturing business. It looked like a bold decision and perhaps an ill-conceived move considering the U.S. -China technology rivalry was growing nastier. The U.S. continues to throw one punch after another at Chinese semiconductor makers Huawei Technology and Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp., known as SMIC, making the idea of launching a new chipmaking business in China appear daunting.

Arm deal is drawing UK into damaging US-China tech war. Tensions Continue to Rise Between the U.S. and China as President Trump Issues Executive Orders. Late on Thursday, President Trump issued executive orders threatening to ban the popular Chinese apps TikTok and WeChat in the U.S. in the next 45 days.

Tensions Continue to Rise Between the U.S. and China as President Trump Issues Executive Orders

DigiChina AI report 20191029. U.S. Allows Google Internet Project to Advance Only if Hong Kong Is Cut Out. AI is an Ideology, Not a Technology. Guerras digitales. El gobierno español, conformado por una alianza entre el Partido Socialista, la izquierda de Juntas Podemos y partidos nacionalistas de diversas regiones autonómicas, aprobó en el último mes la denominada Tasa de Servicios Digitales.

Guerras digitales

Dicho tributo busca impedir que las grandes plataformas como Google, Facebook y Amazon logren evadir impuestos a través del desvío hacia guaridas fiscales. La aprobación del gravamen, que supondrá una recaudación adicional de 2.000 millones de euros anuales, se inicia a fin de enero a pesar de que Washington amenazó en forma reiterada en establecer aranceles especiales contra Madrid. El gobierno de Trump exige que los impuestos a las actividades digitales sean abordados en forma conjunta en el marco de la OCDE y del G-20. Francia aprobó una tasa similar, pero pospuso su aplicación hasta fines de 2020 en aras de llegar a un acuerdo multilateral a través de negociaciones que se extenderán durante el año en curso. ANGR preocupada por estancamiento de la inversión en la Red Dorsal. Top Facebook exec says Trump ran best digital ad campaign ever in 2016. Andrew Bosworth AKA Boz, an advertising expert for Facebook, gives a talk at the Online Marketing Rockstars marketing trade show in Hamburg, Germany, 03 March 2017.

Top Facebook exec says Trump ran best digital ad campaign ever in 2016

Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa | usage worldwide (Photo by Christian Charisius/picture alliance via Getty Images) Christian Charisius | picture alliance | Getty Images Facebook Vice President Andrew “Boz” Bosworth said the company was responsible for getting President Donald Trump elected in the 2016 U.S. election because “he ran the single best digital ad campaign I’ve ever seen from any advertiser.” Gobierno posterga instalación red para 5G - Brasil. 5G Is Where China and the West Finally Diverge. Against these attitudes, Pompeo and others sounding alarms about Huawei can be perfunctorily dismissed as protectionists, xenophobes, or military hawks.

5G Is Where China and the West Finally Diverge

The American secretary of state has become a particular target of criticism in China, where government officials and the media have described him as a font of “lies and fallacies” and a “Cold War warrior.” Yet the West has ample reason for caution about Chinese 5G suppliers. For one, the recent Chinese National Intelligence Law requires these companies to comply with Communist Party demands to turn over data or otherwise engage in snooping or network-disruption activities. Party-backed actors in China’s public and private sectors also have a long record of cyberattacks on the West, including stealing intellectual property from companies and sensitive personal information on citizens. The case against Huawei isn’t just guilt by association. Big Tech’s Big Defector. Roger McNamee started his career in 1982, as a twenty-six-year-old analyst at the investment firm T.

Big Tech’s Big Defector

Rowe Price. The personal-computer revolution was just beginning. Departure of the founders - Who will control Alphabet once Sergey Brin and Larry Page are gone? “YEAH, OK, WHY not?

Departure of the founders - Who will control Alphabet once Sergey Brin and Larry Page are gone?

I’ll just give it a try.” The Qualcomm Case: Why China Uses U.S. Technology Americans Are Locked Out Of. Hi,

The Qualcomm Case: Why China Uses U.S. Technology Americans Are Locked Out Of

145 years after Jules Verne dreamed up a hydrogen future, it has arrived. In 1874, science fiction author Jules Verne set out a prescient vision that has inspired governments and entrepreneurs in the 145 years since.

145 years after Jules Verne dreamed up a hydrogen future, it has arrived

In his book The Mysterious Island, Verne wrote of a world where “water will one day be employed as fuel, that hydrogen and oxygen which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an inexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity of which coal is not capable”. Australia now has a map to help realise Verne’s vision. Over the past 11 months, I have led the development of a National Hydrogen Strategy. Who’s Afraid of Huawei? Understanding the 5G Security Concerns. As countries move towards the fifth generation of mobile broadband, 5G, the United States has been loudly calling out Huawei as a security threat.

It has employed alarmist rhetoric and threatened to limit trade and intelligence sharing with close allies that use Huawei in their 5G infrastructure. While some countries such as Australia have adopted a hard line against Huawei, others like the UK have been more circumspect, arguing that the risks of using the firm’s technology can be mitigated without forgoing the benefits. How Is New Technology Driving Geopolitical Relations? New technology such as 5G, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and robotics have become, now more than ever, intertwined with geopolitical, economic and trade interests. Leading powers are using new technology to exert power and influence and to shape geopolitics more generally. The ongoing race between the US and China around 5G technology is a case in point. Amid these tensions, the impact on developing countries is not sufficiently addressed.

