Sikhism. Sikh Religion. The Sikh religion is a 500-plus year old tradition founded in the Punjab region of Northern India that focuses on devotion to God and service to humanity.
The name comes from the word "sikkha" which means "disciple" and also "to learn" in the Punjabi language. Sikhism came into existence within both a Hindu and an Islamic context; therefore, it contains elements of both these traditions within it. The founder of this religion - Nanak (1469-1539) - took these elements and synthesized them into a distinctly original new tradition. Sikh Texts. The Sikh Religion, Volume 1 by Max Arthur MacAuliffe [1909]Detailed information on the historical and philosophical background of Sikhism.
The Granth is the central text of Sikhism, a religion that emerged in the Punjab region of India in the 15th Century. Sikhism is a unique faith which has aspects of Islam: monotheism and iconoclasm, and Hinduism: reincarnation, karma and nirvana. Religion: Sikhism.