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Author Assists

Author Assists is a language solution company offering services from English Language Editing at Different levels, Proofreading, Book Editing, Translation to Graphics and Cover Designs.

Book Editing Services for Academic Authors. Book Editing Services for Academic Authors. Advanced Translation Services. Multimedia Courses and Training in Gandhinagar. If you want to make a career in web designing or you have interest in becoming a graphic designer you need to join a multimedia course.

Multimedia Courses and Training in Gandhinagar

This course will teach you how different elements of graphics and design come together to relay the message effectively through the digital or print medium. Today digital media is the way to go for any form of communication may it be advertising or entertainment, political messages or just simple knowledge sharing. There are many training institutes that offer Animation and multimedia courses in Gandhinagar. It is important you choose the one that has faculty with the experience and ability to convey course to you in the easiest way that you can understand clearly. Also, your institute should have adequate infrastructure to teach you all the software that is needed. About Multimedia Courses The main aim of the multimedia course is to teach students about graphics designing using software suite like Adobe Creative suit. Author Assists — The Ultimate Guide to Draft a Comprehensive... What is Open Access Publishing and How does It Benefit the Authors? Under academic writing, Open access is a process by which readers get unrestricted access to academic articles and papers online.

What is Open Access Publishing and How does It Benefit the Authors?

The articles and other publication data available can be viewed, accessed, downloaded, and distributed for educational purpose. In open access, readers can access the research papers and thesis published in journals free of cost. Open access started as an international movement to remove any kind of financial, legal, or technical barrier that a researcher might face while accessing scientific and academic literature. How to Write a Thesis for Your Scientific Manuscript? Social media: The Tool to Promote Your Scientific Manuscript Online. A research paper informs the scientific community about the latest developments and helps researchers with career advancement.

Social media: The Tool to Promote Your Scientific Manuscript Online

A researcher’s professional success is evaluated based on the type of journal their work is published in. The quality and reach of a journal weigh more than publishing acceptance. One way to ensure that the researcher’s work is acknowledged is to increase the number of citations as it indirectly affects the visibility of an article. Why Choose Social Media? With an increase in the total number of scientific journals published every year, authors and scholars have started to rely on digital platforms to promote their research. According to the latest Global Digital Report, there has been an 9.1% increase of internet users across the world. Such type of platforms with their high reach allows researchers and scientists to make new contacts and promote their work in the research community. Various Social Media Platforms Facebook: LinkedIn: Research Promotion: How can Authors Promote their Published Research? If you have finally published your research paper in a reputed journal, then you are more than half-way on the publishing cycle.

Research Promotion: How can Authors Promote their Published Research?

With thousands of research papers published every day, getting the appreciation you deserve can be a challenge for you. Using social media, you can promote your article online and connect with fellow researchers in your community. Ways to Make Your Paper Accessible to the Audience Keyword Insertion: With the right use of keywords in the title, introduction, and abstract, you can make your paper searchable.

Personal Account: Create your ID on any of the social media platforms you prefer. Podcast: Communicate with your audience in real time by doing a podcast or go live. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) Account: Register on ORCID and get a unique digital identification number to increase your online visibility. Thesis Statement: Author Assists — How to Develop a Strong Hypothesis for a... How to Use Altmetrics to Assess the Overall Research Impact? What is the Importance of Manuscript Formatting Services? : authorassists — LiveJournal.

Journal Selection: Use Advanced Digital Tools to Select the Best Academic Journal Online. Author Assists — Journal Selection: A Systematic Way to Pick a... How to Start a Scientific Blog to Promote Your Research? A scientific blog is a medium by which researchers can share their PhD thesis and generate curiosity in the target audience.

How to Start a Scientific Blog to Promote Your Research?

If you are working on a scientific manuscript or have just finished writing a social science research paper, then starting a scientific research blog will help you communicate your findings with the world. According to the recent data released by WordPress, 69.3 million new blog posts are uploaded each month. By 2020, there will be around 31.7 million bloggers in the U.S., says Statista. If there are papers and research published under your name, you can easily promote them on your blog. Know all About the Journal Paper Format with a Pre-Submission Inquiry: authorassists — LiveJournal. Searching for a suitable journal that publishes research articles and reports in their field of study is a challenge for new authors.

