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Strategy, BLP, AfL, PDC

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Do you even L.I.F.T (using Google Docs)? – mrvinalesmfl. The one metacognitive strategy (courtesy of Dr Gianfranco Conti) that has made the biggest difference to my teaching and learning this year. For exactly a decade I have looked, as countless others, for the best way to give feedback to my students of Spanish and French. I searched high and low, and experimented with different techniques, from highlighting work in a complex array of colours and creating alphanumerical codes to enlighten students as to the grammatical excellence, and folly, of their ways.

After all, I have always been a proponent of deep-reflection and tried to aid students by encouraging them to really think about where they have gone wrong, and providing structures for them to analyse and self-correct. But, for all the value of the above, there was an important piece of the puzzle still missing. L.I.F.T provides such a simple and obvious solution to such a time old problem that a large part of me feels a sense of shame that I didn’t think of it myself years ago! 2. 3. 4. What-Makes-Great-Teaching-REPORT.pdf. CPD sustained effects - summary. This summary briefly sets out the background, rationale and methods used to conduct this systematic review. The results are outlined in relation to the design, content, methodology and context of the studies involved. The summary then outlines the findings in relation to the review questions and concludes with implications for practitioners and policy-makers.

Background Our concern as a Review Group is to help inform practical choices made by those who choose continuing professional development (CPD) activities and those who plan them. This review, comparing the impact of collaborative and individually oriented CPD, builds upon an initial review which only explored the impact of collaborative CPD on teaching and learning. Aims Definitions For the purposes of this review, 'collaborative CPD' refers to programmes where there were specific plans to encourage and enable shared learning and support between at least two teacher colleagues on a sustained basis.

Review questions Rationale Methods.


Engaging Students | Center for Teaching and Learning. Good Practice Uses Active Learning Techniques "Learning is not a spectator sport. Students do not learn much just sitting in classes listening to teachers, memorizing prepackaged assignments, and spitting out answers. They must talk about what they are learning, write reflectively about it, relate it to past experiences, and apply it to their daily lives.

They must make what they learn part of themselves. " (Chickering & Gamson, 1987) ACTIVE LEARNING is defined as any strategy "that involves students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing". (*Bonwell, C., & Eison, J. (1991). ACTIVE LEARNING includes a range of teaching and learning activities. Involving students in well structured question and answer sessions in lecture classes individual think and write exercises, such as the pause technique or one minute papers pairing activities such as "think, pair, share" interactive seminars case studies More complex and higher risk processes might include such activities as:

Are gimmicks and trends getting in the way of teaching? Schools are incredibly complex places. We often use analogies that compare schools, and indeed the classroom, to emergency scenarios. Such language captures the sense of stress and struggle; many times have I felt as though I was languishing in a bunker awaiting the storm of our department's English GCSE results. I have certainly been guilty of using hoary metaphors when describing the classroom – all blood, guts and chewing gum.

Inside and outside the classroom, the whirlwind arrival of Ofsted often ushers in a state of emergency. Organisational theorist, Karl Weick, provided me with a striking emergency analogy in his work on crisis management. Weick highlighted how, in separate incidents – including Mann Gulch in 1949 and South Canyon in 1994 – many US firefighters died trying to outrun fires. Why didn't the firefighters down their tools and run in the face of raging fires? Consider GCSE interventions.

Could the downing of tools also relate to our obsession with Ofsted?

Hattie's effect sizes

Student led L / reduce T talk. Questioning. Misc. Feedback, Marking & Assessment. PDC in MFL. Methodenkollektion Bayern. Favourite blogs. Kenny Pieper – An English teacher in Scotland - Just Trying To Be Better Than Tomorrow - full of great insights and practical ideas Hunting English - Alex Quigley’s blog is clear, coherent and consistently thought provoking What’s language doing here? Lee Donaghy’s blog on what we need to know to move students from everyday to academic language. Excellent! Andrew Old’s wonderfully caustic (if relentlessly negative) view of education: Scenes from the Battleground John Tomsett’s blog - an English teacher AND an inspirational headteacher Headteacher, Tom Sherrington’s prolific and thoughtful blog headguruteacher Tessa Matthew’s blog, Tabula Rosa - gets quite cross about much of the silliness knocking around in schools.

Reflections of a Learning Geek by Lisa Jane Ashes – yet another wonderful, inspirational English teacher Science AST Tait Coles - Punk Learning for SOLO taxonomy and Project Based Learning and constructivist pedagogy Tom Bennett’s fabulously well written The Behaviour Guru.


Flipped classroom.