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American Smocking. Share this: Learn the art of American smocking in this excerpt from the fabulous new Ruth Singer Book - Fabric Manipulation published by David & Charles.

American Smocking

This is one of the many techniques covered, other techniques include trapunto, ruffles, shirring, pleats, tucks, Suffolk puffs and 3D applique. Read our review of the book here and you can puchase it here. American smocking is worked entirely on the reverse of the fabric and creates a dense puckered design. Anthropologie squeezebox top DIY & sponsorship. The best DIY wallet tutorials. Tutorial: Sewing Panties.

This post is part of the Stretch Yourself series, hosted by Miriam of Mad Mim and Miranda of One Little Minute.

Tutorial: Sewing Panties

It is a two week long series about sewing with knits that have started last week, covering various topics like fabric selection, pattern-making, construction, finishing techniques with various style and projects by 10 guest bloggers. Today I am honored to be one of the guest blogger! Don’t forget to check out Jodi at Sew Fearless who will also posting about using stretch lace. My tutorial is for sewing your own panties, but most especially about using and attaching several types of elastics. Sewing your own panties is fast and easy, really it is much more faster than reading this whole tutorial. Stretch fabric: lycra, jersey. You can also trace them yourself from the ones you already have. For most pattern, you will have three pieces, front, back, and crotch.Fold your fabric and place your pattern pieces.

Stitch the sandwiched layers together using zigzag stitches. Related. Girl. Inspired. {sewing, crafts, party inspiration}: Dip Dyed Spring Skirt (Sewing Tutorial) Last week, I was experimenting with some fabric dye and ended up with this super fun dip dyed spring skirt!

Girl. Inspired. {sewing, crafts, party inspiration}: Dip Dyed Spring Skirt (Sewing Tutorial)

To see how to dip dye a skirt, head over to I Heart Naptime today for the full scoop. If you’d like to make your own skirt, read on. You could dip dye any sort of skirt, but this time I made a high low circle skirt out of jersey knit. I don’t have a great selection of knit fabric to purchase from locally, so I ran to Target and grabbed a twin sheet set for about $20. My Pattern Fitting Secrets. I have picked up a handful of fitting hints I should not keep secret!

My Pattern Fitting Secrets

Sewing should be FUN. That is why we buy and use Lutterloh. Why not master some great ways to fit your patterns? When you think about fitting a garment the first thing to consider is:"what does everything hang off of? " Starting at my head my next widest part is my shoulders. Making, Fitting & Altering Patterns. Patterns and projects.


Patchwork. Easy Crafts and Homemade Decorating & Gift Ideas. Approximately 5-6 yards of 54" wide decorator fabric for an average 26-30" wide window 5-6 yards 54" wide drapery lining coordinating all-purpose cotton thread tape measure clear quilting ruler pencil scissors yardstick sewing machine pins iron and ironing board 3 yards 4" wide header tape 8 drapery weights 16 clip curtain rings curtain rod Measure Curtain and Lining Panels Use a tape measure to determine length from floor to desired height of curtain rod.

Easy Crafts and Homemade Decorating & Gift Ideas

Subtract 1" to account for rings and add 16" for header and hem allowance. Transfer this measurement to fabric (Image 1). Use a quilting ruler or square and yardstick to draw a straight line across fabric panel. Fold and Press Hem Place fabric on ironing board wrong-side-up. Insert Weights and Sew Hem Open pressed double hem and place drapery weights about 18" apart along bottom edge of fabric, leaving about 3" on each end to allow space for fabric to be folded over. Hem Lining Place lining fabric wrong-side-up on ironing board.

НАРОДНЫЙ КОСТЮМ ( История русской материальной культуры) - Казакторг - казачий военторг. Казачий магазин, казачья лавка. НАРОДНЫЙ КОСТЮМ § 1.

НАРОДНЫЙ КОСТЮМ ( История русской материальной культуры) - Казакторг - казачий военторг. Казачий магазин, казачья лавка.

Мужской костюм Мужской костюм был в большей или меньшей степени однородным по покрою во всех великорусских областях, что связано с положением мужчины в обществе. И в экономическом, и в юридическом положении мужчина был более самостоятельной и мобильной фигурой. Отправляясь в свободное от сельскохозяйственных работ время на заработки, иногда далеко и надолго, мужчина общался с людьми иных местностей, с горожанами, знакомился с чужими обычаями и внешним видом, приобретал большую широту взглядов и терпимость, а его внешний вид нивелировался. Кроме того, одинаковые для всех местностей условия работы мужчины, обычно тяжелые, под открытым небом, делали мужской народный костюм функциональным, а функциональность опять-таки вела к единообразию состава и покроя.

Различия заключались в основном в терминологии. From the blue chair: Homemade Spray Starch. My husband teasingly accuses me of being a snoot about several things.

from the blue chair: Homemade Spray Starch

I like to think of it as being particular. 5 Unusual Sewing Machine Techniques. Your sewing machine just sews, right?

5 Unusual Sewing Machine Techniques

Wrong! It does so much more! There are some interesting and unusual embroidery techniques you must try out on your machine. Remember to test out on old fabrics! Trial and error is the best way to get to know your machine and how it works. Photos via leighlalovesyou Here are 5 unusual sewing machine techniques you should try: 1. Couching involves attaching a laid yarn or thread onto fabric with small stitches in a similar or contrasting thread and adds texture to a piece of work. Threads - For People Who Love to Sew.