Upwork’s CEO on How an Introverted Engineer Learned to Lead. Executive Summary Kasriel grew up around computers and started writing programs when he was 12.
In a way, he says, he was like one of today’s typical Silicon Valley kids, but for him it was Paris in the 1980s. He recognized in high school that he prefers to be with small numbers of people or to be alone. Getting by in a crowd doesn’t come naturally—but as a CEO he now has to mingle at huge networking events or conferences. To manage that, he sets goals: Talk to at least 30 people, get 10 business cards, arrange five follow-up meetings. For 10 years Kasriel has worked to overcome the perception that engineers don’t make great leaders. Since assuming his role, in April 2015, he’s learned that a lot of the job comes down to helping employees feel excited about their work, empowering them, and giving them the resources they require.
Winni Wintermeyer. My 2015 Integrity Report. Today I am publishing my second annual Integrity Report.
The main purpose of my Integrity Report is to document the steps I’m taking to set a higher standard in my work, lead with honesty, and build a business that serves first. Integrity is one of those qualities that is easy to talk about, but much harder to live out on a day-to-day basis. My hope is that this report provides a reason for me to revisit my core values each year and consider if I have been living by them. There are 3 main questions that I will answer in this Integrity Report. Are You a Producer or a Performer?
Most senior executives are not fully aware that the shape of their career depends on the type of leader they are.
Some people are predisposed to being producers: They are skilled at conceiving new ideas and bringing them to market. Others are consummate performers: They know how to optimize the known systems and products of an organization, and how to make the most of existing practices. The Powerful Effect of Noticing Good Things at Work. Over the course of a typical workday, negative and positive things inevitably happen to you.
If you’re like most people, you tend to focus mainly, or even exclusively, on negative experiences. They’re what you ruminate over, what you talk to your friend about as you’re driving home, what you discuss with your partner at night. It sometimes feels good to talk about the negatives — it feels therapeutic. If someone were to tell you to focus only on the positive experiences in your day, you might be annoyed. What a Year of Job Rejections Taught Me About Pitching Myself. After sending out hundreds of copies of my résumé to dozens of companies over the last year, I realized that I was getting nowhere because my approach was wrong.
I did everything I was taught to do: I created a list of the top 20 companies I wanted to work for, I customized my résumé for each opening, I networked online and offline. I met some fantastic people throughout the process, but nothing got me closer to a securing a role, or even a chance to interview. What I had failed to do was ask myself some of the tough and honest questions early on. How to Stick With Good Habits Every Day by Using the "Paper Clip Strategy" In 1993, a bank in Abbotsford, Canada hired a 23-year-old stock broker named Trent Dyrsmid.
Dyrsmid was a rookie so nobody at the firm expected too much of his performance. Moreover, Abbotsford was still a relatively small suburb back then, tucked away in the shadow of nearby Vancouver where most of the big business deals were being made. The first popular email services like AOL and Hotmail wouldn’t arrive for another two or three years. Geography still played a large role in business success and Abbotsford wasn’t exactly the home of blockbuster deals. And yet, despite his disadvantages, Dyrsmid made immediate progress as a stock broker thanks to a simple and relentless habit that he used each day.
On his desk, he placed two jars. Zo word je de lievelingsfreelancer van iedere baas. Personal branding: leer van grote artiesten & durf op te vallen. Of je je er nu bewust van bent of niet, maar ieder mens is een persoonlijk merk.
Effectief communiceren. LinkedIn. Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken digitaal NL. Find Get Right Job. Succesvolle profielfoto’s: combineer je persoonlijkheid met kijkbaarheid. Een foto zegt meer dan 1.000 woorden Als je een product verkoopt, wil je als bedrijf graag dat jouw product op de allerbeste manier wordt gepromoot.
Je schrijft een pakkende tekst en je zorgt voor mooie advertenties met fantastische foto’s. Als je een dienst levert, wordt er veel minder aandacht aan de presentatie geschonken. In een overvolle markt met dienstverleners is een goed CV tegenwoordig misschien niet meer voldoende. Steeds vaker willen klanten weten wie de mensen achter het bedrijf zijn. Omdat jij, het bedrijf en je klanten het waard zijn De eerste kennismaking vindt steeds vaker digitaal en online plaats en daarvoor is een goede foto erg belangrijk. Iedereen wil graag weten met wie ze communiceren en of er al een eerste klik is.
Make a Good Impression in 30 Seconds - Ron Ashkenas. By Ron Ashkenas | 12:52 PM February 6, 2012 This post was co-authored with Holly Newman.
Here in the U.S., the Super Bowl this weekend showed us the power of 30-second advertisements, and how influential they can be in promoting a company’s awareness. But how often do we craft our own 30-second spots with audiences that we want to influence? Most of us are not in the business of making TV commercials, but in conversations there is almost always a 30-second moment that can make the meeting memorable. Malcolm Gladwell touches on this phenomenon in his book, Blink. So how do you turn your moment into an award-winning spot? Capture your audience’s attention. Convey a clear message.
Focus on differentiation. When you combine these three elements, you’ve got the potential for an influential “spot.” Our world is filled with noise, information, and distractions; so having someone’s undivided attention — even for 30 seconds — is an opportunity that shouldn’t be wasted. 'Elke dag levert hij een beetje in' Communicatie Samenwerken ManagementSite. Persoonlijke Effectiviteit in Zaken ManagementSite.