Werewolf Legends. As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. Partners - For your unwavering support and evangelism. Parents - For supporting the use of technology not only as an instrument of learning, but as a means of creating knowledge. We encourage everyone to continue to “Think, Create and Collaborate,” unleashing the power of technology to teach, share, and inspire. Best wishes, The Oracle Education Foundation. Lycanthropy - A history of the Werewolf. The mythos of the Werewolf has existed in some form or another since the times of Ancient Greece.
Lyacon, King of Arcadia was transformed into a wolf after serving the flesh of his son to the Greek god Zeus in an attempt to discredit Zeus’ divinity. The term “Lycanthropy” is derived from the Greek words lukos , “wolf” and anthropos, “man”. Lycanthropy is most closely associated with the transformation of a human into a wolf-like creature but the term does apply to the transformation into any animal. The myth of animals taking human form and vice versa has existed in religions and cultures of many societies, notably in the Native American culture. Warriors, Chiefs and the dead were thought to occasionally take the form of many different animals including wolves, bear and buffalo. The symbolism of being visited by these creatures represented a myriad of omens, both good and bad.
During the middle ages, the fear of Werewolves stormed through Europe. Bete du gevaudan. A History of Werewolves in the Movies. 1935: Werewolf of London The transformation of actor Henry Hull occurred in two cuts: As the actor walked behind pillars, he emerged in stages of werewolf makeup. 1941: The Wolf Man Actor Lon Chaney Jr. transforms in a dissolve. Filmmakers traced Chaney's outline on glass panes affixed to three cameras and used the outlines to reposition the actor for another shot after he returned from makeup. 1981: An American Werewolf in London To pull off actor David Naughton's transformation, makeup artist Rick Baker built prop hands and feet. 2003: Underworld These Lycans are men in rubber suits with animatronic faces. 2009: New Moon VFX artists devised a computer program that would allow a 1200-pound wolf to pop out of a 160-pound man. 2010: The Wolfman Though the final wolfman is a human in wolf makeup, director Joe Johnston used CG for the transformation.
Lycanthropy, Pseudoscience or Science? - James R. Biology Period 1. Sometimes determining the difference between science and pseudoscience could prove to be very difficult. Pseudo means ”fake” so to find out if something is fake or not you need to know enough information about the topic. Science is testing hypothesis, weighing possibilities, and finding out the truth. Science and pseudoscience are opposites from each other. Myth and fact. Lycanthropy, men turning into werewolves and granted strength and speed. Lycanthropy can be considered a science because it falls under a medical condition called clinical lycanthropy. Myth and legend over the years have turned lycanthropy into a pseudoscience. Werewolf to be completely fact, someone needs to come forth with cells or bones of a werewolf. I think it is a pseudoscience because there is a lot more evidence supporting that werewolves are fake.
From what I used to believe about lycanthropy has completely changed. Other Links: Lycanthropy. Here's an interesting article I found on Lycanthropy on Skptic's Dictionary, I wonder if a lot of myths actually came about from this? The delusional belief that one has turned into an animal, especially a werewolf. In Europe during the Middle Ages, lycanthropy was commonly believed to occur due to witchcraft or magic. One modern theory is that the rye bread of the poor was often contaminated with the fungus ergot, which caused hallucinations and delusions about werewolves. Stories of humans turning into animals such as tigers, swans, monkeys, etc., are widespread and seem to occur in all cultures, indicating shared human fears (e.g., fear of the wildest local beast) or desires (e.g., wishing for powers such as great strength or the power of flight), or common brain disorders. Here's what Wikipedia had to say on the subject (it rerouted me directly to werewolves when I typed in lycanthorpy) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia An 18th century engraving of a werewolf.
Science and Lycanthropy. L Y C A N T H R O P YBy the Dark Wolf Here are some articles I found about the scientific explanations for lycanthropy...Scientists hunt down the "wolf man" gene Lycanthropy Genetics "Scientists have pinpointed the gene responsible for "Werewolf" syndrome, an extremely rare genetic condition in which patients are covered in dense hair. "A team from Texas, which studied a family of Mexicans suffering from congenital generalized hypertrichosis, say that the precise identification of the gene could provide useful information about the normal distribution of human hair, and could eventually have significant application in the treatment of baldness. "Many of the victims of the condition have spent their lives performing in circuses. Four years ago, two Mexican boys aged 9 and 14 were banned from appearing in a circus in Blackpool after protests from child welfare groups. "There have been only about 50 known cases since the Middle ages.