Arguably, the existing digital divide will increase leading developing countries to the early, if not hasty, adoption of new technology for fear of lagging behind. EU–US Relations on Internet Governance. Beyonddisruption chapter 2. Loon llevará internet móvil con globos aéreos a Amazonía peruana. Comunicado de prensa de Loon 21 de noviembre de 2019 Internet Para Todos Perú (IpT) y Loon han llegado a un acuerdo para utilizar los globos a gran altitud de Loon para expandir el acceso a internet móvil a los clientes de Telefónica en la Amazonia peruana en 2020. Loon es una filial de Alphabet, la compañía matriz de Google. IpT es un operador de infraestructura móvil rural mayorista -creado por Telefónica, Facebook, BID Invest y CAF- que bajo un modelo innovador busca contribuir a cerrar la brecha digital en el Perú al brindar acceso a internet móvil de alta velocidad a comunidades rurales donde el despliegue de infraestructura de telecomunicaciones convencional es muy limitado por su alto coste.

Loon e IpT trabajarán juntos para ofrecer servicio en Loreto, una de las regiones más grandes del país, llevando acceso a internet móvil a los clientes de Telefónica. Loon y Telefónica iniciaron su colaboración en Perú en 2014 con las primeras pruebas de esta tecnología. Citas de las compañías. Loon wishes to offer internet connection through balloons in Peru's rural areas. "We are in discussions with telcos globally looking for innovative ways to address the challenges of rural and remote connectivity in their markets," Loon Communications Head Scott Coriell told Andina news agency. In merely 48 hours, it was able to connect —with 4G technology— over 20,000 people impacted by the earthquake that hit Peru's rainforest cities of Yurimaguas, Moyobamba, and Iquitos. "Loon is not an emergency service. However, since we have been testing (it) in the area where people have needed to stay in touch, we have been able to provide basic 4G internet connectivity when needed," Coriell said.

"So, we hope to continue our presence in Peru and provide connectivity services on a non-emergency basis in the future," he added. It should be noted Loon had started testing in Peru three years ago, in 2016. Perú, Colombia, Ecuador y Bolivia denuncian decisión sobre dominio Amazon. America’s War on Chinese Technology by Jeffrey D. Sachs. In the run up to the Iraq War, then-US Vice President Richard Cheney declared that even if the risk of weapons of mass destruction falling into terrorist hands was tiny, say 1%, we should act as if it were certain by invading.

The US is at it again, creating a panic over Chinese technologies by exaggerating tiny risks. NEW YORK – The worst foreign-policy decision by the United States of the last generation – and perhaps longer – was the “war of choice” that it launched in Iraq in 2003 for the stated purpose of eliminating weapons of mass destruction that did not, in fact, exist.

The Rise of Nationalism After the Fall of the Berlin Wall by George Soros. Following the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, open societies were triumphant and international cooperation became the dominant creed. Thirty years later, however, nationalism has turned out to be much more powerful and disruptive than internationalism. BERLIN – The fall of the Berlin Wall on the night of November 8, 1989 dramatically and suddenly accelerated the collapse of communism in Europe. The end of travel restrictions between East and West Germany dealt a death blow to the closed society of the Soviet Union. - Are you a robot? CHHJ7480 US China Competition RP WEB. Monsanto wins $7.7b lawsuit in Brazil – but farmers' fight to stop its ‘amoral’ royalty system will continue. A Brazilian appeals court has decided in favor of Monsanto, the global agribusiness conglomerate, in a landmark class-action lawsuit filed by Brazilian farmers’ unions.

The court’s nine justices unanimously ruled on Oct. 9 that farmers cannot save seeds for replanting if the seeds are harvested from Monsanto’s patented Roundup Ready soybeans, which are genetically engineered to withstand direct application of the company’s Roundup herbicide. The Brazilian ruling aligns with similar decisions in the U.S. and Canada. Argentina da luz verde al centro de datos de Amazon con inversión de US$800 millones. La resolución señala que el impacto del proyecto estima incorporar unos US$400 millones al PIB de Argentina.

The guts of an Apple iPhone show exactly what Trump gets wrong about trade. 5G Real Security Threats Lost in Trump's Twitter Diplomacy. Welcome to the New Phase of US-China Tech Competition. The previous era entwined the two economies. This one is splitting them apart. It came without a breaking news alert or presidential tweet, but the technological competition with China entered a new phase last month. Several developments quietly heralded this shift: Cross-border investments between the United States and China plunged to their lowest levels since 2014, with the tech sector suffering the most precipitous drop. How Trump's Huawei Decision Could Shake Up Tech Stocks. Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies Co. The Hidden History of How the Government Kick-Started Silicon Valley. How China Plans to Beat GM, Tesla and Nissan In Electric Cars. China steps up threat to deprive US of rare earths.

El dominio amazon un accidente diplomatico en el mundo de las tics. Amazon consolidará datos espaciales de grandes telescopios chilenos: ejecutivo - Reuters. Next-Gen Megascope for Astronomy Taking Shape on Chilean Mountaintop. Argentina or Chile? South American nations battle each other out for AWS data centre.

Digital Realty and Ascenty set to build Chile data centre. Google concludes California to Chile undersea cable link. Next-Gen Megascope for Astronomy Taking Shape on Chilean Mountaintop. Israel’s Silent Cyberpower Is Reshaping the Middle East. - The Washington Post. The “neuropolitics” consultants who hack voters’ brains.