Know all About the Journal Paper Format with a Pre-Submission Inquiry: authorassists — LiveJournal

Why Should Authors Send a Pre-Submission Inquiry Before Submitting their Academic Manuscript? For any author, the purpose of writing an academic manuscript is to get it published in reputed and acclaimed journals.

Why Should Authors Send a Pre-Submission Inquiry Before Submitting their Academic Manuscript?

Researchers would always prefer to choose a journal that has a wide readership and a high Impact Factor. Once the author is done with the final draft of the manuscript, they start their investigation on: 1. Whether or not a journal is open to accepting manuscript submission. 2. 3. 4. 5. Author Assists — Writing and Editing Services: How to Include... English Editing: How to Write a Professionally Effective Research Manuscript?

Writing a professionally effective manuscript requires a lot of research where the author presents information in a systematic way without compromising on quality.

English Editing: How to Write a Professionally Effective Research Manuscript?

Academic manuscripts are written for a targeted group of readers who are experts in their field of study. The manuscript should be well written and formatted according to guidelines provided. The language used in a research paper should be clear, concise, and formal to facilitate understanding without any difficulty. Authors should have a specific goal in their mind so that they can zero in on where and how they should start. An academic paper should meet quality standards of international journals, and this can be done by following set rules and guidelines. How to Increase the Chance Of Journal Paper Acceptance? / Feedback Forum / Seeking Alpha. A manuscript or a research paper submitted by an author is carefully screened by the editorial department.

How to Increase the Chance Of Journal Paper Acceptance? / Feedback Forum / Seeking Alpha

Every journal publishing company follows a well-defined process in order to identify whether the research is the right fit for their journal or not. High-impact journals receive thousands of submissions every day which makes it even more important for authors to ensure that they make no mistakes while submitting the manuscript. The first and foremost thing an author can do is abide by the formatting guidelines provided by the journal. There are many factors that the authors should consider after finishing the final draft of the manuscript. From checking the document for grammar to drafting an informative abstract, there are plenty of things an author can do to increase the chances of manuscript acceptance.

There are common mistakes that most of the authors make during manuscript submission such as: Five Reasons why Research Papers are Rejected by Publishing Companies: What Authors can do to Prevent their Academic Paper from Getting Rejected by Publishers? An academic paper editor or article published in a reputed international journal helps authors gain credibility in the research community.

What Authors can do to Prevent their Academic Paper from Getting Rejected by Publishers?

Writing a research or review article requires a lot of effort and commitment. Proofreading and Editing - Open Access Journals and Predatory Journals. Technology has changed the way people used to access information. Scholars and authors rely heavily on the internet to gather important data and information to prepare their research paper. With the advent of Open Access Journals, nowadays authors have unrestricted access to scientific journals or manuscripts uploaded online. Open Access Journals offer a common platform to authors where they can access journals at no extra cost and include evidence and source material in their manuscript.

How to Avoid Plagiarism While Drafting a Scientific Research Paper? With the internet coming in handy, access to research papers and other related information sources has become extremely easy for online users. A researcher relies on internet sources to gather essential information and data to make use of it for writing a research paper. As part of writing a physical science research paper, scholars tend to look for supporting material that can help them prove the credibility of their work. To add supporting evidence to their research, authors often quote scholars and add citations. Authors should always add the name of the original source or source link or else their work would be considered as plagiarized. Plagiarism is simply an act of using someone else’s work as your own without quoting the person or giving the credit to them. Journal Selection: Tips to Simplify the Process of Journal Selection. Journal Selection: How to Determine the Overall Quality of the Journal before Submission?: authorassists — LiveJournal.

Research Editing Services A researcher spends months and years drafting the perfect manuscript. As research involves a scientific and systematic exploration of new knowledge, a manuscript usually contains well-researched information in the form of facts, data analysis, figures, tables/graphs, and relevant references. Drafting a manuscript is only the starting point to a long journey in the field of journal publishing. There are a lot of steps involved when it comes to publishing an academic manuscript, out of which the first one is preparing the list of top reputed journals. Information about the journal’s article word limit and bibliographic style will help researchers make their papers worthy of publication.

Research editors do not review a paper written in a different field of study and format. Journal Publishing Lifecycle: Understand the Publishing Concepts to become a Published Author. Writing an academic manuscript calls for a lot of research, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation. Author Assists. Author Assists logo.