Another cause of lycanthropic disorders was hallucinations. WEREWOLF SYNDROME – Hypertrichosis | The Human Marvels. The Wolf Boy, Living Werewolf or Dog-Faced Boy have been fixtures of the sideshow world for centuries. Jo-Jo, the Dog-Faced Boy is likely the most famous of the lot however cases of hypertrichosis have been reported and documented long before Jo-Jo. Hypertrichosis is really a blanket medical term that refers to excessive body hair.
It can actually be generalized, symmetrically affecting most of the torso and limbs, or localized, affecting only a small area or location. The term is, however, usually reserved to refer to very above-average amount of normal body hair that is unwanted. Nearly all the skin of the human body – with the exception of the palms and soles of the feet – are covered with hairs or hair follicles. The density of the hairs per square centimeter, the thickness of the hairs, color of the hairs, speed of hair growth, and qualities such as kinkiness tend to vary from one part of the body to another and also from one person to another. 'Werewolf' Gene May Explain Excess Hair Disorder | Hypertrichosis & Werewolf Syndrome | Stigmatized Health Conditions. Scientists have discovered a genetic mutation responsible for a disorder that causes people to sprout thick hair on their faces and bodies.
Hypertrichosis, sometimes called "werewolf syndrome" is a very rare condition, with fewer than 100 cases documented worldwide. But researchers knew the disorder runs in families, and in 1995 they traced the approximate location of the mutation to a section of the X chromosome (one of the two sex chromosomes) in a Mexican family affected by hypertrichosis. Men with the syndrome have hair covering their faces and eyelids, while women grow thick patches on their bodies. In March, a Thai girl with the condition got into the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's hairiest child. A man in China with congenital hypertrichosis helped researchers break the case. The extra DNA may switch on a hair-growth gene nearby, resulting in runaway furriness. The study is detailed in the June 2 issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics. 10 Bizarre Medical Conditions"
While scientists, researchers and capitalists search for the secrets of longevity, the answer may be found in the cure to one rare but heartbreaking disease that results in premature aging and death among children: Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, known also as progeria. Children born with progeria look like perfectly healthy babies in the first year of life. However, by the time they turn 2, most children with this unusual condition begin to show signs of advanced aging. Not only do the toddlers begin to look exactly like elderly adults, with thinning hair and wrinkled faces, they also begin to suffer from age-related diseases and infirmities: hardening of the arteries, loss of body fat, age spots on the skin, achy joints and bad hips. Kids with progeria share with seniors the same rates of cardiovascular disease and risk of stroke. Though they may live as long as 21, the average age of death is only 13.
Want more on bizarre medical conditions? 희귀난치성질환정보 출력화면/희귀난치성질환정보. 염색체 3, 홑염색체 3p(Chromosome 3, deletion of distal 3p)는 염색체 3번의 단완(p) 끝 부분(말단)이 결손된 희귀 염색체 질환이다. 증상과 소견의 범위와 심각도는 다양하지만, 관련된 특징으로는 태어나기 전과 후의 성장 지연, 심한 정신 지체, 두개골과 얼굴부분의 독특한 기형, 일자 눈썹(Synophrys), 털과다증(Hypertrichosis)등의 증상이 신체적 이상으로 나타날 수 있다. 많은 케이스에서, 염색체 3, 홑염색체 3p는 이유 없이 새로운 돌연변이에 의해서 일어난다. 남성과 여성에서 동일하게 영향을 받는다. 1978년 Verjaal M에 의해 처음 보고된 이 질환은 이후 약 34개의 사례가 의학 문헌에 보고 되었다.
염색체 3, 홑염색체 3p와 관련된 증상과 신체적 소견은 환자마다 범위와 심각도의 정도가 다양하다. 하지만 의학 문헌에 따르면, 많은 환자는 낮은 출생체중, 태어나기 전과 후의 성장 지연, 심한 정신 지체, 정신과 행동 활동의 협동을 요구하는 기술의 습득에서 심각한 지연(정신운동 지연), 털과다증, 두개골과 얼굴부분의 독특한 기형을 가진다. 환아(유아)에서 흔히 짧고 넓은 단두증이 보일 수 있는 비정상적 작은 머리(소두증), 편평한 뒤통수, 이상하게 높고, 넓게, 돌출한 이마가 나타난다. 머리와 얼굴에서 나타나는 이상으로는 삼각형 얼굴, 일자눈썹, 넓고 편평한 코, 긴 홈이 있는 인중, 얇은 입술, 작고 낮은 턱, 아래쪽으로 돌아간 입, 두눈먼거리증, 눈안쪽 구석을 덮는 피부(눈구석주름), 위로 경사진 눈꺼풀 주름(눈꺼풀틈새:palpebral fissures), 안검하수증(ptosis), 처지고 기형인 귀가 있다. 손가락이나 발가락이 정상 숫자보다 많은 다지증과도 연관이 있다. 난청과 시력 장애가 있을 수 있으며, 비정상적으로 앞쪽에 위치한 항문, 남자에서 잠복고환증, 신장 결함, 선천적 심장 결함이 나타날 수 있다. 인간의 세포 핵 안에는 개인의 유전 정보를 가지고 있는 46개의 염색체가 있다. Hypertrichosis and Its Causes - Treatment of Hypertrichosis | Good Evening World. Hypertrichosis is characterized by excessive localized or generalized hairy growth on certain areas of the body as a result of increase in length or density of hair.
Hypertrichosis is different from hirsutism which refers to male pattern of hairy growth on woman’s body because of increase in androgens (known as male sex hormones). Lanugo, vellus, terminal and several other types of hair are responsible for hypertrichosis. Lanugo is the fine and down-like hairy growth which is mostly seen in newly born babies. Lanugo disappears within a year after birth. On the other hand Vellus hair exists throughout childhood. Vellus hair too is smooth to touch similar to Lanugo but its thickness is more than Lanugo. Terminal hair, which is thicker than other types of hair, appears on genitalia.
It can also appear on men’s chest, legs hands and even back portion. What Causes Hypertrichosis? Mediterranean women or those having origin in Middle East and Asia can be seen having excessive hairy growth on body. Real-Life 'Werewolves' - Page 1. We've all heard the werewolf legends: When the moon grows full, so goes the legend, a man is transformed into a beast -- he grows hair, and acquires awesome powers. But what if it weren't the light of the moon but rather genetics that gave the werewolves of legend all that hair? The powers, though, remain the stuff of myth. For Danny Ramos Gomez, in his early 20's, genetics is the reason people call him "the wolf man. " Danny has a condition called hypertrichosis, which causes his body to produce an abnormal amount of hair everywhere. (CLICK HERE for more information about hypertrichosis.)
Danny's 26-year-old brother, Larry, also has hypertrichosis. But when they were little, it was different. Watch "Primetime Medical Mysteries" Wednesday, Sept. 19th at 10 p.m. "They kept them locked up, and they wouldn't let them come out until show time," said Betty Tampa, a circus performer partner of Danny's. Danny said he was too young to remember how it felt being in the circus. Public Perception. Claviceps purpurea, ergot fungus - THE POISON GARDEN website. This site uses botanical names. Click here for an A to Z common name to botanical name converter. Summary For many hundreds of years this highly toxic fungus, which finds a host in cereal crops, caused many thousands of deaths without anyone knowing of its existence.
Meaning of the Name Claviceps From the Latin ‘clava’, ‘club’ with the suffix ‘-ceps’, ‘-headed’ from its shape. Common Names and Synonyms ergot, ergot rust, ergot of rye, mother of rye How Poisonous, How Harmful? Ergot fungus contains a number of harmful substances collectively called the ergot alkaloids. Ingestion of claviceps purpurea has three principal effects though the balance between them can vary from sample to sample. Uterine contractions can be caused leading to miscarriage. The blood supply to the extremities can be restricted leading to a burning pain in the hands and feet.
A third of the ergot alkaloids is a close relative of LSD and is, therefore, strongly hallucinogenic. Incidents Folklore and Facts. Hypertrichosis1.jpg 300×401 pixels. Origin of the Werewolf Legend. During middle ages, especially from 15th to 17th century, Europe was under the dark shadow of ignorance and superstitions. Towns were underdeveloped and people lived near woods. The fear of wolves was like a nightmare. Their attacks were so frequent and atrocious in nature that people even feared to travel from one place to another. Every morning, countryside people would find half-eaten human limbs scattered on their fields.
The first recorded Werewolf sighting took place around the countryside of German town Colongne and Bedburg in 1591. An age-old pamphlet describes those shivering moments vividly. Few people cornered a large wolf and set their dogs upon it. Stubbe was put on a torture wheel where he confessed sixteen murders including two pregnant women and thirteen children. The savagery of his crimes was beyond imagination. No punishment could match the magnitude of Stubbe’s crime. The Magistrate of Bedburg built a grim monument remembering the ghastly incident. Werewolves: The Myths & The Truths.